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For Philips Classic LED 11W(75W) E27 matt, 214 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.1.

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I bought this bulb due to Philips' reputation for good quality, and am not disappointed.It is properly bright, even more so than older 18W LED bulbs, so its efficiency has definitely improved over older models. The light is a pleasant warm colour and colours render adequately.As I intend to use it for an electronic project, I opened it up and can therefore comment on the internal workings.Inside, the LEDs are well heatsinked, mounted on a metal PCB which is bonded to a metal plate, which in turn is bonded to the metal inner surface of the bulb housing, which should ensure good heat dissipation and long life for the LEDs. The capacitors, often the failure point in LED bulbs,are Japanese electrolytics which have a reputation for good quality and long life.
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Firstly I am massive fan of LED bulbs and Phillips bulbs in general. I have never had any issues and as a result I have a Philips LED bulb of different shapes and sizes in every room in my house. The bulbs are manufactured to an excellent standard and touch wood to date I have had no failures. Like most I'm interested to see if these bulbs will actually last 25 years.LED bulbs have dropped massively over the years and on average now cost between £5 and £7 for household bulbs of different sizes and wattages.The 100w bulb is very bright, I have have three in two seperate living room lights and it's like daylight in the middle of the night.Everyone that has seen them comment on how bright they are.Overall very pleased with the bulbs.
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In all fairness, I can't fault these. Quality as you would expect, and simplicity itself to fit.However, I didn't appreciate the change in luminosity from a 2 (ish) watt bulb to a 13 w bulb. I was after a light I could work to, but not one that was like staring at the sun. These things are VERY bright in small rooms.I swapped this bulb out for something a little less tabasco, at around 800 lumen, rather than the 1500lm these throw out.If it's lots of light you want, go for these. If you want something more subtle, look elsewhere, or use a heavy shade.


The bulb we had in our living room floor lamp wasn't very bright in the first place (my husband always complained about how dark it was) and when we repainted the walls grey, the room felt like a cavern. This bulb is the perfect brightness and bounces off the walls and ceiling to make the space feel warm. I will say we have to put the overhead light on when we have guests or we play a board game because it is still a single lamp for a decent sized room, but it works great when it's just the two of us.


I've been through 9 of these bulbs up to now - for 4 locations! In my experience, the 15000 hours is laughable, as that should equate to maybe 7-years for my typical use. Half of my bulbs have failed within 12-months (around 2000 hours). Maybe it's because my ceiling fittings are mostly enclosed, but LED bulbs generate very little heat so that shouldn't be an issue. But they are pretty cheap, bright and good quality whilst they last.


I like to give accurate reviews so I promised I would write one when the bulb finally went. Purchased this bulb on March 18th, 2017, it is now June 8th, 2021. I've used this bulb 10 hours a day on average, for a total of 15,400 hours of use. Which is almost spot-on what they claim, so I am very happy. Bought a 2-pack so I already had a spare ready, but I'm sure I'll be back to buy another in a few years when this one goes.


We were finding reading at night a struggle, but our lampshades would only take a relatively low watt bulb. However, these are much brighter and stay cool, so they're just the job. They arrived quickly, were well packaged (no chance of them breaking in transit) and have brightened up our lives. Can't comment on durability or energy efficiency yet, although I assume the latter must be good and hope the former is excellent.


Very happy with my purchase. I balked a bit at the price but having received them and put them into use I am more than happy. I bought them to replace the bulbs in my bedroom and the bathroom. I'm glad to see the back of that awful bright, strange yellowy light emitted from the bulb that was in my bedroom. This feel much more natural and is not overpowering. Absolutely perfect for my needs. Would recommend :)


Purchased for a bedroom lamp, wanting a warm white and not too bright. These bulbs are perfect! Hoping that they will last at least several months Having a 2-pack is convenient however and a fantastic price at time of purchase. Reassuring to have the Philip's brand.Only negative is the perhaps excessive use of plastic packaging. Hopefully on the way out!Recommended purchase.


They all worked perfectly unlike the cheap none branded ones where half of them don't work.They switch on instantly (none of that "warming up" like the first generation fo these low power bulbs). The light is also just like a normal lightbulb.Very impressive.From personal experience, it is worth buying the branded ones like these and paying a bit more.


+ This was bought to go in an outside light. I wasnt expecting much and was happy for just the bottom part of the garden to be lit. I have a 36ft long garden and get half the garden lit with the next quarter faintly lit but the last bit is dark. This was more than I expected and would recommend this bulb.- N/A+ = Positive/ = Neutral- = Negative


Replacements for standard incandescent bulbs as they fail around the house (mainly in table and bedside lamps. Immediate full brightness, unlike the earlier low-wattage lamps that infuriatingly took what seemed like minutes to get to full light. Hopefully will last well, unlike the old incandescents, which I seemed to be forever replacing.


Good quality, though the light given out isn't warm at all I associate warm with a yellowish glow this is more toward daylight), not that I mind as it was for the bathroom and as i don't spend hours in there it won't give me a headache. To be fair it does say white light in the title but it also says warm, bit confusing really.


This E27 bulb seems to work well and has good brightness too we’ve had no issues with it at all really and seemed to be priced well at the time of purchase (£3) which nowadays is a good price for a bulb especially with this one being a Phillips so overall I’m pleased with my purchase also fast delivery too with prime membership


I wanted a bulb that provided a decent output that wouldn't get hot for a mini lighting project in our loft.This bulb has performed in line with expectations, it's bright, stays cool and is robust (the main build is made of plastic). the usual level of quality and performance that I have come to expect from Philips bulbs.

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