

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Stabilo B-47692-5 reviews.
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For Stabilo B-47692-5, 17 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.9.

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I bought 2 of these for our 5yr old, she hates writing and refuses to use a pencil, She prefers pens and felt tips, won't use crayons or coloured pencils. When this arrived she wrote a few lines of a story, and used the pen for drawing, I labelled the second pen and sent it in her book bag to school - sadly school have a no pens policy, they have to use pencils until year three when they earn a pen when their writing is neat enough. Hey ho! The pen is great, daughter loves it, uses it all the time at home and for homework! It clearly is easy to hold and grip and she gets on very well with it.


I purchased this for my daughter, she has dyspraxia and really struggles with both muscle strength and coordination. She has used these pens through Primary school and now into Secondary school. You can purchase refills in either blue or black which is great as her school prefers black and it makes the pen more cost effective. I definitely think they are worth the money as they really help my daughter, we’ve tried lots of grips and aids but this one is her favourite and looks more stylish too with lots of colour options for boys and girls.


I brought this pen for my 10 year old daughter who suffers from Dyspraxia and finds it painful to use a regular pen. She finds it alot more comfortable to use and it is gradually having a positive affect on her hand writing. HEr teachers have noticed an improvement already and her head teacher even complimented her hand writing last week which is a first.


This is fabulous and takes the strain of your hands. Nice and easy to grip. Simple to replace the ink cartridges and you do not get ink on your fingers either. Love this pen and you can buy black or blue ink for it which are not expensive. So good, I bought a left handed one for a friend.


This pen has really helped my 4 year old daughter with her handwriting. She loves it and even her teacher has commented on how much her writing has improved since using this during homeschooling.


Brilliant, Teacher recommended and i can see why. My grand-daughter tended to 'stab' with a normal pen and grip the very end. Problem solved. Thank you


Purchased two of these for my nephews who live in Turkey. However, I have used them many times before and love them. So comfortable to grip .


Brought has extra birthday present but they very nice and I’m sure they will be excited to get them and they arrived a day early


This is the only pen my daughter will hold properly. Expensive but worth every penny to get her to hold the pen correctly.


As a 1st proper writing pen for school it was practical sturdy and is easy to grip.My daughter loves it


We gave this pen to our daughter for Christmas. To say she's over the moon is an under statement


I love this pen, I have MS and I have a problem with holing a pen, this one is great.


My niece saw my blue one so brought her one of the pink ones she loves it


Really helpful to teach my daughter to write correctly


Excellent product nice price

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