

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Canal Toys So Bomb - Bath Bomb Vanity reviews.
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For Canal Toys So Bomb - Bath Bomb Vanity, 21 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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This arrived earlier today and we’ve already been busy making. It’s a nice looking kit (would be a lovely present). Very easy to do. A little expensive but all in all a good buy. It has three little toys with it (but enough powder to make more than three bombs, so some bombs will go without toys)They are quick to make which is a good point but perhaps over with too quickly if you’re expecting a real “activity” of it. I suppose it extends to the bath time too, though, when the kids can try out what they have made.There are three sphere moulds, but more powder than three bombs worth so you have to wait. Unless you have some other shaped moulds you could use (we used some rubber cupcake shape moulds too)The box is lovely and re-useable.It comes with some bath bomb related stickers.
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I noticed the product is out of date - we had already started making them so could not return at this stage.They actually worked out ok, smell was really faint but this may be due to them being OOD?We made three bombs from two colours so we are now able to make 3 more which adds to the value. They dried well and made excellent fizziness which is what all the fun is about. All in all we are happy except for them being out of date. How do I email the company (cant find contact customer instruction) tell them this and see if they would like to send us in date products to try-no need for the box just some bicarb and citric acid... Thank you.


We’ve had a few kits like this and these ones seem to have worked the best! Nice solid good sized bath bombs with a good fizz.Bad points include that the instructions are tricky to read (each step is in 8 languages, fine for me but my 6yo couldn’t manage) and that there is nothing to ‘wrap’ the bath bombs in when they’re done


Bought this for my six-year-old daughter. She really enjoyed making them with me and she really wanted to have a bath afterwards. It’s a great item if you want your child to have a bath I feel they will want a bath because of bath bomb .


Perfect present for my 8 year old daughter. She loves making things but loves bath bombs more than anything in this world. Worth every penny and personally I think you get a lot for your money. Hours of entertainment


My daughter absolutely loved this set, accurate instructions and made loads of bathbombs but not enough moulds in the kit I had to purchase another cheaper set of moulds but it was such good fun I purchased another 1


A well designed item. Bought it together with the 3 pack and was just brilliant, the case was great for storing the bath bombs once they were made and helped keep all the mess together. Would recommend.


Wow great for a rainy day. Kids are happy. There are lots of powder left we filled cupcake cases and made extra cupcake bath bombs.


I bought these for my daughter for Christmas. Great product, easy to do & she lovely popping in her bath after.


Daughter loved this item. Was fairly priced at the time too. Great box to store the bath bombs in afterwards.


Very pleased with this purchase, looks very substantial and quite big and well made in nice packaging


Think is a pressie, but looks great, just what I was expecting and with free postage


Could be more bubbles inside. Or should instructions more clarified :)


Great present. Delivered very promptly very happy with this item.


Great item and delivery was very quickly. Thank you

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