

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for DOMO DO 9041 C reviews.
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For DOMO DO 9041 C, 10 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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Been looking for one of these for ages as all the other models Cut the sandwich in half. Found that using toast size bread ideal. I like to spread olive oil over the sides of the bread that lies against the hot plates then using a dessert spoon depress the slice of bread once it is position on the hot plate so as to hold a raw egg in place. (Medium to small eggs best).I would have preferred a slightly larger toaster but this was the only one I could find in the category I was looking for.


A toastie maker that is the correct size for bread. Unlike many other toastie makers, the bread does not hang out of the sides or ends of this machine. It fits perfectly. This means you get minimal spillage, and a toastie that is toasted to the edges. One top toastie maker.


Have been searching for a sandwich maker for ages that doesn’t cut the sandwich in half ! This one is perfect! You can make deep filled toasties andcas it doesn’t cut the sandwich in half you can even put an egg into the sandwich and it cooks it perfectly!


Bit fiddly to clean, be great if grill pans could be removed but it is a sandwich toaster. Best thing by far is it doesn't slice bread into triangles, been looking for a sandwich toaster for years that doesn't. Definitely recommend.


This design is so much better than those that seal the sandwich diagonally across the bread. Have been using this for a few months now and it produces hot crispy sandwiches. Delighted with my purchase.


It's not the best, but also not the worst. For me works well, but there are bread that are bigger than this product.... Ah well... I enjoyed my toast anyways! <3


Solidly make piece of kit. Keeps the bread in one piece instead of usual triangles. Great if you like an egg toasty!


Design is excellent. Seals the toasted sandwiches very well.


Very pleased. Makes excellent toasties.

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