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For Barbie Dream Villa Adventure Daisy Doll (GHR59), 95 customer reviews collected from 4 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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At the time I reviewed this Barbie with accessories I was not aware that she is a character from the animated TV series Barbie's Dreamhouse Adventures but have since been talking to the children of family and friends who were able to advise me about that. Fans of the show are the obvious target market and probably those which will appreciate it the most.The comments I made when posting the last review still stand though, it is great to see some diversity within the range, not a single body shape or ethnic background represented exclusively as was the case of the older barbies with narrow hips and very slim builds. It is also one of Barbie's friends, a character from the show,as opposed to a different imaging or characterization of Barbie herself.Some of the comments posted by another reviewer may be true in so far as the PR information has the most perfectly presented version of the Barbie doll, I do not think it is a dramatic difference (for instance I do not share their view about the doll's hair) and unlikely to cause disappointment but it is true none the less. While noting this I should say that it did not effect the enjoyment of the children who played with this doll in any way.It is a sturdily constructed play thing and I believe likely to last and wear well through repeated normal play. Nice edition to the Barbie range. More reflective of many woman's true body shapes. Recommended.
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Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures is a cartoon TV series currently on channel POP in the UK. This doll is one of the characters from the TV show, Daisy, who is one of Barbie's friends.My 9-year-old daughter has had a few Barbie's in her time, and she likes them all. But the ones she likes the best are the ones that look most like her, or the ones with accessories. For that reason I think this is good but would be particularly good for fans of the TV series.The Daisy doll is nice and simple which makes it one of the affordable Barbies. The doll has pink hair, lovely blue eyes and wears the clothes from the show - a purple top, blue jeans and flat leopard-print shoes.Also the pose with the bent arm on one side can't be changed as the arms and legs don't have joints at the elbows and knees (with the bent arm being slightly different to the one in the main product image which is bent at a more acute angle).Also it is good that Daisy is a more curvy doll as several reviewers have already mentioned. Overall then an affordable Barbie doll but best for those who like the TV show.
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This Barbie doll is based on the Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures, a TV series on the POP channel in the UK. The avid viewers are called ‘Dreamers’ but you don’t have to watch the TV series in order to play with this doll.She comes with long vibrant pink hair which really is bright! She’s dressed in a purple top, distressed denim jeans and yellow shoes. The jeans look realistic with a faded look that kids love.Like all toys of this genre, all your kids need is their imagination to make up their own adventures.The packaging is a standard vacuum plastic on a cardboard backing. It’s well printed and presents the doll quite nicely. The only drawback is that the packaging has to be destroyed to get at the doll.While this is great for assuring that the product is mint clean and has not been handled since manufacture, it does mean that a collector cannot open it. Collectors have to keep packaging in mint condition in order to maintain its value.Overall, this is a nice doll at an economical price.
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Brilliant addition to Barbie collection. I do prefer more real life looking dolls rather than supermodel-princess-anorexic style - blondes. Previously I purchased a few dolls from Fashionista range, and all of them were just beautiful. This exact doll offered for test is Daisy from Dreamhouse Adventures. It was a kids TV show, I think. I know nothing about the character, but absolutely loved the doll. This is exceptionally beautiful, curvy little lady, which looks like healthy real woman, wearing casual purple top, blue jeans and animal printed yellow shoes. I don't really like the pink coloured hair in general (as well as blue/green, etc) as it doesn't look natural, however,in this case it doesn't look weird or alien. It suits this doll, actually.The doll can stand by itself (which is not always the case with barbies), however, it can't be sit up in a "normal" way as the knees can't be bended.Overall, just as beautiful. Price is attractive as well.
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My wife still loves dolls and she has a good collection of them. This is a new realistic version of Barbie dolls range. I think it is a great addition as human comes in all different shapes, colours and sizes hence we need our children to understand and learn this from early age.This Barbie is called Daisy and she is very beautiful and stylish. She is wearing a purple top on denim Jean's trousers. She is wearing a pair of yellow leopard print casual shoes.Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures range offers exciting new range of dolls in Daisy's family and friends as children especially little girls like to imagine all sort of scenario and adventures.Let their imagination takes them where they want to go.My wife is very happy with this new addition and will definitely want to buy few more in this range.
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My daughter saw this in a toy catalog and immediately asked for it for Christmas. She said the doll was beautiful. She loved her hair and I loved how the doll wasn’t a stick figure like the old barbies. My daughter was so happy to receive it at Christmas. I love how barbie have made a more inclusive range, making different body shapes and also making barbies in wheel chairs and some that are amputees to name a few. This has become my daughter’s favourite barbie and she uses it as the mum when she is playing house with all her other barbies. The doll is wearing a lovely jumper and Jean look leggings. The hair has stayed put and is still glossy and smooth despite visiting my daughters hair salon,with plastic brushes being aggressively pulled through her hair.
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Originally Barbie had no hips. She was a stick figure with curves only in specific places. There was uproar, and Barbie had to go on a new diet to fill out slightly and make herself more realistic a role-model.Body shaming works both ways. Barbie doesn't need to be stick thin, Barbie also doesn't need to be fat. Lets just let Barbie be happy in her own skin.Here we see her with some actual hips, some loose-fitting clothes and red hair. She probably did some pole-dancing in her younger years, but childbirth put a stop to that. Here Barbie looks happy. She also costs a lot less than she did when she wasn't a good role model for children.


So we have Daisy Doll from the Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures which is a step in the right direction for Barbie to create dolls that are not all supermodel and half starved. However saying that why isn't she equally glamourous and why dress her in slobby Jean's and badly fitted top? I'm not sure if this is a slightly a wrong step. By all means have a larger more natural shape doll but us big girls are not all slobs. This doll is well made and I believe to be part of a TV programme in which the kids are all dreamies. Not suitable for children under 3 years old due to small parts like shoes. I'm sure they will make any child very happy


Like Daisy a lot, and I hope the small person she's going to will as well. Daisy is still pretty and cartoony, but has a more natural outline which can only help. She wears a purple top and stretch jeans. Her feet are tiny, although she will stand in her shoes or in bare feet. Loved the pink hair, although it get wild once you take the tape off.My niggle, and I guess to be expected, is her lack of articulation. She only moves at the hips and shoulders, although her head is reasonable. Would be more fun if you could move her more.


A VERY welcome addition to the Barbie collection - a doll with a normal figure. It only took 50 years! Daisy, and the rest of this series of dolls, is a tie-in to the Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures series on Netflix, and they are faithful renditions. So either you are consider this doll because your child is already watching the show, or you are buying the doll first and are about to be nagged into putting it on.It is a good TV show and has our 7- year old well entertained.The doll herself if good quality.


Barbie has had a transformation and it’s real. Never have I seen a barbie look more life like.Finally a realistic barbie that doesn’t make us resent her shape. Daisy has natural curves and looks amazing with her bright pink hair.Daisy is dressed in her signature purple peplum top and jeans with her quirky but comfortable shoes.Showing you can be different and just love yourself in your own skin.A positive role model for kids rather than an unobtainable figure of barbers of old.


Bought this for my daughter after buying some barbies off my nieces wish list for her birthday, when they arrive my daughter was wanting to play with them.As she is young I decided just to buy one doll to see if she would play with it, came well packaged and good price.Main reason I bought this was because this Barbie is a bit chunkier than the normal skinny barbies which is great. Make more normal sized barbies.....


First of all I need to tell you that I did not purchase this item but it was sent to me by Amazon in return for an honest and unbiased review.This lovely doll is suitable for 3+ she is dressed in jeans, a purple top, big blue eyes and has pink hair all down her back!The granddaughter instantly loved her and I’m sure she will be treasured for a long time. Recommended.


I am a 66 year old hippie doll collector, and Daisy is just so cool, she reminds me of my travelling past. So pretty - I also got her a boyfriend, a surfer dude , with real long blond hair. I've been searching for him for so long. Called him Keanu, which means "the breeze" in Hawain. Keep up the diversity. More male dolls with proper hair, though, please!


I gather (from a mile-a-minute explanation from my eldest daughter) that Daisy is a somewhat minor character in the Life in the Dreamhouse series, but was lovingly accepted into her collection.The doll itself is pleasingly well-designed with a realistic body shape, as well as having relatively everyday clothing.A nice addition to the Barbie range.

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