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For Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (Xbox 360), 15 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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Pretty much what the title says above . :-)(Ignore the terrible TxT speak review!!!. errg)Having said that, this game is a lot deeper in terms of it's fighting system than any of the other WARRIORS title's. To upgrade a characters full potential and unlock all their moves/super moves/arts' etc will take you AGES.Graphic wise: Pretty sharp an fluid. Again better than any KOEI Dynasty game thats come before, Eg - Gundam, Samurai , etc etc.If your a fan of FIST OF THE NORTH STAR you'll probably enjoy it a level above anyone else. The whole original saga has been recreated all the way up to Ken's final battle against Raoh, an you can unlock several other characters (other than the 5 for legend mode)added to the roster of "Dream Mode" , which is basically a big WHAT-IF mode for the main characters.Among the playable are:KenshiroTokiRaohReiMamiyaJagiThouzer (Souther)Shin(With Heart and a 'common outlaw' as Dlc characters, as well as mutiple manga costumes for all involved)If you like the whole Dynasty Warrior style of play' basically, this will be a loved game. If you've never seen the appeal of fighting hordes of enemies etc then you might wana rent instead.I got this on day of release and I've still got loads to do! (Enjoying replay of levels too!)8/10 :-DJ
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Being a fan of fist of the north star and having seen all of it, series, movies, spinoffs, i was always going to buy this game,when i got it, it blew me away and it's a lot longer than one would think, i originally played through the Japanese version on the ps3 and clocked 130 hours and was nowhere near finished.If your not a fan of fist of the north star though, it is definitely a marmite game.You'll either love it or hate it.A brilliant beat em up, and the game was altered slightly for the western release,attacks were sped up and made more powerful.as a side note the load times are slightly longer on xbox 360.Otherwise both games are identical.


When i started playing this game i was enjoying it and i could see myself playing it for ages i love these sort of games. It was when i fought against shin and the music changed to the theme tune of the anime the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. This is one kick ass game and i love the soundtrack for it aswell. This is one of my favourite games that kept me hooked for a long time i don't really feel like playing as the other characters but i will go back to it some day. You will find yourself playing the same levels over and over if you want to fully power up the character that you are using it's kind of like grinding in an rpg.


I thought id take a chance and buy this game,i love the manga and the anime since i was a little kid,amazingly the game is really good and not some cheap rip off of a game it has so many levels,characters etc and really lasts a while obviously if you enjoyed the anime and manga your gonna enjoy this slightly more than people who are just getting to know the fist of the north star universe,great game and happy to keep on playing!!!


Enjoyable music, familiar Dynasty/Samurai Warriors style that I like, great character designs(including sexy female characters) and lots of testosterone. And no stupid cel-shading like in Lost Paradise. I also prefer the Warriors style over the Yakuza style of Lost Paradise. And some of the music during gameplay reminds me of Painkiller for some reason. I'm playing Painkiller as a beat'em up!


If you are a fan of this kind of games, bloody and a lot of "watatatatataaaa!!!!" this is your game. Yeah it has issues but damm, is very funny and you can play local coop, up to 2 players. Of course if you are fan of the anime, don't miss this game.If you want all achievements, this will take some time.Is a very good choice at this price.


fist of the northstar is an exact copy of the series that never made it over hear.if you cant be botherd to download all 45 gigz then get the game it is scean by scean perfict.


Great Game, although i can see why it has mixed reviews it won't appeal to everyone. If you like games like dynasty warriors then you'll love it. If not it's not for you.


Totalmente recomendado.No te arrepentirás de la compra.El envío rápido y seguro por, solo tardo 3 días en llegar.


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