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Fahrenheit is an adventure game, but not in the traditional point-and-click mode. Instead, the game is played by moving your character around using the keyboard and mouse or a gamepad, and even completing certain sections with rhythm-based controls - by tapping buttons in a certain sequence in order to influence the character's movements on-screen.You play Lucas Kane, who is having a pretty bad day, what with murdering someone, going on the run from the police and getting embroiled in a dark conspiracy. Lucas must attempt to stay one step ahead of the police whilst trying to figure out why he keeps having strange dreams and visions and generally discover what on earth is going on.And just why is the weather getting so cold (hence the name)...?Brilliantly, you also get to play as the police detectives hunting Kane, so you are therefore responsible for piecing together the clues to catch, well, yourself, seeing as you get to play the murderer too.The story is involved and keeps you playing. You care about the characters as your actions through the game will dictate how their individual tales turn out. You also have to watch their mood - it is important to keep your characters from getting too despondent with it all as they can slip into depression and even commit suicide!Your characters can collect tokens during the game in order to unlock lots of extras, such as extra videos, images from the making of and music tracks.Graphically, Fahrenheit is good enough, with some great animation. Textures and detail are poor, highlighting the multi-platform release of the game. The voice acting is excellent throughout. The control system works very well and at least gives you something to do rather than just watching cutscenes.This is a great adventure game, well made and with an interesting story. It does get a little bit daft towards the end and the ending itself works but is a little odd, and otherwise it is engrossing. The only real downside to Fahrenheit is its length, it's quite short, but hopefully that will lessen the time until a sequel.
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This game is probably the most original I have played for some time. The best way to describe it is as an interactive movie with a non-linear plot.What's new? There are fantastic new ways here of interacting with the action scenes and moments where the player might "pick-up" extra information if they are skilled enough. These work via quick key-presses and are difficult to describe in a review, but rest assured they works exceptionally. For example, at an autopsy, the mortician is spouting medical mumbo-jumbo and a quick series of key presses indicates whether the character understands that this means "the killer attacked from behind". The only problem with this system is that in Fahrenheit they are overused,and in the second half of the game there is no longer any exploration or adventure-game style puzzles; everything is suddenly resolved by how quickly you can press a series of buttons. This is a shame.The adventure game is comparable to Blade Runner (the game) and also has a clever little "Mental Health" meter, which means one has to juggle the needs of the character for food, drink, love, entertainment etc.. This again works fantastically.The game also has a great script and some excellent animation and voice acting.Another area the game fails at is the plot, which works fantastically at the beginning, for example: First scene - you are the killer, you must decide whether to clean up the crime scene or do an immediate runner; Second scene - you are the detective and you are discovering the clues left exactly as the killer (you) left them in the first scene.This system is truly inspired, and I loved it. However, the plot degenerates halfway through into X-files-style farcical science fiction about the end of the world and a child who can prevent it and blah-blah-blah-dull and trite.So, Fahrenheit is a game that is excellent at times, and terrible at times. I have given it four stars because it is SO good when it's good that one can almost forgive it its failings. Almost.
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If you're looking for suspense, a good challenge and a game which you can play again without it coming to the same outcome, look no further.The thing I like about Fahrenheit is its attention to detail, brilliant graphics for a computer and most importantly, you can play the game again after completing it with different outcomes.The only thing that annoyed me about it was that there's a part in there which involves Lucas, the main character in his apartment and all his stuff is flying around and you have to make him dodge it. There's no right or wrong way to do this because you have to press your computer keys at the right time, like a sort of mini game. It actually took me a month to complete this,but I learnt that you just have to keep at it.Other than that, I would recommend this game to anyone. Lots of parts in the game I didn't want to play at night because I thought it would scare me even more! (Particularly when Carla is in the Lunatic Asylum and she has to get around it in the dark with all the weirdos on the loose). That brings me on to my next point - having the good range of characters you can switch between. This makes the game more interesting because instead of sticking with one boring character throughout the game you can play three characters and explore their lives within the game.In conclusion I just want to say that I bought this game because I was looking for a good adventure game. I had, after all just completed Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey so my expectations were pretty high. However, Fahrenheit met my expectations. I still have yet to end the game with the other different outcome, and I look forward to seeing what happens.
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5 stars then... I did have issues with giving it a perfect score as the game is not perfect. But I concluded that given it is THE best game I've played since Deus Ex, and that I would recomend it to everyone that the flaws can be overlooked.So in it's favour then: It has a superb story (which does get worse towards the end, it's true), an innovative control system which is baffling at first but becomes second nature very quickly, superb voice acting and atmospheric graphics and a sense of attatchment to the characters that I have never felt in a game before. Having finished it, I will definitely be replaying it making different choices along the way to see how each choice changes the game.The fact that I breezed through it in 3 days is both a testiment to how engrossing it is, but also sadly how short it is.Which brings me to the flaws - it can be frustrating, especially the rhythm based combat sequences when it forces you to restart, it really needs a joypad with two analogue sticks, the plot gets a bit silly towards the end, but my biggest problem with it is its all over too soon. I loved this game and am dissappointed it's over.I haven't been this impressed sinced Deus Ex, as I said (though Vampire Bloodlines came close) - despite its flaws I have to give it 5 stars because it is really engrossing, entertaining and a breath of fresh air.Bring on a sequel!
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A murder was committed and you play both the murderer trying to get away and figure out why it happened, as well as the detectives trying to catch the murderer and bring him to justice... the game is well written and the characters well fleshed out, and I found myself striving to do the best I could with both sets of characters - get away with no evidence as the murderer, while trying to find everything as the detectives.In addition to the "core" storyline, there are a few side paths that further flesh out the characters, making you really care for them, as well as a providing some light comic relief and fun - a basketball game, kickboxing match & sitting and jamming with yourself are a few such moments.There are also a couple of homages to other films (Silence of the Lambs being the most blatant set-piece). The game also ALWAYS make sure you have enough information & plot details present to progress, though it's handled in a deceptively smooth way.The soundtrack also deserves a mention - Theory Of A Deadman are notable (whose CD "Gasoline" I bought on the strength of the 4 tracks in this, particularly "Santa Monica") and are joined by a number of classic motown tunes.Overall, its a gripping, clever game that'll make you think - though it has limited replay value due to the somewhat linear progression of the game.
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I got it this morning and 6 hours later finally stopped playing. This game combines some great cinematography with unreal amounts of interactivity. It moves and looks very much like a Sky 1 mini series (in a good sense). The film like quality and interactivity go hand in hand and quite possibly pave the way for future development on this scale.The game almost directly connects to you, the player... A character's actions are widely affected by how you feel, your feelings in turn are affected by past game events.Being a film maker myself i genuinly appreciated the work gone into the style and feel of the game, but whatever your take on films this game is a must.Fahrenheit could well redefine gaming.The game seems to remind me of Max Payne/Film Noir, X-Files, The Matrix and (yes) Starsky and Hutch. (When you hear Tyler's theme music you'll think Huggy Bear.)On a final note - and most importantly. This isn't another over exaggerated "Whatever you do affects the story!" ei Morrowind as an example. Your actions in Fahrenheit genuinly do affect the story: Leaving evidence, not showering, looking evidence over, missing a phonecall.Dont forget... Aswell as trying to avoid the police, you also play the police...Enjoy.
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This game starts off brilliantly - I mean, *brilliantly*. You have committed a murder and you have to decide what to do; what would you do? What mistakes would you make?Sadly, you soon begin to lose this sense of control over the story. The game starts to over-rely on the two minigames it employs; button-hammering for "effort" activities and Dance mat style precision for "skill" activities. Fail in those games, and you have to try again; succeed, and all you really get is an extended cutscene.This game starts out as an exciting new experience, and ends up as an enjoyable movie. My disappointment was such that I am tempted to rate it lower,but in truth it doesn't deserve that.The real breath of fresh air in this game is that it doesn't give you time to explore all opportunities: it is an adventure game with a sense of pace, where you never feel you have tried everything because there are questions you could have asked but didn't.An entertaining story, with good characters, this game is just slightly more cerebral than your average FPS, but after the first few scenes it doesn't really tax the grey matter.
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Fahrenheit (aka Indigo Prophecy) is an amazing 'experience' rather than a game. As a 'movie', it beats most of the recent Hollywood releases of the same genre. Several times, I actually jumped - like the face behind me in the mirror as I closed the bathroom cabinet. As a game, I agree that the controls could be better and I can't imagine trying to play without a dual analogue gamepad. But I felt imersed in the experience - half of me was playing a game and the other half was watching a movie. The voice acting is excellent, the graphics better-than-average for an adventure game, the characters well balanced and genuinely interesting, and the storyline is amazing. While this will not be to everyones taste,its so different to everything else out there that its worth buying just to see what all the fuss is about. If you like TV shows like 24, you're going to love the split screen action. I could go on, but I'd end up giving the story away, and the story is Fahrenheit's strongest suit. Enjoy!
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This game really shines in terms of its atmosphere and also to a slightly lesser degree, its storyline. The story is very good and you are constantly trying to guess whether the real guy responsible is someone you know.I haven't completed the game yet(I'm over half-way there), but I hope there will be a plot twist at the end.The gameplay is where I think the game falls short. I guess I was expecting something like Max Payne, but alas...it was more like one of those dance move games where you have to press buttons when they light up.NOT All the sequences were of this sort however...some had you pressing left and right repeatedly and thats about it.I did play a scene in a shooting gallery where you did get to aim and shoot at some targets and I really hope they develop that into something later in the game.It is a good game, if a little boring(to me anyway). I would definitely advise you to rent it out and give it a try because you might love it!
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It looks like most of the reviews here already covered all the good points of this game, but I just thought I'd add my thoughts. It is a short game in some ways but there's a fair amount replayability there as there are three different endings and multiple ways to play out most chapters. Once you've completed some of the mini-games you can also go back and play them again.I was worried that this game was over-hyped but it really is good. I saw one review that said it wasn't an adventure game because you had to make quick decisions and on some occasions pound the keyboard a bit to progress the story. This is true,but I felt that it immersed me more in the game rather than annoying me.The one thing i did find slightly annoying was that occasionally I was concentrating so hard on getting the reaction games right that I wasn't really watching what was happening in the game. It didn't bother me too much though.In summary- great game.
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What a truly great experience! Fahrenheit is 3rd person action adventure game with a difference. The opening scene begins with your lead character, Lucas Kane, commiting a highly graphic murder ... but can he be a murderer?This is one of the rare games that combine life-like graphics and animation, atmospheric sound, and most importantly a gripping storyline where you actually care what happens to your leading characters.The interface for the key moments is unusual; a cross between a finger tapping sports game or following a sequence of timed coloured lights. Therefore you need sharp reflexes. The fight scenes are so fast and complex that normal mouse clicking mode just wouldn't have worked.As a bonus, you are able to watch your handywork without the coloured lights from the menu.All in all, a superb and atmosheric game with a snow bound New York providing the stage. And it's getting colder by the day.
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indigo prophecy or farenheit..both the same .... an absoloute must buy just for the pure diffrence that most adventure games miss , every action u do you control, the controls are difficult at first, just takes a little bit of concentration and your away , you play lucas and the 2 poilice people , it does need the original patch though install the game then the patch and that will solve the freezes...it ran perfectly on my system no hitches or glitches..the plot is good from the start maybe loosing a bit towards the end but it doesnt stop you from playing all the way through , the graphics are top notch - the sound is spot on..the voice over acting is 1 of the best ive ever experianced - thisgame should be placed as the title to take the adventure games to another level...brilliant!
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From start to finish I loved this *game* I have to agree with previous people who say it might be a little hard using the keyboard, i did find it difficult at first but you soon get use to it, it was also annoying at times to miss the videos because you have to keep a close eye on the instructions instead. Also the ending was over quick, a lot quicker than some of the other fight scenes in the game but the overall game makes up for it. A very involved game with good story line and game play, having the multiple characters keeps you in the loop all the way which is a great new feel on things.


First of all for the guy who said its impossible to play on PC...well it aint. Its easy. In fact I completed the whole game without dying once. Left hand on the arrow keys, right hand on the mouse and I can do em with my eyes shut.They obviously ran outta cash towards the end because the plot takes a dive and it is pretty short but even so the game is great. The characters, the story and the plot are all amazing for the most part and it really feels like what you say and do affects the whole story.One of the best games I have played in years.


This game is whats keepimg me at my pc at the moment!i just keep wanting to come back to it ,its so addictive !I started to get pi***d off with pc gaming of late and was starting to think the whole way games were going was sooooooooo boring the same thing again and again but this gem has had me glued (something i just dont do anynmore!)the game will also play with everything to full eye candy thats 16x af and 4x aa @1280x1024 on my 6800gt great game !!!!!!buy it NOW!

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