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Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceWhen asked what the best RPG is, most console gamers would likely reply "Final Fantasy", or possibly "Zelda", or maybe even something like "Grandia". But ask most PC gamers and they would most likely utter two words which have become synonymous with PC RPG's - "Baldur's Gate". Based on the extremely popular Dungeons and Dragons game, the original PC games used the same set of comprehensive rules that the board game did, but with the benefit of not having to wade through rule books and roll twenty or so dice at a time. Baldur's Gate not only had the entire mythology and rule-set of D&D, but it also had amazing graphics and a story line that adapted depending on how you designed you character,and how you played the game.Now fast forward a few years, and we have the first ever Baldur's Gate on a console: Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. But as with so many PC conversions, almost all of the cerebral gameplay has been 'misplaced' along the way. It is a well know fact that there are two very different audiences for PC games, and console games, and it is also a fact that console gamers are, in general, attracted to more action packed instantly gratifying games. With this in mind, most developers making a PC conversion tend to modify, to a greater or lesser extent, the levels of action and brain work in a game.Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, is one such game. Gone are the extensive character creation options of the PC version, and in there place is the option to choose between three generic characters (an Elven Sorceress, a Human Archer, a Dwarf Fighter and a secret character who requires unlocking). As in the PC version these characters gain experience as you progress through the game, and you can customize the attributes (like Strength and Proficiency with different weapons). However, the most important difference between the two games is the story line. Every RPG lives or dies by its story line and frankly this is Dark Alliance's weak point. The fact is that the storyline is rather detached from the gameplay, the story is driven by the odd encounter with a certain Dwarf chieftain, or a maiden in distress. These characters then give you a task (which almost invariably involves finding and killing something). And this is pretty much how the story unfolds.So, with a game now so reliant onit's gamplay, how does Dark Alliance fare? Thankfully, not too badly; gone are the quazi turn based encounters of the PC games, and in their place is a real time combat system. You now have a lot more control over you characters movement; controlling them directly instead of through a point and click interface. And the combats between you and the hoards of Orcs, Goblins and whole host of other such enemies, is defiantly an intense and challenging experience. The magic system is also very different, instead of selecting and memorizing thirty or so spells, your character has just a few spells that aid him or her in combat.The most noticeable difference in this conversion is undoubtedly the graphics. This is where the game excels. Never before has the Forgotten Realms (the location within the Dungeons and Dragons game world in which Baldur's Gate is set) looked so beautiful. The now completely 3D world has a polish to it that few RPG's can match. In addition, the rousing sound track, and effects are well above average for an RPG, and every character with whom you interact now has very convincing voice acting.In terms of longevity, this game can't hope to match the epic scale of its PC counterpart (which game on 4 CD's, and had to install a massive amount of data to a hard disk). However, this is not a short game, it contains at least thirty hours of gaming, and there are extra modes to be unlocked upon completion.The final point, and possibly one of the best parts of this game is the two player option. Very few games allow two people to work together as a team, instead of against each other. Yet Dark Alliance allows two players to team up and take on the masses of nasties that await them. This is great fun, and means that you can plan fights more tactically, or just wade in with double the number of flailing sword arms.In summery, if you are what the games developers see as a typical console gamer, i.e. someone who likes the instant gratification of a quick blast of arcade gamplay, but with a story along the way, then this game will be perfect. However, if you are looking for similar gameplay and strategy elements that were present in the PC versions of Baldur's Gate, this game may come as a bit of a disappointment.Graphics 9Sound 8Gameplay 7Lifespan 8Overall 8A fine fantasy adventure RPG set in the rich world of Baldur's Gate. Great for action fans, but may disappoint players of the PC games looking for strategy and depth
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I first encountered Baldurs Gate on its first incarnation on the PC, I instantly became a fan of it, however due to the almost antique nature of my home PC I was barely able to play it properly (It was down to sheer perseverance that I actually finished it).When I spotted an Incarnation of the game on PS2 I was initially sceptical, I was concerned how the gameplay would translate onto a console, and when I read into it I was somewhat put aback at how there were only 3 pre-made characters to choose from, this is a whole different situation to the the endless combination of powers and skills available on the PC versions, which allowed you build up anything from the ultimate thief to a proper conan,depending on what mood you felt like.The second point that worried me was the point that you could no longer gather a motley crew of randoms to fight alongside you, when I was previously used to having upto 6 characters to take on the evil hordes with.However, all was forgiven when I actually played Dark Alliance, after a quick play on the tutorial, I began to understand and get to like the simplistic controls. The scenery also seemed satisfyingly familiar, especially when you immedietly turn up at a tavern that I spent ages wandering around in circles trying to find on the PC.Whilst on the subject of graphics, I was amazed, it all looked ....right, not just good, but right. suitably dark and moody. Nice touches like the water textures and amusing work on the barmaid (as mentioned on previous reviews) show that A LOT of time and effort has been spent making this game look the part, to compliment playing the part too, although maybe the barmaid shows that maybe there was a little TOO much spare time on the programmers hands.To be honest, I have only played this game for about 1/2 an hour so far, so I'm not going to start making comments on longevity, although I'm sure it's not going to be the 4-month mission that Tales of the sword cost was, as I stumbled around completing every single quest I could find, and opening up sub plots every time I could find them.As far as D&D accuracy goes, I certainly wouldn't know, I've never so much as read a rule-book let alone played a game of it, but to be honest, you dont need to be into D&D to apreciate this game, just an apreciation for a good RPG. All I know is that there is nowhere near as much going on in this version as its PC counterparts, wether this is due to hardware limitations I wouldn't know, I'm no programmer.So, in conclusion, this PS2 incarnation could be looked at as "Baldurs gate - lite", easier to get into and far easier to play and progress in than the PC versions, where you're more likely to spend your first hour bashing rats only to go out into the wild world and get taken out by a stray dog.Well done black isle, hope to see a sequel / expansion soon, and for the more nerdy, some sort of carachter generator would be nice.
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I bought a Playstation 2 the week before last and this was one of the first games I bought to go with it. Indeed, this game was one of the reasons why I wanted a Playstation, as the Baldur's Gate series of games on the PC are the best that I have ever played. Well, if you're a veteran of the PC games, this game will disappoint slightly. It's very much Dungeons-And-Dragons-Lite, a very loose interpretation of the 3rd edition rules. The gameplay essentially involves you going from one place to another and whacking everything that moves. It is VERY linear - you do everything in a set order and you cannot deviate from the critical path. For example, at a certain crucial point in the game you will be invited to join the Harpers.Although "no thanks" appears as a dialogue option, there's not a lot you can do if you don't join up. The game world is similarly shallow: you can only talk to people who are directly related to the plot; otherwise they're just scenery. Similarly, the Baldur's Gate and dwarven camp areas have a fair few buildings but you can't go into any of them. I would also say that the game is a little on the short side: it takes no more than ten hours to beat it compared to the 200+ hours of Baldur's Gate 2. However, the game does have considerable replay value with multiple characters to try (including a cool unlockable one), four levels of difficulty (note: do not choose "easy" - it simply isn't challenging enough), "gauntlet" mode and co-operative two player.It is very pleasing on the eye: the character and creature models are excellent (although some of the monster animations are less than stellar), the interiors look wonderful (the exteriors are OK but look as though they're made out of square sections - and they probably are) and the water effects are simply stunning - you'll wade through water just to watch the ripples. The sound is really good, especially the music, composed by Jeremy Soule, the same fellow who did the beautiful music for the Icewind Dale games.The story is not too bad. It avoids the usual cliché that the fate of the whole world somehow manages to rest on your puny first-level shoulders. Instead, you start out clearing a cellar of rats for a handful of gold. Then you go looking for some idiot who went after you and hasn't come back and so it goes on. There's a delightful twist at the end as well - I certainly wasn't expecting it.In conclusion, if you're looking for a simple, undemanding but superior hack-and-slash game, you could do a lot worse than 'Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance'. So long as you're not expecting the depth and interactivity of the similarly named PC games, you won't be disappointed.
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This game was nothing less than incessant action and adrenaline surges. Graphics are well defined; combat interface smooth and engaging. Character development manifests itself within a great feature, involving the advancement of rank points allocated to certain skills of your choice. This means a traditional mage, fighter or ranger can be created with varying specialties. Weapons/items exchange system is the most pleasing element of all, whereby items can be purchased with abandon at certain shops/camps located in safe areas. As they are all readily accessible, you can determine what requisite funds enable you to claim these merchandise - this makes the game far more engrossing,adding greater incentive to combat forays.The levels are fairly uniform with closed boundaries and linear routes though involving a degree of flexibility e.g. some paths meander off the beaten track, hidden caves are available etc... In this respect, some fiend confrontations are optional allowing the gamer to veer off the direct route and regulate the extent of battle combat. Additionally the levels are heterogeneous constantly maintaining your interest. A special level and character can be unlocked upon the fulfilment of certain criteria succeeding completion. Another superb facet is the character import option, whereby you can transport your character from one save file to another, meaning you can play as a menacing warrior right from the start, slaying hordes of vermin in dominating fashion!The game is disappointingly curtailed however and no degree of complexity underpins the plot. However it cannot be compared to more substantive RPG instalments e.g. Final Fantasy, since its own criteria outweigh these negatives e.g. spontaneity of real time combat, limited stratagem offset by rapidity of manoeuvres etc... Brilliant game in terms of addictive and forthcoming entertainment but perhaps lacking slightly in longevity and scale. Its worth a buy and unlikely to disappoint.
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This game is classy! If you have played the PC versions of Balder's Gate, you will not be disappointed. If you haven't then you are in for a treat.The game is highly playable, the cut scene's not too tedious and there is a good atmosphere to the game - something that very few games seem to achieve. What I mean by this is that all the aspects of Dark Alliance come together really well and the game designer's concept communicates excellently with you, the gamer. The fighting aspect of the game allows you to adopt either a "get stuck in and give em hell" approach or a more cautious and skilled approach by using long range weapons or magic.The graphics are very impressive,the landscape is well conceived and not too sprawling. The trading aspect of the game (buying weapons, armour, potions & magic items) is correctly scaled in that you cannot buy items that are too good for the stage of the game that you are at, and yet just as you have managed to afford that top of the range sword, you move on to the next area where there are even better things!The plot of the game won't win any awards - it starts off promising, then gets steadily less interesting until near the end when there are a couple of nice touches.In summary - this is a challenging game (unless you play on easy) that will keep most people entertained for many hours. It is the best 2-player cooperative game I have played on the PS2. (Why are there not more decent 2-player coops?) Can't wait for the next installment!
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Baldur's Gate arrives on the PS2 with great effect. I much enjoyed playing it on the PC and a good job has been made of transfering it to the PS2. The game basically consists of hacking and slashing your way through a vast number of levels. There are also puzzles to solve, so a bit of thought is required. You can play as a human, elf or dwarf, each having different areas of skill. The key is to collect as much gold and experience points as possible, in order to improve your character's weapons, armour and skill levels. There is also the challenge of assigning experience points to your advantage during different points of the game. For example, with the elf it is better to concentrate points on a particular spell to make it more effective,rather than have a wider range of weaker spells.The graphics are fantastic and it's great to try and complete the game with all the characters. As mentioned in a previous review, the number of available characters is slightly disappointing compared to the PC version. However, each of the characters here has a wide range of skills.It is also possible to import a character from a previously completed game into a new game in order to keep improving the character's level. The disadvantage of this is that the game becomes very easy even on the hard level since the monsters are no match for you.This is one of the most addictive games I've played on the PS2. It's great fun and I can't wait for the next version.
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I'm fairly new to RPGs but for me, Baldurs Gate was a stunningly addictive game.The first thing that strikes you are the graphics - they are amazing. Its extreamly hard to fault them, from the mesmerising magic effects and the heat haze rising above the torches, to the incredible water effects that ripple out and splash around when you walk through it. You can literally spend 10 minutes just playing around in the water levels. The character cut scenes are seamlessly blended in to the game too and are very well done (note the animation on the bar maids two best assets!!). The magic effects are mesmerisingThe gameplay is everything you want from an RPG, but with a much more action feel to it.The usual weapon/gold collecting and skill enhancements are all there, but the focus is on hack and slash. Also, this is avery linear, game, something hardened RPG'ers may not like.Overall this beats the likes of Summoner for looks and playability, it really is a joy to play, but there is one draw back..... its criminally short (for an RPG). Summoner may not look as nice but it does last around 45 hours, whereas this took me 15 hours to complete, and I wasn't racing through.You can of course do the extra challenges (Gauntlet mode etc) and re-play the adventure as a different character (which suprisingly does change the gameplay significantly) but you can't help but feel a bit short-changed.In conclusion, stunning it is. An Epic, it's not.
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Previously I was massively into AD&D so I had been looking forward to this for a long time, and I wasn't dissappointed. Gameplay and graphics are superb. Yes - you will spend some time jumping around in the water and watching blood spray up the walls from the multitude of creatures you're cutting up. Only three characters are available to play at the start. And it is not until you complete the Gauntlet Mode and the Extreme mode that you get to play with Drizzt within the main story.The characters you do have can have their attributes altered as you progress together with powerups specific to each of the characters which are also selected as you gain levels.On the Easy through Hard levels thegame is relatively easy though the jump to extreme is a little severe and will keep you occupied for a while. Average time to complete any given level is about 6-7 hours.There are a couple of ways to make the game easier for players with regards to saving and importing charcters, but it can take the fun out of it a little.Occasionally you will see some blockiness when moving quickly across the screen, but this is limited to a few places and doesn't distract from the overall effects.The only other negative points are some of the traps just vapourise you totally - so make sure you save often if you don't want to have to redo an entire level.
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First of all, This is the best available RPG for the PS2 yet! Final Fantasy X and ICO are on there way for hard core RPG players like me. But if your more into action this is the game for you. The visuals are very impressive, water ripples, haze off fire, clever stuff! Especially as the world is rotatable in 3D unlike previous Baldur's Gate games. The voice acting is very good indeed, it is the first game that the characters actually look like they are speaking. No FMV sequences are implemented, all the graphics use the game engine. So Stunning graphics, Quality Sound and Impressive gameplay! Where can it go wrong? The answer is...Lastibility, I completed this game in under 10 hours.This is far too short for an RPG, with games like the final fantasy series taking over 50 hours. That said, after completing the game a secret mission with a secret character is available for play. If you complete that, extream level becomes available. Beat that, and you can play with the secret character in the main game. Cool huh? I cant wait for the next 'follow up' game, using your saved characters from this game. Even if it does require shelling out even more money, I wont missout. If you want quick thrills and an action filled, pacey game without an over complex story line this is the game for you!
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I have played through this game a few times with my brother. While it is a solid single-player experience on its own i truly shines as a two player cooperative game. Featuring the usual array of heroes you roam the lands in search of damsels in distress and dragons to be slayed. Well, almost. The game is unfortunately very linear and plays more like an isometric action game han an RPG. The choice of weapons and number of monsters is very limited and supports that notion. Still, the game mechanics are rewarding an it is fun hacking and slashing through the various stages which consist of a few acts all set in different "worlds" and surroundings. The story is a very basic fantasy story,nothing great to expect here. The controls are intuitive and efficient in regards to the flow of the game which is rather fast and arcade style than slow and tactical. The boss encounters have a few strategic elements to it (as in how to beat them) but that is about as tactical as the game goes.All in all, a stripped down, more action orientated version of the Diablo formula. In fact, the game almost resembles classic dungeon crawlers a la Gauntlet more.Highly recommended as a coop game. In single player, it is an average game and lacks depth
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okay first of all i would like to say that i am an FFgamer meaning that i gennerally when i think rpg i think FF or alike this is nothing liek FF yet it is still great the only comparing is that both have great stories and both makes you want to do it all over again reight after you finish about the game you start by chocing between a archer a socere or a drawf each with varyiets strengts and weakness then the game start you start out in a litle town where you first job is to kill a bunch of rats not very exceting is but i gets better you get to fight knights giants orgers trolls and more and you are doing it with a great line of weaponery sharp club heavy bows and sorts and onlike most i ahveplayed in this one you have a say in how you stats are raised when you level up a great feathur i mean when you think about how many games where you are pissed over that some charaters arent getting any better stronger or so and the story is filed with both damsels in destress whichs and other evil the story spand acordingly to what you have choosen so your chosie have a saying in other then what you are going to be best at and one of my favorit things is that it is possibel to co operat with a friend i defendtly recommend it
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All though its much different that the other baldurs gate games, it is a great game with improvements from the old. All of the people who said that this game was too much of a hack and slash mindless game have clearly never played it. The sound is perfectly fit to the environments and helps set the mood. It offers around 15-20 hours of gameplay. I almost finished it when I accidently deleted my save. For that I cant tell you about how it ends. The graphics are unbelievable. The spells, and character movement are some of the best I have ever seen. You can rotate the camera 360 degrees to give you a choice of camera angle, and to apreciate the detail. In my opinion, one of the absolute best features is the water.The ripples follow you and spread out to the walls, where it bounces back just like real water. If you throw something in the water, the rings go off around it. The gameplay is also impressive. You bacicaly run around and talk to people, solve puzzles and kill bad guys. If I were to have to name 1 bad feature, it would have to be its too short. Its longer than most games, but I just about beat it in a week. Other than that, this is easily one of the best ps2 games out there.
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Baldur's Gate, a successful RPG on the PC has been transferred to the console market for Dark Alliance but the game heads for a more 'hack and slash' style theme instead of the typical Role Playing Game formula. That is not to say that the quality of the game has gone, because it hasn't. The fun is still there as you play in many Dungeons and Dragons style environments killing all kind of beasts and even humans at some points with a large variety of armoury you can come across. Graphically, the game is basically flawless with amazingly accurate effects, the basic control system is easy to pick up and master within well under an hour. Unfortunately, there are 2 disappointments in the game where I am concerned.Firstly is the character restrictions, I would have liked it more if more kinds of characters were available each with different, unique style of skills. Secondly it is the game's length, it lifespan simply does not compare with others of it's genre. It can quite easily be beaten in under 10 hours. However on an upside, multiplayer, co-operative mode adds longeivity and increases the entertainment as a whole.One of the best RPGs out on the PS2 at the moment.89/100
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This is a RPG with excellent sound and full-screen graphics. The role playing is limited to levelling up characters while hacking through hordes of bad guys, there are no puzzles other than finding switches to pull to open doors etc. The storyline is excellent and the multi-player feature is fantastic but with games of this quality you wish they would go on forever and this doesn't. I finished it within 3 days, in fact the game is over before you get the chance to experience some of the higher level magic spells or weapons because you never get a chance to gain enough experience or get enough gold before you complete the game totally. I kept going back over areas hoping the baddies would regenerate but once dead they stay dead,I never thought I would be sorry to see that. Killing everything that moves within the game only levels you up 6 or 7 levels enabling 1 or 2 magics to be learnt but you can choose a different magic with every new game. Overall this is probably the best game on the PS2 after GTA3 but it leaves you feeling unsatisfied as if your missing something, a secret level perhaps?
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My husband is always playing rpg and adventure games on the pc, so I thought it was about time I bought one for my PS2. I could not have made a better choice. Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance is superb, great graphics, great characters in fact the whole game is brill. You get to do main quests and side quests, picking up experiance points, money, weapons and loads of other stuff. Some of these things may be good for your character, if not you can sell them to buy better stuff. The quests are great fun, and there is a good selection of places to go and monsters to kill. One point I would add is a bow is a pretty essential item to have no matter what character you play as some monsters are easier to kill from a distance.There are save places scattered all around and I would recomend you use them. If you can not carry any more items use a recall potion, sell you stuff, then recall back. Im looking forward to part two, which i've heard will be out in q4 of this year. Happy gaming. And buy this game, you will not be disaponted.
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