

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Dr. Sudoku (GBA) reviews.
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For Dr. Sudoku (GBA), 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 1.

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Amazon has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 1. Go to this seller.


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This game may work okay on the Gameboy Advance but it really doesn't work on the Nintendo DS. For starters it only uses the top screen, not the touch screen. Then the controls are difficult to use - you can't just input a number into the chosen box but have to use a combination of the left, right and A buttons. I gave up after one puzzle because it was just too annoying to play.I really like Sudoku but this was far more complicated than it should be. I'll go back to my pencil and paper puzzles.

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