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This is a very good game, and possibly a really good game. As a premise, we've heard it all before. Creep around, shoot at the baddies, solve puzzles and finish. The Thing somehow goes a little further.First, it looks good, although you expect as much from the X-box. Other characters look good and the landscape is well defined and they even managed to make snow scenes good instead of boring and plain.Second, it sounds great with the right level of instrumental music to keep you on edge throughout and sound effects (including voices) which make the whole experience absorbing. For example, your team have different voices, are from different nationalities and when stressed out by being under constant attack from alien nasties actually sound like it.This is a horror/survival shoot 'em up (sort of) and it works hard to keep you on the edge of your seat.Third it plays brilliantly. You have to not only manage your own actions, but manage and look after your team. And they are your team. You need to direct them and use them like a tool, but also show that you're their leader. For example, you need to provide them with ammo and medical assistance if they need it, but also demonstrate to them that you're no master chief who willingly lets alien monsters kill the good guys by letting someone else lead the assault. They get scared and will literally freak out if not looked after properly which appears in the game to set the others off as well.The interface for dealing with team issues is sometimes a little clumsy and difficult to get to grips with. This sometimes leads to you thinking, "right to do this task, or win this battle I need to do X and Y" but the biggest pain is using the various multiple menu screens to actually accomplish what you want.There is always the risk that one (or more) of your team has become infected by the Thing. I found it really irritating when a member of your team who you have cared for since nearly the beginning turns out to be Mr Green-blood and in need of a good dose of lead.Away from the team mechanics, you get to shoot up things personally and have the usual progression of weapons becoming more powerful. However, the controls are possibly not as intuitive as they could have been and it took me longer to master basic things than I expected.Fourthly, the thing about the Thing is that it is so absorbing. To some extent it is like playing a film. This game is so very gripping. If playing Halo until you'd killed the next group of Covenant kept you up all night then this will too. Similarly the puzzles don't appear to be repetitive and are far more involving than "press switch to open door" type puzzles.The only possible draw-back with the Thing might be the small replayability value. It is like a film, once done, you're not in a desperate hurry to do it again. There doesn't appear to be any real incentive to replay either (well, I haven't unlocked anything yet). Also, there isn't a large variety in the number of bad guys, which doesn't help the replayability.For the minor drawbacks this was a game I found it really difficult to put down until I'd finished it and kept me firmly on the edge of my seat.
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I got this game at Xmas along with Splinter Cell. Splinter Cell has frankly been a chore to play compared to The Thing; sessions on The Thing that I'd planned to be half an hour often ended three hours later. It took me about 3 weeks to complete and admittedly could have been longer.One of its strongest features is atmosphere. Sound effects and music cues are sparse which makes for an uncluttered audio experience which really benefits the raising of tension when you do hear something. Nice little fleeting cut scenes smoothly crank it up further.Graphics are fine without being spectacular, the monsters are pretty good.Sometimes the NPCs or things overlap their surroundings but it's only a minor quibble.Controls are no more difficult than other games of its type and with a little early patience are easy to master (I think I used an alternative control setup which suited me fine).I enjoyed the sections where it was possible to build a squad and I was disappointed that this became less and less a part of the game as things progressed. The save option comes up whenever you discover a data recorder which is great when you've found one but there are a few sections at the beginning of levels where it seems like an age between saves. I seemed to spend much of the last half of the game creeping about with a throbbing controller (critical low health) and frequent prayers for health, a medic or a data recorder.Overall a pretty well balanced game, exciting, challenging and well designed. It isn't for kids though. Fans of the film should enjoy spotting all the little nods to that classic either by the dialogue or the surroundings. I'd certainly buy any sequels though I'd hope for more of a focus on the squad aspects of the game.
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A game based on one of the greatest horror films ever made has a lot to live up to. The fact that John Carpenter himself was on site during the games development is a clear indication that this game was hopefully going to be something special.What we get is essentially a survival horror game with one or two differences. The games story is a follow-on to the film itself. One or two fans will recognise a number of locations and bits and bobs from the film.You lead a team (4 including yourself) in the first level. This number constantlly changes, depending on a number of factors. Without wanting to spoil the story, team members can without warning, be infected with the Thing virus,and break out in Thing creatures accordingly. This results in you plodding through the game with your "team" changing in numbers and characters as the story unfolds.You have to keep your team healthy. They have a Fear and a Trust meter which must be monitored, or they will not trust you or carry out your instructions. While this system doesn't work brilliantlly, it does the job. Give them a gun and they will trust you a bit more. Knock off a Thing in front of them and this will also help.Graphics aren't brilliant (it is another lazy port from a lesser console), but the snow and fire effects are very good. The music is minimal, and the sound effects are good (especially the crunching snow and gunfire).It a nutshell, this is an above average survival horror title, which fans of the film will enjoy. Just don't expect things to be quite as great as the film, but a worthy effort to something a little bit different all the same.
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The Thing was and is one of the most atmospheric horror movies created. When I heard John Carpenter, the director, was involved in the development of the game I thought "great"! On first boot I was just a tad dissapointed with the graphics, but I HAD just got Resi Evil for the cube! So I waded in and began to get adjusted to the different approach to team control. Now i have adjusted I think it works well. When the swirling snow storms combined with the infamous thudding plod of the Things original soundtrack i smiled....it was atmospherically brilliant. Encounters seemed a bit random at first but certainly kept me on my feet, and the resilience of some of the beasts certainly made you fear them.I have to admit I began to wonder if the game was really worth my cash after a while but once i had revealed my first infected team mates and fought their mutated versions my paranoia over who could be trusted really set in. Now im hooked. I love survival horro but sometimes find them boring but so far the Thing has held my attention. To horror and film fans i recommend it. It sits just below silent hill as my fave horro game.
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After watching the John Carpenter version of The Thing back in the good old 1980's I was amazed at how the story unwinds and how the characters changed once the first person becomes affected. After watching the trailer for the game almost a year ago I couldn't wait until the game was released. The control system and how you control other characters within gets a bit of getting used to but there again most games are. Most of the puzzles are infact easy but can be mind bending at times.I like the idea of the trust element of the game which I feel brings tension and confusion to the members of your team.I have witnessed team members run away and infact turn a gun on themselves once they become too stessed or confused.Graphically the games nice but there's no new jaw dropping effects.I'm not a big fan of so cold Watch the Movie now play the game but The Thing in a nutshell offers a challenge and is very enjoyable to play . Also John Carpenter has a small part to play in the game.
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This is a great game. You already know the script so I won't repeat it all. It's a great addition to the 1982 film and plays very much in the style of a movie. The graphics are great, the effects are effective (as they would be) and the game play is excellent. The most unique aspect of the game is the trust meter and the constant danger that one of your team may be infected. I played the game with constant suspicion that 'so and so' may be infected and ready to turn at any moment. I found myself trying to keep them in view at all times incase they changed. It is certainly a surprise to turn around and see someone either changing or already changed.I can't find any aspects of the game that I didn't like.I guess the only niggle would be that I found it very difficult in some spots, but then all games have their tricky bits. At the current price the game is well worth playing and for any fan of the movie it should not be missed.
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The Thing is a quality game that is definatly worth buying. It all started because the otherday I was in the local GAME shop and I thought I need a new game, I wanted to get Hitman 2: Silent assasin or Super Mario sunshine on my Gamecube, but both wern't relased for another two weeks. So I saw The Thing on the shelf an thought 'I wonder if it follows the film?' So I bought it because it looked the best game there that i hadn't already got. I got home and started playing it and discoverd that it starts after the film ends, witch gave it the suprise element of not knowing whats around every corner and I also discovered its on of the best, most exsiting and fun games I've ever played.The team work element is the best on any game as you don't know if you can always fully trust your team mates, which vary all the time!
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Well done on producing a true classic game. Great action/ storyline and atmosphere. This should be a leeson to all other game developers. As someone has already mentioned you are on a mission throighout the game and you know exactly what you are "trying" to complete at all times. The cut scenes we brilliant. Just superbly put together right from the off.I might play it again. Took me about 5 weeks to complete. Pretty difficult in some parts. It gets really frantic in the latter part of the game. It really builds up and I got killed so many times on that final part it was tricky. I was pretty sad when I completed it as well. I have looked around for something similiar but I am afraid nothing comes close.GREAT GAME.BUY IT, play it and remember it. PLEASE, bring out a sequel
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As a big fan of the movie, I have been licking my lips in aticipation for the game. At first I found it a bit dissapointing. But the longer I played, the more I began to enjoy it. My one major gripe is that on occasions I gave someone a blood test, which pronounced him human. Then, minutes later they would change into a monster anyway - not having left my sight! So what is the point in the blood test, if characters change at certain points anyway. Also the animation is good, not brilliant. But apart from that it's pretty good. It's very satisfying when you burn the larger aliens into a puddle of bubbling blood! And watching characters puke and crack up is quite fun. Worth the cash?I reckon so.
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The Thing takes survival horror games and turns the genre on it's head with the excellent Trust and Confidence systems. Weapons are well balanced and the atmosphere gives you a real sense that death could be around the next corner or even inside your team mate! Controls are simple and make sending your squad into danger a breeze. (There are some really funny bits such as your team mates puking and soiling themselves with fear!)Visually The Thing has excellent effects & lighting and the way the camera zooms and does a fish eye effect whilst in combat is very effective.Get this one, you will love it.


Great game, but I have one gripe:The blood test sometimes goofs up. I swear I did it and a few seconds later the guy changed.Other than that, great game.


Fantastic game; it's innovative, original and follows the film so well. Graphics are low res due to its age but the gameplay and script are awesome!


They should remaster this for ps3 and Xbox 360!!!! It was my fav horror game ever!! Please bring this to ps3 and Xbox 360!!!!!!

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