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For John Varvatos Artisan Eau de Toilette, 157 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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When offered the chance to try this and review it I nearly decided not to, as there is a wide variation in star ratings for this, but I am glad that I did in the end request it. One thing I would say to anyone choosing a new fragrance to try, and that is try to have a smell beforehand. Even if you ultimately order the product from here it pays to go into a shop that sells this and have a spray, because not all of us react the same way to different scents. I know that my mum always complains that scents never last that particularly long on her, whilst doing so on other people. I also had a former girlfriend whose use of a well known floral perfume came out on her smelling more like cucumbers.So, as with anyone’s review on here for scents of any kind, people can only go on what it smells like or how long it lasts on them.I usually go into the different notes to the fragrance when reviewing them which are given by manufacturers, but in this case, it is probably just easier to describe how it smells on the skin without all the rest. One thing you immediately notice is a citrus orange smell, which definitely comes through, but this isn’t too strong as you can also detect the musk and wood scents coming through as well. Thus, this is given a warm feeling due to this, and the woodiness here gives this a more masculine feel, although to be honest this would smell okay on women as well. The muskiness is subtler than you may expect, thus giving this that little something that draws people’s attention.I was initially worried that with the oranges this would have a fruity smell more for younger people, or those old men you see in toupees, dentures and wearing a medallion, who try to pull women young enough to be their granddaughters, in nightclubs, but thankfully this in not like that at all. The fragrance is certainly original, and I have never come across anything quite like this before, and although I would have originally assumed that this is something more for informal night time use I must admit that after wearing it I think it is just as well for formal events and the workplace.In all this is a lovely fragrance, that is certainly long lasting (nine hours and still going), has a certain distinction, and comes in a nice wicker worked covered bottle, and is well packaged.
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This is a subtle, unique and refreshing citrus scent.When you first spray it on (after the alcohol has faded) you are hit with an uplifting, fresh, lively, clementine / tangerine scent which mellows pleasingly over the next couple of hours.The description mentions ginger and wood notes but these are really a backing track for the citrus.I would say that anybody could wear this, it is neither masculine and musky nor floral and feminine. It is simply a fresh and uplifting scent.As you have probably noticed the bottle is pretty spectacular looking, probably the nicest I've seen. This sets an unfair expectation for what's inside,and the branding and name Artisan does little to help matters.I have a selection of other fragrances but have been reaching for this with the most frequency, for the following reasons:1. I love oranges and really dig the fresh, citrus smell. Although subtle, Artisan has a very unique and natural scent to it.2. It's subtlety and inoffensiveness are perfect for the workplace, where you don't want to overwhelm your colleagues with a heavy musk.3. The low price means I'm not worried about using it up quickly.The biggest downside to Artisan is that it doesn't last all that long, after a few hours I can no longer detect it on me.I also don't believe it projects all that well, unlikely to be noticed by anyone unless they are in very close proximity to you.So overall: a very pleasing, fresh, everyday scent but not a good option if you want to impress others, stand out or turn heads.It's not going to blow you away the moment you smell it (like the fantastic bottle may suggest) however this is one of the most wearable fragrances I have experienced and I've slowly grown to love it.
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This citrus-herbal-woodsy blend leaning slightly marine sounds like par the course for a masculine spring-summer scent that won't overwhelm or offend, but I think this has just a little extra magic than the usual in its blend.It's starts off very very citrus with strong brut notes of a bergamot and orange with fresh basil cocktail almost fizzing before a herbal and resinous woody undertone builds.Powdery Iris and soapy orange blossom temper the zest of the citrus top notes to a more airy tone alongside incense-like patchouli and clary sage with a twist of grasses from the chayote (despite being a gourd/melon)and palmerosa which has a fragrant grassy root flavour of lemongrass-vetivert without the punch of the originals .There's a strong pine resinous finish which lingers alongside the soapy orange blossom giving a 'clean, fresh from the shower' scent which helps give a sense of confidence in close quarters.There's something about the scent at its height that kindles the thoughts of a summer holiday, sitting in the shade of a tree sipping a citrusy-herbal cocktail as the sun bakes the tropical grasses around you. Unfortunately that magic, like a real holiday doesn't last very long and it's not got great longevity, a couple of hours so you may find yourself just catching a whisper of shower fresh pine after lunch unless you get your nose right up close to the pulse points. But whilst it's lasts it's a keeper.Your skin will vary how long this lasts and how the notes will dominate but as a woman this is a rather sensual and attractive scent on a man, a big thumbs up from me and the men in this house think it's great.
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When I first opened the box, the fragrance hit me in the face, which worried me a bit. Thankfully it's not that strong in use, I'm not sure why the box was so strong smelling, I'm not even convinced it was of this fragrance!So after the initial confusion, it's very well presented although if I'm putting my criticism head on, the string is a bit thin which makes it look cheaper, if they'd used a thicker more ropey string it would have looked way better. It's meant to look like it fell off a boat I guess, I'm not well versed in "what stuff on a boat does" but I guess it's either a buoy or marker for a lobster trap or something; don't try to make sense of it,I don't think eau de toilette was ever kept in bottles like this on ships - it's decorative. I like the cap, it's quite weighty, metal of some sort. It pulls off, as I found out after about half a minute of screwing it. Underneath is a spray.I'm not particularly fond of "describing" smells of perfumes. It smells a bit like a dark rum to me, with a pungent smell initially of something vaguely citrus but more bitter, which thankfully calms down to a much fainter and harder to describe smell once settled. I want to say melon, but that just sounds weird.Overall, it's not offensive, but it's quite "warm" and strong, but without being musky or overly 'manish', so I think it's alright. Would be fine as a gift in my opinion.
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I'll get the design of this eau de toilette out of the way first. My wife exclaimed upon arrival, that this it looked hideous (she didn't hold back). I thought it looked quite unique myself, but that just reinforces the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's wicker jacket looks sort of rustic and stylish to me (and clearly not so, to her). You can make you own decision.In terms of function, the spray pump emits a finely dispersed mist, it feels both weighty and well made. The cap is also metal, adding to the overall feel of a quality product.The fragrance is a delightful and invigorating zesty one. It lingers heavily upon application, demanding attention from your olfactory senses.It's easily my favourite fragrance I have used in the last year, its woody undertones perfectly complement the citrus, whilst it's lack of floral tones make it more appealing to me. It's description includes a floral ingredient. however I couldn't detect it and although that's a popular spin right now, I think it's got the mix right, with any floral hint being very subtle indeed.A real winner.
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This is a very good "everyday" Eau du Toilette that has a very fresh smell and comes in a very impressive "basket weave" effect bottle.The scent itself has strong citrus notes with a hint of nutmeg that while at first seems very stong, but quickly subsides in to a very nice mellow scent that last for hours. It also caused no skin irritation what so ever (and I have very sensative skin) which was very pleasing.However, this particular fragrance reminds me very much of the Ferrari Red Eau du Toilette which is half the price of this product and last just as long when worn, possibly offering better value as a result. I wore both (one on each arm) and my Fiancee could not tell the differene,showing how similar they are, However the main selling point of this product is probably the basket weave effect bottle, and to be fair it does look very impressive on the shelf.I would probably buy this product if it was on offer, as I did think it smelt nice, it caused no skin complaints and the bottle does look great, however It is very similar to other (and cheaper) products currently on the market,
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My husband aged 58 and my eldest son aged 20 (who lives next door to us) has taken quite a shine to this particular eau de toilette spray and spend most days arguing as to whose house the spray should actually reside in … both being too lazy to pop next door to use it.Packed inside a subtlety decorated box is a very rustic looking cane wrapped bottle complete with wooden top which contains 75ml of 'John Varvatos Artisan Pure Eau de Toilette'. The bottle lid is the pull off variety and the application is a spray.The spicy citrus top notes of (lemon, bergamot, mandarin, clementine, thyme and marjoram) lasts for a couple of hours and the deeply mellow woody base notes (orris root, amber and musk)lasts for considerably longer … I could still smell it on my husband a good four hours after he used it and it smells absolutely divine.It’s priced at the top end of the market however it is a fantastic blend of scents and you only need a little to last you either through the day or night.It really would make a wonderful gift to that special man in your life.
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I am quite particular about what I wear and I haven't changed much over the years. My wife asked me to try this one, so I assume she had got bored of what I wear. For this reason I was always willing to try.I don't really get the idea behind a fancy bottle as it’s what’s inside that counts. It’s not like we show it off to others. It’s used at home and in the bedroom, when we are getting ready to go somewhere. Unless you bring partners home expecting them to swoon at the sight of the bottle.I only have the one woman to please so I guess she was happy enough with how I smelled. She noticed the day I wore it and said "you smell nice" which is the nicest thing she has said to me in the past 6months so onto a winner (I am probably going to get a slap for this comment!)It is not overpowering and I can wear it to work without making my fellow colleagues cough and splutter. I quite like it and so once run out would definitely consider buying another bottle.
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This is a Cologne that tries to make an impression, I would say. Another reviewer has suggested that is is 'not for the office', and I concur totally -- in the office it might create entirely the wrong impression. John Varvatos products fall within the Elizabeth Arden family, so it is taking us upmarket to altitudes where the quality and the cost are both located at a high level.I suppose some users of bodyspray stick with a single favourite brand. I would be surprised if many wearers use Artisan Bleu exclusively, as it is on the powerful side. However if one owns a range, even a small range, of bodysprays it is pleasant to have some variety and a modicum of choice,whether this is specifically related to given occasions or just simply variety for its own sake, in the way one might choose a shirt off a rack. The ever-helpful Vine is providing quality without involving expense as so often, and I hope to hear no mention of tariffs.
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This Eau de Toilette spray from John Varvatos is lovely. The packaging looks good and is not too excessive and wasteful and the weave around the bottle certainly makes it stand out. The only thing about the weave is that it has a bit of a smell of its own, (which I didn't find particularly nice), so when I first opened the box I was a rather put off as I thought that I was getting a bit of a whiff of the fragrance and it wasn't great. Luckily, however, the contents of the bottle smell really lovely - both I and my other half love the smell and I think that it's probably my new favourite.I was in two minds about whether or not to deduct a star as the fragrance doesn't last quite as long as some others that I've had.It lasts well for a few hours but fades quite quickly after that. However, this is easy to fix with a quick top up spritz...and I'd rather it be this way than overpowering in the first place.
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Main accords: citrus, white floral, fresh spicy, sweet and herbalTop notes: Sicilian clementine, tangelo fruit, Mexican tangerine, aromatic thyme, Spanish marjoram and Greek lavender.Heart: North African orange blossom, Indian plant Murraya, combination of jasmine and orange, Nigerian ginger, Chinese ginger and purple ginger.Base: Kephalis wood, Geoargewood, amber-like Belleambre and musky Serenolide.This is the 3rd masculine fragrance in the Artisan line up from the house of John Varvators.It opens up with a very orangey/citrusy smell but as it dries down, it starts to get more floral with the orange blossom and jasmine.A fresh and clean scent which in my opinion is relatively unique and therefore a good one to add to your fragrance collection.Definitely a fragrance for the summer or warm weather.Sillage on this fragrance like most JV fragrance, isn’t great!
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As a man rarely of this world, I don't often sniff the most popular events of the alpha males of the land. I have no idea who or what a John Varvatos is - sounds like a 1970s Italian playboy to me, or possibly an Elder, lower tier God who tried to come up with a human name which remained similar to his true handle. Nevertheless, I'm always looking for ways to make myself less attractive to women - it's hard keeping up several full time careers, hobbies, and a wife and children without the endless flock of models trying to 'get some'. Unfortunately, this cologne is delicious and has drawn several mothers, aunts, and teachers in my direction in the school playground, complimenting me on my choice of squirter (aftershave).So, if you want to attracl some of these women away from me, please purchase this and harken them towards thyself instead.
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From John varvatos. This citrus herbal scent with a hint of white flowers and marked spice note is the business. Top notes are silician Clementine, tangelo fruit and orange, spliced with lavender, thyme and I think marjoram, but this is not brassy or crude. Once that has settled, middle notes are flowery: a nice well rounded Jasmine, muttreya, which is unusual, but compliments the Orange blossom. Base notes are sturdy "purple' ginger, which to be fair, seems a little synthetic, but adds depth and spark. It's a gorgeous scent, sophisticated and masculine, without being overbearing. The sillage is about 4 hours, not as much of some of the other fragrances in the range, and it is a little pricey considering this.Well worth it though, as it stands out from the crowd.
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This Artisan Pure from John Varvatos is one of the most wearable and appealing men's fragrances I've tried in a long time and should suit a range of men in a range of situations. The first impressions are good even before you try it because it's presented in a cane-wrapped sand-blasted bottle with a wooden cap. The split cane is presumably woven around the bottle by hand since each bottle is different and makes for a very distinctive and expensive-looking presentation. Hopefully the people doing all the hand weaving are getting a decent cut of the relatively-high price of the finished product.It's a citrus-based fragrance and when you first spray it you get a burst of lemon sherbet that remindedme of
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I got this for my husband,and I have to say, it's a cut above most colognes or aftershave I've got for him. This is a subtle fragrance, the sillage is about 5 to 6 hours. It's a somewhat soapy, herbal scent with a lot of aromatic fresh citrus. It's backed up with woody Amber undertones. Top notes, lemon, bergamot, mandarin, dressed with thyme and marjoram. Once that lifts, middle notes are ginger and petitgrain. Base notes include a hint of musk, Amber and woods. It is more expensive than the run of the mill Beckham type celeb scents, but if you want something special for the man in your life that is smart and classy rather than honking alpha male, this is it.

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