

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Gowi Kids Safety Helmet reviews.
You can find all Gowi Kids Safety Helmet reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Gowi Kids Safety Helmet, 24 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.9.

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Amazon has 24 customer reviews and the average score is 4.9. Go to this seller.


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Bought for a 2 and a half year old little boy who isn't into dressing up but loves wearing hats. He loves this colourful builder's hat which has been an instant and ongoing hit with him. Sometimes, the simplest present ideas are the best ones - and terrific value!


How about Bob the Builder for World Book Day? A great adjustable helmet that fits my 3yo head perfectly. He loves becoming a builder on a daily basis. Good price, quick delivery.


My 2 year old loves his bob the builder hat, the internal strap is a bit strangely situated but it has plenty of adjustment and keeps it on his head while he is jumping about.


Bought the hard hats for my two grandsons. They love them and have so much fun when wearing them during their play times.


Finally a kids play hard hat that is strong and good quality and gas an adjustable setting inside, the price is good too.


Excellent little product for a fantastic price, my Grandson loved it and wore it to his school dressing up day.


Seems to have become a fixture! Little guy will not go anywhere without it..


Very good quality, not heavy but not soft, brittle & bendy, best I've seen


Bit big but grandson will grow into it. Good quality helmet happy grandson


Very good. My grandson loves to wear it when he is being Bob the builder.


Lovely product for the price. Much less flimsy than others seen.


Practical imagination toy hat for grandchild. Perfect.


Great quality my great grandson does not take it off


Not much to say hard hat for kids well made


My grandson loved it and fitted very well

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