

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Fagus Toys Dumper Truck reviews.
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For Fagus Toys Dumper Truck, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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Fagus toys are a delight. We recently bought this truck for our two year old, having previously got the fire engine and been very impressed with the quality, design and the amount of play it got both from our toddler and our four year old. This is a particularly lovely, simple and well-constructed toy that our two year old can manage all the features of - steering, tipping and propping up, and raising/flipping the tail gate. All edges are smooth, corners are nicely rounded, and the peg people are a good size for small hands. The truck is a good size and can easily be used to transport other smallish toys around - great if you have a child keen on transporting things. It comes with a tow bar built in,so I expect the range of Fagus trailers, etc., would add on if desired. The quality is superb, and I expect it'll be something that can be used by another generation in due course, the only part I can see deteriorating are the tyres, and the quality of the toy is such that it'd be worth hunting for a suitable size replacement tyre if this becomes necessary.
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