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For TOMY Do Re Mi Dolphins, 151 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.8.

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As there are already quite a few reviews on both sides that this is and isn't a good toy...here is my summary.What's right with it?- Colourful interactive design- Good quality materials - durable toy- Suitable from 12 months till 8 years- Fun whistle feature with different notesWhat's wrong with it?- Rings don't stay together well- Price vs. educational value not spot on- Very hard to make different whistle sounds just by 'bopping' head which also causes rings to come apart- Would have been better with actual musicThankfully we received this a gift, but it is not something I would have brought myself, having now tested it out.I think there are more interactive toys on the market that give you more value for money.For example -http://www.amazon.co.uk/Winnie-Pooh-TOMY-Squirt-Bathtime/dp/B005UK3Z16/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448276917&sr=8-1&keywords=winnie+the+pooh+bath+toysThis link for the 'Winnie the pooh squirt and pour' bath set also gives the same age guideline from 12 months has been enjoyed since 4 months. And is around the same price.
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We bought this set last year for our son who is now 22 months, he loves them. They are played with at almost every bath time.On the down side I have to agree with some of the other reviews that the musical notes are not quite as easy to make, especially when water gets into the tube, and as yet, our son hasn't really bothered with trying to make them sing. They do take up most of the space on the bath rack, a net would probably be useful in which to store them.On the plus side, he spends ages putting the dolphins into the rings, and taking them out again, or joining the rings together (he hasn't got the strength to do it on his own as they are quite a tight fit, so needs a bit of help),or using the dolphins as water scoops, or threading the rings onto his arms like bracelets. We count them, and use them to help to teach him colours, and match the colours of the dolphins to the rings. He has hours of fun from this set, so much so that I'm ordering another set as a first birthday present for someone.From our experience, I would definitely recommend it.
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One of the best value-for-money toys on the market and un-arguably one of the mosty endurable. And if you had met my nine-year old son,(a small natural disaster constantly looking for a place to happen!) you would understand the true value of that statement.I first bought this set for my oldest twins. That was about 11 years ago. We had an older son and daughter, and the twins were followed by another three. All seven of them loved this toy for many years. We have lost some dolphins and some rings over the years,(and I do mean lost, not broken) and now we only have two dolphins and three rings. But they still work.It is true that the rings don't hold together very well, but this is not really important,they can still be played with floating individually round the bath. We now have a two year old with CP, who loves the sounds and colours, and another young baby, so I will definately be buying another set of dolphins this xmas.
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I was dubious after reading these reviews but me and my 21 month old have had great fun playing with these in the bath tonight.They DO whistle, you just have to bash then quite vigorously on the head. Alternatively my son liked them to jump up and down which has the same effect. you can blow the whistles yourself if you want to make a louder noise.The rings don't hold together particularly well but who cares, if I wanted to teach my toddler scales and to play tunes then I'd get him a piano not a bath toy. The rings were a great source of fun too, wear them as a hat, play hoopla and try to catch them on his toes, the dolphins can ride around the bath like a train,you can fill the dolphins up with water and tip the water out all over mummy/the bathroom floor!Am I the only parent here whose toddler hardly uses any toys for the exact purpose they were intended?!
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These are fabulous toys! Brightly coloured, and the musical element is great fun, they each make a different whistle sound so you can play approximations of but recognisable little tunes, e.g. twinkle twinkle little star. In a toddler depth bath with a good pat on the head you get a solid whistle sound. The rings support the dolphin upright which is necessary for noise as it's pressure from the water pushing air through the top of the dolphin that produces each whistle sound. If you drop the dolphin into the water upright you can also get a good sound. And blowing through them from the bottoms also works.All in all these are great, really durable as there's nothing to go wrong.Even my 9 month old can get a decent noise out of them with a solid pat on the head!
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This is the BEST bath toy ever.I ordered it with some trepidation due to the mixed reviews and the poor video clip.My grandson loved it on sight. In the water it is excellent and the sounds are very good, and much better than on the promotional video. You tap the dolphin's heads when in their rings, and even my grandson can do this unaided.. The rings clip together well - just push down. The dolphins have very friendly faces and the colours are delightful.I will definitely buy this toy again as a gift, and recommend it without hesitation


This is a great toy to buy for a young baby as it almost can be thought of as growing with the child. The colours are bright and the rings are easily gripped by a small baby but as they grow they can match the dolphins to their rings or experiment with colours, then discover the different musical notes obtained by pushing the dolphins and even play tunes. Because of this, it lasts until they are several years old, certainly school age, but yet it is not that expensive for the hours of fun that can be had.


Children love this toy. Adults seem to have issues with it, because they don't think like kids anymore! Think Peter Pan, imagination, ok so the rings come apart, good, put them back it's FUN! Kids imagine them swimming away, just like real dolphins would.Inconsistent sounds? Come on, splish splash, sing in the bath, don't worry about a 'Toy' making a sound, where are the broom brooms and whizz bangs on most toys? In a child's mind...Love these, get some, NOW!


Dolphins are lovely bright colours and the ring for them is easy to assemble. It's doesn't stay together when there's a toddler playing with them in the bath and they don't easily make the sounds as advertised. I've only had a few squeaks out of ours. Definitely can't make a tune. A good bath toy all round and I bought because they are hard plastic so easier to clean.


My 1 year old loves these in the bath and just playing in the house, they are brightly coloured and easy to hold. In the bath I find the 'singing' is very quiet and not amazingly tuneful! Also I find that if the dolphins are saturated (i.e. in the bath while it is running) they do not make a noise. So need to be removed until they can be put in the rings.


My 20mth old daughter loves the dolphins and asks for them in her bath almost every day. She loves using them to pour water and blowing through them to make them whistle. They aren't pitch perfect, so if you are looking to buy this toy to teach your child about music, it isn't the toy for you, but they are still a lot of fun.


I have bought for my 4 year old as a new bath toy and wanted to warn everyone that the box has a baby on it so now I'm panicking the 6 year old will pick up on this and make 4 year old not want it......be aware! This is not a toy you can get for anyone who might not like a box with a photo of a baby playing with it


Our kids love these dolphin toys. They all link together or can be played with separately. Perfect for the bath or the sandpit. Hardwearing and easy to clean. They also make a noise if you push them up and down in the water. Lovely bright colours and easy to hold. Great for little and big kids alike.


You can not go wrong with bath toys. I got these when my daughter was 1 as part of her Christmas. There's not a huge variety of bath toys available so I would recommend these. They are fun to have. They are educational as they're different colours and each of them make different whistling noises.


Its true the dolphins dont stay in a ring - NAUGHTY DOLPHINS! But they do make a lovely sound. You just have to make sure the chamber is free of water. We have had these for 6 years now and they are still going strong - especially like the purple one with the crazy eyes.
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