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Where to start? Dragon Quest 7 is a massive game, and this review must, therefore, cut a lot of corners. The short version is: highly recommended for fans of the series, but newcomers ought to start with DQ8, or DQ5.European fans have waited a long time for Dragon Quest 7 and the DS re-imagining is well worth it. Beautiful 3D graphics that bring the world to life, character models dripping with the usual personality, an enormous variety of places to visit and NPCs to interact with, and a storyline that will take you weeks to complete (my final tally, according to my 3DS activity log, was just shy of 75 hours). The game has the usual Dragon Quest sense of humour, ludicrous and convoluted story,bizarre transportation methods and the greatest cast of monsters of any game series, period.The game is long, very long. This is both a blessing (more time to spend in the world that Yuji Hori has designed) and a curse. Much of this length is padding. There is repetition (each destination will be visited at least twice, with some three or even four times) and there are plot twists that serve to arbitrarily lengthen the gameplay experience. About 40 hours in, for instance, you lose a central character and are given a replacement who is a much lower level. Cue 4-5 hours of grinding in order to be able to take out the mid-game bosses with this new low-level hero. In fact, this happens a couple of times over the course of the game and can be a source of frustration. The game's plot, which involves finding gateways to unlock destinations in the past, is also artificially long and you have to visit all locations before the game will progress to the final stages of the plot. This is like playing Skyrim, but only being able to unlock the final boss battle if you visit all the destinations on the world map.Perhaps the biggest problem with a game of this length, is that the localisation (the translation from Japanese to English) has not always been smooth (translating millions of words must have been tough!) This is most noticeable because the game requires certain events and conversations to unfold before it will allow some events to trigger. For instance, (minor spoiler ahead) I was hunting for an item and ended up at a casino. I was informed by an NPC that the item I sought had been won by another patron. Speaking to this patron, he told me that he had sold it to the village armourer. Great - I had previously heard the armourer had left town to climb a nearby tower. I set off to the tower, spend 30-40 minutes navigating it and find the armourer. He won't speak to me. At all. Why not? After much hair tearing and revisiting the original village to no avail, I discover that I am supposed to speak to the armourer's wife before I leave for the tower. She has nothing more to say (and I had already spoken to her once), but without speaking to her a second time, I cannot trigger a conversation with the armourer. Either it should have been made more clear that I needed to speak with the armourer's wife before leaving the village, or she should have been the only person to tell me the armourer's whereabouts. That similar hair-tearing roadblocks occurred no less than 5 times during my playthrough was a source of much annoyance. ('Why can't I use this item?' 'Because you have to speak to the guy who told you to use it a second time, even though the first time you spoke to him he told you where and how to use the item'. This is counter-intuitive!)Because of these issues, Dragon Quest 7 is a game that requires great patience. You persevere because you love Dragon Quest, you love the characters, you love the world, you love the music. I am delighted this is finally available in Europe and I loved 60 of the 75 hours I spend playing it. But, as I say, I cannot recommend this to newcomers to the series.
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This is a very long game and definitely a traditional japanese RPG. There is nothing really cutting edge and certainly nothing really new being offered in the gameplay. It's just well executed.This game, once to get to a point where you feel the story is going to tie up and end... it just keeps on going.I've so far put in just over 100 hours and still not reached the end!while traveling back and fourth through time you'll find there are lots of vignettes ie these mini scenarios within the main game, some are charming and funny and some are quite emotional. Some of these you will have to return to again and again in order to complete their story arcs.Negative points:Graphics have a little lagin places and there are trees that pop in when you are running around.The menu's feel like they too have a little lag when navigating around.The in-game text is a bit small!The game takes roughly a good 20+ hours before it begins to open upThe same NPCs appear in different towns and in different timelines. A bit more variety please!Annoying dungeons and boss fights that you end up wasting a lot of items trying to keep your team members alive only to realise that cannot win some of them!You can get burned out, pace yourself for a very long game and lots of back tracking between the past and present.There are moments where you just get stuck trying to figure out where next to go and you try and speak to your team members or talk to NPCs and it's very vague, So you might need to look up a guide and although there is a guide for the playstation game which came out around 2000 some of the item names and characters have had the names changed around in the 3DS game.Overall I've found this compelling the story and characters are well written the 3DS game translation has been done by a British team of translators and you can tell! Certainly you will notice the colloquialisms spread throughout the story as you unlock the mystery of disappearing lands. The character designs of Akira Toriyama are endearing and the colours used throughout are bright and colourful. Audio is suitable and symphonic. This game is steeped in nostalgia for the hardcore Dragon Quest fan and it's roots are traditional, it's functional, well presented and has mini games and street pass content and you might find some hidden stuff to unlock. There are job classes to master and even the monsters that you fight will offer classes to learn their job skills.Certainly you will find this to be one of the longest storylines to play, You have to have put a fairly decent amount of time into this in order to get to the meat of the game. So excuse me while I go back and finish the game!
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First up, I really enjoyed the the original PSX game, which came out around 15 years ago. The game was polarizing, what with its slow start, huge time investment and dated aesthetics, especially in the light of Final Fantasy 7 which had preceded it a few years earlier. For me though, it was an incredible RPG, full of stories both big and small, that ranged the full gamut of emotions.Now, 3 years after the Japanese 3DS release, Europe finally sees the release of Dragon Quest 7:Fragments of the Forgotten Past.This is a built from the ground up remake of the PlayStation original, that improves and refines the experience.The graphics push the 3DS and fall somewhere between Dragon Quest VIII on PS2 and Dragon Quest IX on the DS.Lush primary colours fill out the faux medieval world, peopled with Akira Toriyama's charming character and monster designs. There's a decent draw distance though pop up is noticeable at times on the world map. There's a decent use of stereoscopic 3D, that gives the game a pleasant depth of field.The music has been a sticking point for some, as the Japanese release has a full orchestral score, while the European release sees that replaced with a Midi track. I found the Midi to be more than acceptable and found plenty to enjoy in Koichi Sugiyama's score. Not to make excuses for the game, but for some time it looked like it wouldn't see a release on these shores at all, so a small a trade off in the music department is tolerable to me.There's a somewhat streamlined intro to the game, though its still a few hours long, that really sets the mood and gives you the sense of who these characters are and appreciation of the adventure to come. This journey is enhanced over the original with a vastly improved translation, that adds character and flair over the matter of fact original, with a rich variety of accents for the dwellers of the different continents. The story is essentially a series of vignettes, often personal and small, while the epic story to come bubbles away in the background.One of the best editions to this new version of the game is the Shard Radar. In the original game it was easy enough to not realise where a shard was located and spend hours backtracking to all the previous locations. Implemented here is an easy detection system, that lets you know if you are in the right place.This is a definitive version of an already brilliant game, it is however a very traaditional Japanese RPG, that lets its characters and stories shine, rather than any technical wizardry or design innovation.
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I received DQVII as a Christmas present and have solidly been playing for about 5 days now, and I feel like I've yet to make a real dent. I'm enjoying it because I have played some of the others in the Dragon Quest series and know generally what to expect, but even as a big JRPG fan I have felt like it is a bit of a slow starter. Pacing may cause those not already familiar with RPGs to give up early on.It's hard to describe but it's simultaneously a light, easy RPG but also a big one you would have to invest a lot of time into. Unlike normal RPGs, the game feels more like multiple smaller, self-contained stories as you discover the 'fragments' and play each of them out.Some so far have been fascinating but some feel a little unnecessarily long, e.g. running between two towns to speak to certain people but not much else in between.One main gripe I have is with the spawning of monsters - sometimes I finish one fight and immediately end up in another because they've spawned directly on top or in front of me or. This can be particularly frustrating in a dungeon/cave setting where you can't just run around them.All in all it's a good game and I would recommend it. However, though obviously an entry-level RPG, I don't think those looking for a deeper, less linear story will enjoy it as much as other DQ games.
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As a big gaming person I enjoy all sorts of games,however rpgs can be complex or difficult to get into ...I'm only a few hours into draagonquest v 1ii but have found it very accessible for a newer player ... not too many menus to grapple with and whats cool is that you can check with a person in your party what your objective is or alternatively look under miscellaneous to see recent conversations.I like this as you can easily forget and may need a reminder.Also be careful to be sure you save ...It's a little hidden!I actually lost three hours as i thought laying in your bed was the save and it wasn't.Thankfully I was able to get back to where I was uber fast by skipping the text and blastingthrough in about 30mins.I expect the game will add a lot more mechanics as i go but even I should be alright getting used to it! LolPresentation music and graphics are all excellent.Others tell a lot more about the game but i'm just chuffed to be able to get into it with ease.
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I am about 5 hours into this game and I can't put it down!! The graphics and stunning and there is so much to explore and the storyline so far is interesting and fun. I have played other DQ games where the battling and collecting of creatures happens more or less straight away. This version isn't like that - as I said I'm 5 hours in and haven't encountered a battle yet but have still had lots to do and things to find and figure out etc. So I know this is going to be one hell of a massive game!! Aaaand that's perfect for me right now as I have just broken my foot and won't be going anywhere myself for weeks, so I can live my life through my character. ?If you haven't played any DQ games but are a lover of games like Zelda,Final Fantasy, Golden Sun and/or Pokemon (to a certain extent - there is a lot more questing and puzzles in this) then this would be right up your street. I would 100% recommend!! Happy gaming! :D
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I've played through about 6 hours of the game after receiving 2 days ago. I've only played one other dragon quest game which is Dragon Quest X. Personally I prefer DQX mainly because it allows more character customisation and costume changes and to me the storyline felt more free and surprising. Obviously I haven't played this game in its entirety (DQVII), but the point of the whole game and the storyline I'm 'trapped' into, is collecting new islands. It feels rather lonely as it doesn't feel like there's a big, wide, unpredictable world to explore like in DQX. If you've never played DQVII before (like me) then you should know that it's got a rather 'set' storyline.Aside from that,it's a good looking game with great music and an involved storyline.
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This game is just wonderful- the graphics, music, characters, and world are all charming and vibrant.It is a huge game, yes, but I don't think it is a bad thing especially as in a way this game is more like a collection of lots of mini adventures. Also it is true that the beginning of the game is lengthy, perhaps unnecessarily so... BUT do not let this put you off as the story is good and once you get into it the game is very fun.I'm about 30 hours in now and still loving it! The overarching story is becoming clearer and unlocking vocation changes (about 24 hours in) really adds depth to the combat system and customization of your adventure!


As a long time fan of the Dragon Quest series this remake of the PS1 version has been recreated very well.If you've never played a DQ game before this would be a good game to start on. It is a turn-based, fairly simple battle system.It is well rendered in 3D and the graphics are cute and well known from the series.The games focuses on picking up lost pieces of tablets that form into islands from the past.It's a fun game that even children can enjoy, overall I would recommend it for fans of the series and newbies alike.


Dragon Quest VII is a good game, it really is but there's no reason it should be so long. It starts off an interesting story, some parts get very repetitive but it has a good story overall. Turn-based battle system with nice and easy customization. Nice graphics and scenery with a decent soundtrack too. So yeah it's a good game but it's way too long for it's own good. Probably one of my favourite rpgs on the 3ds.If you are a dragon quest fan or love rpgs then this game will be for you.


For fans of old turn based battles and fun, easy puzzles. The story is fragmented as the title describes as you journey to different islands having different stories. It has a heavily dialogue and run around your island centred start of about 2 hrs but the once you hit your first island it leaves you curious for more. Probably best for older dq fans


Would recommend to any Dragon Quest fan! It's a very deep and long story. However I would have a hard time recommending this to people who do not play JRPGs, as they may find it has pacing issues, but with some patience its a great game.


A great JRPG from the series that birthed the genre. Plenty of customisation to your characters and a fulfilling end game. The enemy designs are my personal favorite for any sort of RPG, they really give DQ its character.


This is the best games series you haven't heard off. The main story clocks in at 100 hours making this one of the longest games in history, thankfully it's beautifully animated and written. The music is always great too.


The game arrived quickly with all the instructions in it and it arrived in great cndition. Currently playing it and a great time with the story, characters (including Maribel) and the world. Glad I purchased it.

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