

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Vilac Flower Guitar reviews.
You can find all Vilac Flower Guitar reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Vilac Flower Guitar, 7 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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Amazon has 7 customer reviews and the average score is 4. Go to this seller.


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A lovely product, but I wouldn't advise it for under 5 years, as it is too good quality for a 3 year old, for example to use as we found out, as they don't play it but instead hit things with it and wreck it: buy something cheaper for this age group.


Good for 2 to 3 year old brought for Xmas present glad it's smaller than originally thought have got her mother a full size guitar so they can play together


My daughter loves this guitar she enjoys playing it and performing in front of us. It is very good quality and so cute and pretty. A great buy.


Received today just as described fab fab fab my daughter who is 3 next is going to love this ?


Lovely guitar very happy with purchase

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