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For Plan Toys PlanCity - Delivery Vans, 7 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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Plan City Vehicles are small, so, yes, check the dimensions before purchasing if you are looking for a big chunky toy. These are designed to fit in with the rest of the Plan City (and Brio/ELC compatible) range of garages, roads and transport systems and they do the job perfectly for our sons Plan City Garage. These cars are about the same size as a metal Matchbox type vehicle, except these are made from lovely recyclable rubber wood. You can't argue with the eco credentials here: The blurb in the box says that Plan Toys use rubberwood from trees which are over 25 years old and have been felled to make space for replanting as they are no longer producing latex. If they were not used to make toys,they would just be burnt. What a waste! Instead, they provide employment and lovely toys. I'll take these over metal and plastic any day! I personally think we all need to think about what will happen to our children's toys when they have finished with them or get broken, and let's face it, too many lumps of non biodegradable coloured plastic are destined for landfill. Not so with these wooden ones, which makes me feel a lot better.My son loved the addition of these 3 delivery vehicles to his garage and can now take his cars off round the play mat delivering the "mook" (milk!) and collecting the post! We have lots of other vehicles from this range too and all of them have withstood all that a toddler can throw at them. Or how far he can throw them, I should say. We've had no issues with wheels coming off and becoming a choke hazard as we have with some cheaper brands and I feel confident these will have many years of play in them yet. These are not cheap for what they are, but they are good quality and a good investment if you will want to keep them for more than one child, pass them on to other family members, or sell them second hand.
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These vehicles are smaller than I expected and I was prepared for them to be small! They are smaller than the supermarket brand wooden vehicles also. However they are brilliantly made from rubber wood trees and are very eco friendly. They are also the perfect size to fit on the IKEA road mat with vehicles fitting on each side of the road so very happy about this and will definitely buy more from the range to build up our collection.(I bought these for £4.99)


Well built and bright fun toy seem to roll for ever great too find old fasion style toys with the modern touch that works


Good quality. Perfect for my two year old and his friends in their party bags. Would happily recommend them. Endless fun


Plan toys for the win! Love the wood, love the rubber tires! Theese are very cute!


great purchase

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