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Hats off to the developers of `Stalingrad', because it's a very intelligent spin-off from the Blitzkrieg series. They have gone a long way to sorting some of the problems with the original game, and it has an air of refinement in the menus and game play that Blitzkrieg lacked rather a little. Most of my opinion here is judged on comparisons with Blitzkrieg, because that is the only other similar game of RTS genre that I have played, and I hope it will encourage fans of Blitzkrieg and similar titles to give this more unknown game `Stalingrad' a go.The setting and period of WW2 is very interesting, so anyone wanting a history lesson combined with some practical strategy should give it a go.It has been cleverly pitched because success in each of the missions is more or less the same as what actually happened, so even your own actions are historically accurate to an extent. The Operation Blau campaign in summer 1942, and the colossal territory of the steppes and the Caucasus Mountains the Germans advanced across have always really fascinated me, so it was definitely helpful in further understanding the campaign and events as they moved along. The area of southern Russia is nicely recreated for your imagination on the maps, with open plains, farmland and villages to fight across. You really get a feel for example of the parched, dusty steppe lands in the summer campaign and the barren frozen wastes during the Soviet winter offensive.I always really struggled with the command system on `Blitzkrieg'; it took me a very long time to even begin to use it properly. Here in contrast my interest and desire to learn the game play was found at once, being more interested at the starting point. The first German mission for example gives you plenty of armour to play with and a chance to experiment on tactics, supply etc. Whilst it sort of assumes you know the ropes if you don't you have time to play around on the steppe or throw troops forward at will.It is the attention to detail and accuracy where this game should be applauded. There are accurately modelled variations of the German and Soviet tank marks. For example there are nearly all the marks of the Panzer III and IV. The vehicles and units are nicely defined and detailed, from the panzer commanders sitting upright in their turrets to the little panzer grenadiers with their sleeves rolled up exactly as you imagine them to have been, sweltering in the Russian heat. In the winter months you have at one stage some brilliant white-clad Soviet tank riding assault troops, all of which are much better human models that some of the ones found in Blitzkrieg. There are some units worth noting here of real interest that were involved in the Stalingrad battle. These include captured German T-34 and KV tanks, German volunteer Cossack troops, Soviet Workers battalion soldiers and Romanian Renault R-35 tanks, which show very nicely the cross-section of fighting men and equipment that were involved in the battle.Sound is much improved as well with some nice touches. Click on a Soviet tank for example and you get a fantastic grainy radio response in Russian. Even the tanks rattle and clunk very nicely. Explosions and the boom of the artillery are much more solid, with a crescendo of rifle and machine gun in areas of heavy fighting. Even if you move to a quiet corner of the map, you can hear gunfire in the distance, which is a great little touch. Vehicles and guns explode spectacularly, for example when some tanks are knocked out the turret keeps turning and boxes of equipment are thrown off the back. They also stay on the battlefield burning and blocking the path for longer than in `Blitzkrieg', making a more realistic battle scarred environment in which you fight. At the end of one battle in the middle of the village the ground was completely littered with tanks, vehicles and guns, showing just how quickly an area becomes ravaged with war in such concentrated battle. These are all a few such interesting details that I always look for in games like this which really improve the overall effect considerably.Aviation is also markedly better than in `Blitzkrieg', planes aren't shot down so easily and there are no annoying fighters to contend with. They fly at a more realistic speed and with better movement. Again there are some interesting variants like the Henschel 129 ground attack plane and the Junkers 88 bomber with highly accurate markings and livery.Some of the famous battlegrounds in the city have been nicely re-created, including the big square Grain Silo (where at one point in the real battle about 50 Soviet Marines were surrounded and held out against outnumbering Germans for several days in appalling conditions), the steeply sloping Mamaev Kurgan hill, to the Red October Tractor factory and central railway building.Some good points:· Armoured troop carriers that are actually armed! This is a whole part of the blitzkrieg idea that was missing in `Blitzkrieg' I reckon. Not that they are much use however! There are several interesting variants as well, ranging from the lend-lease Universal Carrier, Komsomolets tractor to the classic German Sdkfz. 251 with mortar and AT gun variants.· Tanks and gunfire ranges are much more realistic, mortars and artillery should be able to reach most areas of the map from distance also, which just makes the whole thing much better to play.· Brilliantly rendered maps with fantastic little touches- a statue of Lenin, Soviet propaganda posters on walls of buildings and horse-drawn carts left close to infantry and gun positions.· You always can just keep going. Some missions take ages but you can always just finish a map before it becomes frustrating, which was a tendency in `Blitzkrieg'. The reinforcement groups are really relieving when they arrive, and they always seem to if you run out of men and tanks.Some bad Points:· German tanks in particular have a habit of blundering towards the enemy positions and being hit by anti-tank guns before you have a chance to shoot back. You can lose three or four tanks to one AT gun even if only one man is left firing it because the rate of fire remains the same. Annoying!· Infantry are still pretty rubbish! Always too exposed, and annoyingly they aren't protected at all when you put them in the personnel carriers. You can throw them forwards in waves but I hate wasting them like that so I always allow the tanks to clear a path first and use them against inferior numbers. They don't listen to anything you say a lot of the time as well, and can be terribly vulnerable in open ground attacking trench lines.· Some of the translations are appalling in the manual and on the menus. This is kind of understandable because it's a Russian release, and I should just be glad they've released it over here. But, this does slightly reduce the appearance of quality in the product, which is a real shame because considerable effort and refinement has gone into this game.· Some units are fairly useless in battle; I at least have struggled to use them for much good. The little German Sdkz.250 half-tracks for example are nice to look at in your assembly areas but are far too vulnerable to throw forward in attack most of the time. Also the Maxim and MG42 machine guns manned by two men are useless because they are usually hit within the first few seconds of firing, although they can now be put in the trenches which is much more realistic.· There are still some basics things that have never quite worked with this game engine. When you reach your objective it's often felt more with relief and desperation to finish rather than satisfying victory.· Much of the heavy fighting in the city through late September and October is missed out completely! And you don't see enough of the Volga River either!Overall, this is a fantastic game. It remains engaging enough so that I do not get bored by impossibility at any point and give up, something that can happen in such games. I could go on listing the superlatives but I would take up to much room. Some of the missions are not so great as others, the wording in English is atrocious but the majority of this game hits the mark superbly. What is most unfortunate is that I was kept in the dark about it so long! I only found out about the game through a link from information on `Blitzkrieg', but on finding it I found exactly the sort of game to discover more about the Battle of Stalingrad and the WW2 Eastern Front in general. Highly recommended.
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For those who like the Blitzkrieg series this will be an excellent game, that builds up on the original while lacking some of the flaws.Basically it is a game that features the type of historical missions that appeared in Blitzkrieg, but with more attention to detail and historical accuracy. Gone are the repetitve missions where you had to capture a small town and a warehouse with a standart layout. In Stalingrad every mission has a unique map based on actula maps from the WW2. This means that the game really involves a lot of thinking of how to achieve the ojective- it is not just matter of having a battery of heavy guns and blasting the hell out of every site where you think the enemy mighthide.The units are more balanced- here you really need to pay attention which way your tanks are facing, otherwise those light enemy tanks are going to outflank you and punch trough the weak side armor of your units. You need to be weary of anti-tank guns too- they are well camouflaged in Stalingrad and only become visible after the first shot or only when you are very close to them. As in the real battles of WW2, a single hidden gun can take out 2-3 of your tanks before the others spot it and deal with it.There are plenty other good things too- like the fact that the enemy can retreat( they do not just stay in the trench when facing more numerous enemy); the spotter aircraft really work and do not fall prey to every single AA gun; your resources are limited and you must decide whether to capture a storage depot first or hope that your units will not run out of ammo before the attack is complete; the enemy officers also use their binoculars to spot your troops while you try to do the same, and they will not wait for you to attack but will attack themselves if you forces are exposed.There are some drawbacks too- mainly that has to do with the AI of the units. Sometimes it is annoying to see your tanks ignoring the enemy tanks that are blasting them to pieces, and concentrating instead on the retreating infantry. But if you keep an eye on that, you can overcome it with repeated commands for your troops. Also, the soundtrack is by some Russian metal band, but after a while you get used to it.Overall Stalingrad is a very good game, with the level of detail and historical acuracy that more than compensate for the minor flaws.
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A solid addition to the Blitzkrieg pantheon sees you taking control of the Russians and Germans in the Stalingrad campaign. Whilst plenty of care and attention has been made to set up (seemingly) realistic scenarios, the game itself holds no pretensions of realism. There is some interesting historical footage, although it is spoiled by the diabolical "metal" "music" that they selected to soundtrack it. In the game itself, I have never mastered the best use of infantry (short of sticking them in a trench and hoping for the best) and my tanks get blown up with a few seconds of inattenion. Despite these shortcomings, the game is well worth playing. It is very much a challenge,but progressing through each mission is well worth doing - you advance your ranking / status and medals with success, the game judges you on certain skills such as leadership, tactics, supply etc... I am not quite sure how it deduces this as I tend to score poorly even after winning, although that might be because several of my offensive missions end up with me getting a single tank to the objective.If you enjoy the Blitzkrieg engine and need more, then get this. Otherwise, get something else. Easy!
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Read as much as you can about the battle the Battle of Stalingrad to fully understand and appreciate this fabulous simulation.I found that running it as slow as possible and pausing frequently enabled me to fully understand the battlefield conditions, minimize losses and utilize my resources to the fullest.If you are expecting a CoH type RTS with incredible graphics, ability to zoom and rotate the camera for different views, spawning of men and equiptment lost, then this simulation is not for you.It it closer to the older Close Combat series but in 3D perspective.


Excellent gameplay, a truly engrossing strategy real time war game.Control platoons of your troops, capture enemy gunsand then turn them against them! Keep your supplies well guarded and those supply routes open. Plant mines and build trenches. Heavy tanks medium tanks armoured cars. Scout ahead and call for air support.The graphics may not be as pretty as AoEIII for example but thay are certainly good enough, at least7/10 if not 8 but the winner is gameplay it rocks all over AoEIII. I know where I 'll spend my money.


Just a great game - for some reason, my DVD became corrupted so I'm buying another copy. The learning curve is a little steep, but it seems to be bug-free. I even went out to the Internet to read about the individual battles created here.


I loved "A bridge too far" games which inspired me to buy this. Totally awesome and addicting at the time. A little outdated, wish they made games like this today. Great history and music


Historically accurate, tough and thought provoking. It has a couple of bugs or I would have rated it 5 stars. I wish that more games like this would be made.

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