

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Billy the Wizard - Rocket Broomstick Racing (Wii) reviews.
You can find all Billy the Wizard - Rocket Broomstick Racing (Wii) reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Billy the Wizard - Rocket Broomstick Racing (Wii), 6 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.3.

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Amazon has 6 customer reviews and the average score is 2.3. Go to this seller.


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This game has to be in my top five favorite games next to the grand gaming majesty of Ninja-bread man and Superman. A refreshing and exciting take on the world of wizarding and a masterpiece of wii hardware usage - it seems popcorn arcade was the only company capable of handling the wii (seriously nintendo...mario in space? Are you ****ing high?). A must have game.


this game was lots of fun, just right for young ones

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