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I've played Everquest 2 for about a year (I was a beta tester before it was officially released). To be honest, when the game was first around I wasn't particularly impressed with it. It had a pretty stagnant first few months in terms of improvements and bug fixes, and alot of people got bored and left. However, Sony appears to be slowly improving this game. I think alot of the previous reviews from a few months back may be a little out of touch. And alot of people expected the game to be as fully developed on release as the original Everquest was the last time they played it, even though it had has 6 years to evolve.Graphically, this game looks very good, the character models and landscapes are very well constructed (mostly).However, you will need a top of the range PC with a top of the range graphics card, processor and atleast 2Gb of RAM to enjoy the game to it's full potential. That being said, it plays well on a mid range PC, although you have to turn the graphics down to a suitable level unless you want to play it in slow motion.Everquest 2, much like the original EQ, is based around creating a character, deciding on which class you want to be, then gaining levels by killing things or crafting. There are various quests you must complete to progress, and places to visit/explore. The world isn't huge like alot of games these days, but it's big enough for a game that has only been around for a few months without a major expansion (although an expansion is due for release in September 2005).There has been alot of content added in the past few months, but there is some duplicity in alot of it. Sony have also started running live events in this game, although they are few and far between, and it's hard to find one to participate in because they are generally unannounced, but that makes taking part in one an acheivment in my opinion. So far there have been two adventure packs (mini game expansions) added, although you have to buy these seperately. The first (Bloodline Chronicles) wasn't all that impressive, but the more recent of the two (Splitpaw Saga) is hard to resist.Now an expansion (Desert of Flames) is due for release in September, which looks quite promising. As well as adding new content, levels, and a new land, alot of the previous restrictions (such as encounter locking, and group experience debt) seem to be getting the boot. The expansion will also introduce (what Sony have called) the first phase of PvP combat.My advice if you're thinking of buying this game, or coming back to it, would be to wait until after the expansion is released. As I said before, it is improving from what it used to be, but we're not there just yet. Wait until maybe the end of September or October and Desert of Flames has been added before buying this (maybe Amazon will have an offer to buy both together by then).All in all it's a good game, but it's not perfect (is anything?). Like everything else in life, it takes a while to achieve anything. If you like good graphics, immersion into a virtual world, and interacting with other players, you will like Everquest 2. If you are impatient, like cartoons, or are self obsessed, then World of Warcraft would probably be a better game for you.
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The graphics are beautiful, yet not cartoony which is one of the things I hate from my six weeks playing WoW (quite simply WoW has no wow).Even now the game needs a good system to get the best from it graphically, yet is not esential to enjoy the game itself. As an MMO graphics bare less importance than in many other games.There are a lot of quests to complete, sadly some of them are farming items, but as they often make leveling faster they aren't always a bad thing.Quests vary in length from those that take minutes to epic style quests that can take days - the rewards tend to reflect the difficulty in completing them.Crafting is fun,perhaps too easy now in relation to what it was at game launch; yet the fun of making something to wear or use that is better than most drop items is rewarding and serves a purpose to farming crafting items and leveling a trade skill. In addition it is possible to make a profit selling items on the broker system, although that takes time and care, and is almost a sub game in itself.I play a wizard so whilst I can't comment of combat as a whole, learning to play my character does make a difference in how successful I am and in how tough mobs are that I tackle; ensuring I have good gear and spells allows me to fight some group flagged mobs; they aren't easy and for leveling not worth it, but it does open up another set of quests.I have been playing eq2 since launch, and whilst I have taken time away it is the only mmo other than the original EQ that I still play.The communities seem to be largely composed of mature, friendly individuals although there are always exceptions.The game is easy to get into, yet has plenty to offer the long-term player; or like me the more casual player who likes to craft sometimes, quest other times, and at others just wander about finding new places to die.I noticed someone from the UK criticising SOE, whilst I've had issues at times, and SOE aren't my favourite corporate entity they have finally come round and started to do a decent job; I too am from the UK and can't say I have had any issues that may have been purely due to that fact.Go on, give the game a try...It is fun. :)
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This is a fantastic game and it will only get better. The only reason I can think that people would give it bad reviews is that they don't have the machine to cope with it yet and that is the only reason I give this game 4 and not 5 stars as I had to spend money upgradinig my Ram to 1024 before I could play properly.However, that said, it is nice to see a game looking to the future. The graphics will only get better as machines get better and so this game will probably not look its best for a few years yet. This is the kind of forward thinking that was lacking in Ultima Online, where the graphics looked old and tired long before the game lost its popularity.There is great guidance for new players,with the in game NPC's guiding you through the first 10 levels. By this point you should have enough confidence to adventure by yourself or be ready to find groups and guilds to help you out.The community with this game is really very good. I owe it to the fact there are very few 'power gamers' around as there is no PVP as yet. Unfortunately these tend to be the people who are out for themselves and ultimately screw up group situations, but as I said, I haven't met many yet. This is a good thing as an awful lot of the higher level stuff requires you to work as part of a group or raid (multiple groups joined together).The crafting process is pretty good too and here again it is imperative that you find a group to craft with early on. This is owing to the fact that many of the items you make at higher levels need skills from several different types of crafter and if you have to buy these things from an NPC, you will not get far quickly.All in all, a fantastic game with a fantastic community and if you like MMPORGs then you will love this. Just make sure you have the computer to cope with it or you will get frustrated with loading times and lag in busy areas.
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but damned it was worth it. My mate have been raving about Everquest II since last summer and he usually gets bored fairly quickly. After reading about the game on Real Life Comics and here on Amazon I decided to try the game out.Well, installation went smoothly, but the game completely refuses to run on anything less than 1Gb RAM and at least 128Mb Graphics card. So I simply ordered a 256Mb graphics card, and presto, what quality. Game starts up and the detail and the rendering is amazing.The gameplay is fairly easy to pick up once you have done the tutorial and you quickly get reach land and can start interact with other players.I decided against the less popular servers because I will join my mates guild.6 straight hours of playing later and I can truly say I have no complaints what so ever. The more experienced users are helpful, the NPCs and Mobs are if anything quite demanding and you make rapid progress in the beginning. I was playing solo the whole time just to get the hang of the controls and I don't want to get anyone killed. This is truly a great game, engaging storyline and a good variety of quests. All this during the introduction to the gameplay. I can't wait until I get to the main isles where the real fun begins.Think it is time to pull a sickie though.
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Don't believe the folk here that are giving this game poor reviews. Yes there is a relatively high hardware requirement but purely based on the amount of physical memory you require. Honestly, you need 1GB of memory. 512mb will not work but double it and the game works with ABSOLUTELY NO TROUBLE AT ALL!Once that is accepted then prepare to immerse yourself in one of the most involving MMORPGs out there. The platform is more stable than Guild Wars (fewer dropped connections) and the gameplay is far more than just "slash and burn". You will easily find a guild to suit your style or else start your own. If you prefer to solo it, especially until you get used to the game, then that is rewarding as well.Grouping up however is the way to go and there is just such a variety of things to do.The game has just enjoyed it's first birthday and is just going from strength to strength. Join the merry band of players that is EQ2.......TODAY!
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I find this game extremely fun, there is alot of content in the game which will keep you busy for months.It is ideal for both Solo and group play, the adventure packs (mini expansions) can keep entertained in a challenging enviroment which is adjusted to your level. You can do many of the instances solo or tackle some of the harder, heroic instances in small groups.The game is huge and beautiful and looks almost life like.I have played alot of online games in the past few years and for me this is the one I would recommend.If your new to MMORPG then you will love the trial of the isle tutorial.What I love about this game is the amount of things you can do, you can go exploring, craft fantastic items,own your own home complete hundreds and hundreds of quests, comepete against other players in combat, this game has everything that a MMORPG should have and in my opinion is the best out there at the momement.
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We Fly High is what comes to mind...New Flying Griffon mounts add a new aspect tot he game.With the new zone and new raid content, SOE has added a nice expansion to it's already huge game. The mobs present a good challenge, even to a max level character with great gear and alternate abilities.Since the addition of Warfields (Sentinel's Fate) our PVP servers (Vox & Naggy) have been more exciting then ever. Players that experienced a taste for PVP in Battlegrounds made their way to our servers to get a taste of real PVP action and the new zone in Destiny of Velious adds a new Warfield for eng game players.Whether you're a questing guru, a crafter at heart, or looking to quench your thirst for blood with PVP action,you'll love this expansion and all of the new content.
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If you like MMORPG's then this is the next step. It has solved a lot of the problems of over-camping in dungeons and overblown economies in some very clever ways.The game runs well from the UK on ADSL and I have managed to turn on a lot of the pretty graphics options with no slowdown.The training area at the start is a great way to build up skills and experiment with what kind of charcter you want to be.Other MMORPG's, even the lovely but fatally flawed FFXI don't hold a candle to this game. And remember that this is just the beginning, it is a good chance to join a community on the "newbie" servers just as things are getting going.True,it will take a lot more than this to really revolutionise the MMORPG genre and maybe WoW will be more your kind of thing.
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If you liked Everquest, you will definatly like this game. It has all what Everquest1 lacked. no more boring camps, waiting for hours, or even days for a rare spawn. Impossible to be "killstealed". Tons of fun quests to do. At this time there is few solo content, but in a letter form the head develloper, they are still working to decrease the gap between group and solo content and it will go live shortly. and a very big step from SOE is that they have opened another European server (this time for the UK/english speaking europeans). The graphics are immense, although you will need a very good graphics card (with atleast 256mb) and a decent pc (p4/amd 2.1+)


I've played Everquest for around 3 years now and decided to take the plung with Everquest 2. Overall it's different. You do need a pretty powefull PC to get a "decent perfomance" and if you do the graphics are awesome. Anything less than a 2 Ghz Pentium 4 with 512 Meg ram and 128 Meg graphics card....forget it. It's not going to run well at all. Seems much more quest based than Everquest and at this stage people don't seem to be grouping very well. Overall, worth a try if you like Everquest.


Hmmmmm it is great not like EQ at all. The names are the same and there are some of the classes that were in EQ. I would have liked to see some all new class concepts, perhaps they just were not ready. I am a little disappointed, to have played and Aviak maybe, would have been cool. Trade skills or Artisan as it is now is first class. I am spending as much time collecting stuff as I am fighting and questing. Give it a try you will not be disappointed.


hi Dreambringer here,can't wait to go home to eq2 even druids miss there homes somtimes,have been traveling,i have been a starship captain and battled in eve,and learned kung fu and trained cats to hunt jedi's,i have seen all online worlds,but really its time to go home, to everquest,see you there guys


This games beta release was mad! i downloaded it and the graphics are soo awesome, its a new age for mmorpg. Other upcoming mmorpgs should look to everquest for advice. Top stuff!


DON'T BUY THIS VERSION!The European version of Desert of Flames includes the entire EQ2 client - you'd be better off getting that as you'll get the game + expansion.


Arrived in one piece without any issues, I'm satisfied.

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