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This is to address incorrect statements in several other reviews posted, and to make an exceptionally strong recommendation of this game to the public. Due to the Laws Of Reviewing I will not be naming names. Just read the negative reviews, and you will see what i mean.Company of heroes is an excellent Real time strategy which excels in every department, and your points on the matter are both ill advised and irrelevent.CoH comes on one DVD, yes, and not 4 CDs. This is because, due to a wonderful doodad we call technology, a DVD can hold over 4 times as much content as a CD can, and as such is a far better storage medium for games and films. If you have a problem about the size of a game,at least make sure you know what you are talking about first. Thanks.Command and Conquer is perhaps most widely known for its amusing live action cutscenes, displaying an acting ability not seen since Mel Gibson painted his face blue and donned a Scottish accent. However, it is also well known, by people who regularly play such games at least, for its relentless streamlining (read: dumbing down)of the strategy genre, lowering it to the level of drag selecting your untis and right-clicking the enemy base. This, my friend, is the game that spawned the Tank Rush, and although it is as you say a classic, it has all the depth of a toddlers paddling pool. In the sun. On Mars.Any point about "using military tactics" is equally off the mark. Even the American army knows better then to wander blindly into lines of fire and call air strikes in on thier own position (okay, maybe not), and they are the most gung-ho group of hardcore war-machines ever to be unleashed on the world of Men. My pint, which you may have missed in all the rambling, is that CoH does many things which other, shallower RTS's only dream of: Tanks with graded armour so that it is weaker on the sides and the rear then at the front, fully deformable landscapes where a bomb crater can provide cover for your troops, and, for the first time ever in an RTS, Infantry that ACTUALLY TAKE COVER. None of this "Lets stand here in the open, chaps, and try not to be shot" malarky. No, these are scared young men who will both stick together and find cover on the battlefield.Frankly, if you think that having to flank tanks with sticky bombs or set up defensive lines and forming last-ditch defences is less tactically sound then the usual "Get 'em, lads", of most RTS's, then you have no business posting a review about a game.I have formed epic defences, launched futile assaults, seen acts of heroism and scenes of despair. Company of Heroes is one of the best RTS games ever made, and one of the best games in any genre I have ever had the pleasure to play. It combines true strategy and intense gameplay with exceptional visuals and sound effects to create one of the most sumptuous pieces of gaming brilliance of 2006, and is one of the landmarks of modern gaming.If you are the author of a negative review of this game, then BE TOLD. CoH is a brilliant game which pushes the boundries of the genre.If you are anyone else, then go back to the top of the page and buy yourself one of the most absorbing, exciting and downright brilliant games money can buy. If you like games, you will love Company of Heroes.
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Well the the title of this review pretty much sums up the game, but why? and how? I'll tell you.I remember beta testing this game last summer, and I remember my first online match, and spending the whole time starring in awe. Not only do the graphics look amazing, the AI is also good, as men are put under fire they will run for any nearby cover, and will take pot shots, reload, take hits, aim, all that sort of stuff.I remember at one point in the game, I had two tanks moving down the road, toward the German camp. To the left of the tanks stands a building, occupied by a group of German Volksgrenadirs. It goes without saying, that they begin firing at the tanks, but they take no damage,like in real life. The cannon of the tanks turn, and seconds later, two holes open up in the building, shattered brick flies all over the place, not to mention the smashing of windows, and the Volksgrenadirs copping it.Then, as I'm about to pull forward, I notice four Nerblewerfers (German rocket artillery) at the end of the street. Before I can fire, rockets rain down on my tanks, I try to fall back, but before I can click the mouse, there are two carcasses where my Sherman tanks once were. Before the area fades to darkness, two squads of enemy Stormtroopers move up, closesly followed by a German "Stug" tank.Luckily, I pull in a group of Paratroopers and Riflemen, to repel the attack. The Stormtroopers arrive, and my Paratroopers take cover behind a metal container, the Riflemen run for an impact crater in the street. The Stormtroopers run for sandbags, and the other squad garrisons inside a building. The "Stug" tank moves up the centre of the street.At this point I'm almost biting my nails, the Riflemen fire upon the Stormtroopers, and the paratroopers onto the "Stug". Moments later, the "Stug" fires upon the crate which the paratroopers are taking cover from. On impact, it crumples up like paper, and I lose three of six men. The remaining 3 turn and fire, two of these men carry "Bazookas" and fire at the "Stug". The main gun is destroyed, but it still has a Light Machine Gun fully-functional.Meanwhile my riflemen are taking a lot of damage. Now, as I think I'm about to take out the German infantry, a Stormtrooper throws a grenade into the crater. Seconds later, six bodies fly in the air, and I watch as the squad take the weapons left behind from the Riflemen.The "Stug" now has my paratroopers pinned. I select the "Throw Satchel Charge", and then click on the "Stug". Sure enough, before dying, the last paratroopers throws a Satchel on the tank. It explodes, taking the tank with it, turning it into scrap metal.From the other side of the map, I'm moving in another tank and two jeeps. But it's almost too late, the Stormtroopers are trying to capture one of my fuel points. But then, I notice the "Strafing Run" button on my Hud. With two clicks, a P-37 Thunderbolt (American Plane) flies over, spraying the Germans with .30 Calibur bullets. Just then my jeeps and armour arrive. The day is saved.I hope after that achingly boring review you decide to buy this product, It's an amazing game, and I just want other people to enjoy it as much as I have.
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If there was something the gaming market needed, it was a World War 2 Strategy and Relic have certainly not disapointed in giving us an absoloute classic RTS.The feature that first struck me about Company of Heroes was its simplicity and in-game interface. Initialy this worried me, as most successful RTS' rely on elaborate user functions but i realised soon into my first game that its simplicity actualy added depth to the game. Players are directed more at actual Strategical combat rather than building up as many resources as possible and this is what realy makes Company of Heroes stand out.I bought Company of Heroes mainly for its multiplayer function,however i discovered the single player was actualy worth playing (which is a rarity in todays RTS's). The game centres around "able company" as you fight your way through normandy as Airbourne, Infantry or Armour. The single player campaign features legendary theatres such as Omaha beach and Carentan and even though it is feindishly difficult at times, you realy feel that you have achieved something at the end.You are also able to have simple Skirmishes against the computer with varying degrees of difficulty.The multiplayer is quite easily the most competetive and fun that i have experienced. You can play with up to 8 players as German or USA, with around 12 maps to choose from. Company of Heroes also records your stats so you can see who the best German/American player in the world is and how high you stand on the leaderboard.However, to fully enjoy this game you realy do need a hefty machine. I first ran the demo on my old pc (Pentium 4 3.0 ghz, 1 gig ram, nVidia 6600 256mb) and "it wasnt pretty". I now run it on my new machine (Core 2 Duo 6600, 2 Gigs Ram, nVidia 7900 GT) and it plays almost as well as real life. The physics are absoloutly amazing. You are actualy able to blow bits off buildings if enemies are inside them with mortars, tanks, grenades or even Bazookas. Another sweet funtion is the horizontal camera which you can lower to ground level so that the game is viewed almost as an FPS.Overall, this game should be regarded as a definite purchase for any fan of Stategy games and people who enjoyed Call of Duty (2) will love this.
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Where to start.This game is nothing short of genius.Initially i was quite skeptical about this game, as i sometimes do not listen to the hype about supposed "Best game ever". This was not the case with this one.I have always been an RTS fan, and with the recent spate of world war II genre games getting good and bad reviews, i loaded it with some trepidation.Initially, once you load up you have two main choices:1. Jump staright in and play the skirmish game blind,or my personal favourite,2. Play the training levels.The training levels in my opinion allow everyone from the new RTS player to the advanced to get to grips with the game console and basic movement.It also cleverly has the option to bypass the basic movement explantions of left click selct, right click move.It has the more advanced explanations of the different types of units that can be used- infantry, armour, engineers etc.It also explains how you obtain resources in order to buy those new units, or upgrade existing ones.Now its time to start to play the campaign.The first mission takes about 30-40 minutes to complete and is based around Omaha Beach (thats all I'm saying-NO SPOILERS).Each mission has an optional objective allowing you to earn medals if you complete them, and look at them in the main menu display case at your leisure.The missions get gradually harder but still remain attainable on the normal level and are quite challenging as i still have not comleted it.I was shocked to find that i particularly enjoyed the "Rag-doll" physics employed as you launch mortars or "88's" into a bunker where the enemy is hiding and they fly into the air bouncing onto the surrounding countryside. The first time i did this i was speechless as it brought visions of the modern world war II films and i started putting faces on these characters. However as the computers AI did not have any problems returning fire, this feeling is replaced with a glint in the eye and evil smirk on the face.All i can advise is that everyone buys this game if you like or think you will like either RTS games, or WWII games.
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I bought this thinking it was a first-person shooter (clever marketing by the distributors, because it is a pure real-time strategy game), and was initially ready to consign it straight to the e-bargain bucket of online auction - I don't do Age of Empires and the like.Luckily I thought again, because it is a VERY GOOD GAME!! Even for a first-person addict like me. It becomes very quickly engrossing because of its simplicity. There are no fourteen-page tech trees to have to memorise, no elaborate development stages to gain key technologies and troops or skills, and the basis of the game is very simple - gain and hold territory and resource points and kick the enemy's behind before he does it to you!I am hopelessly addicted.I have resounding tactical successes one round, followed by severe ass-whipping the next - the stuff that dream games are made of. I give it 4 stars for fun rating, because it is buttock-clenchingly frustrating to play sometimes!I give it 5 stars for the overall gameplay and features - you get skirmish levels, a full campaign, and multiplayer, with the ability to save any time and action-replay whole games. This enables full use of the awesome zoom/tilt/rotate function. It will turn an isometric RTS into a 3-D war shooter of the highest calibre. See full-screen, zoomed-in renditions of your finest infantry, tank and artillery attacks, beautiful explosions, flying limbs and spraying blood, peppered with some of the choicest expletives known to man. It is a fine, fine war game.Those wondering about bugs and crashes probably need to look at their hardware (as 99.9% of such problems are due to)- COH works flawlessly on my muscle-machine desktop (Athlon FX, 2x7800GTX SLi), but plays equally well on my much-less-capable laptop (Centrino Duo 166, ATI X1400 Mobility GPU) although at the very lowest detail settings.Even if you think Call of Duty 2 is the undisputed King of WW2 games, do what I did - think again, and get hold of a copy of this great, addictive and perfectly produced RTS game.
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I do not do RTS games.They annoy and frustrate me, to the point that I shout at them and load them up no more, and this usually happens at a very early stage in the game, from past experience.But, I was drawn in to looking at the demo for this game by the clever publicity, (wall-to-wall adverts on Freeview History chanel). And, I have to say, the demo really looked good; the graphics were great, the sound samples were top-notch, and the Historic element in the recreation of the Normandy invasion was a big draw. I was hooked.How does the full game measure up to expectations, after having seen the adverts and the demo???I have been equally blown away!Seriously, this is one serious game!I have spent the past 5 days giving serious attention to the Campaign single person game. It is a belter. Very hard, but with an amazing level of satisfaction on completing each mission. The missions build up progressively, guiding you deeper and deeper into the more powerful elements of the game. I think, after a weeks worth of gaming, there may be much more ahead with the single player game.Regards the Multiplayer, online game, all I can say is I was blown away yet again!!!Absolutely superb in every detail. A wonderful example of a user-friendly interface, with a stunninlgly good game experience on the other end of a few mouse clicks to be there competing with other players on the internet.I am hooked. And considering I was previously only interested in First Person products, capturing my interest is a massive achiement in itself. I can add to that, just one week in, that I am convinced already that this game will be a "Classic", a milestone, and one that will manage to break the barriers between FPS and RTS.I love it! What better praise can I give?If you are remotely interested in WWII and/or RTS games, this is the game you have been waiting for. Buy it!
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The Game plays great and the graphics are excellent and so far the campaigns have been good fun some tough some easy (I have been playing on normal level).If you are a RTS fan this is a must game and the added bonus of war hammer (which I've not tried yet) was very pleasant.There is nothing fundamentally new in the process of building up your army, other than the resources; this is a bit lame for want of a better word. Capturing command points means extra resources, which means extra men and machine to capture them which in turn means extra resources, which means extra men and machine to defend the resources.........This can become very frustrating when the krauts keep slipping in and nicking the point before you can reinforce it.You then have to wait for resource's to build up in order to start the process again. Unlike other RTS games where you can keep every thing together these command points are all over the map.The AI's not bad but from time to time (especially Armour) it can leave you a little frustrated, i.e. your tank runs over your sand bag wall you have just built instead of going around, your tank drives backwards straight in to an enemy tank exposing its weakest armour, your tank runs straight into a building and gets stuck for no reason.As for the men's AI they seem to be pretty much on the ball i.e. if they see a tank they will duck for cover but every now and then they will commit suicide.All in all though this is and excellent game and the zoom feature is brilliant and the detail is great. I would hartley recommend this to any RTS fans.One word of warning check the system requirements as its graphic drain is amazing and you need a good graphics card to appreciate the detail of this game.
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this game is great, alittle hard on normal and i'm all ways getting attacked behind my line. (just ordered the game guide) its very well thought out and very reastic.Let me tell you how it plays, well its made by the same people that made dawn of war not the same but shares some of its ideas. their are various points on the map that can produce 3 kind of resouces. fuel,manpower and muntions. fuel is mainly for tanks and buildings manpower the main resource and muntions for research and special abitles. in term of units you have various infanty types (all apart from the sinper are in squads) my favourates are the morter teams and machinegun teams.both teams need to be deployed to fire however the machine gun has to be deployed in a direction has about an 90 degree arc of fire, once deployed you can redeploy it elsewhere. As you can imagine this adds alot of strategy to the game. the vehicles can be disabled (called critical hits) so the engine and maingun can be out of action.The graphics are great. i've got my pc maxing the game out and i have a geforce 7800gtx and its comfortable. the loading times are ok. hitting the pause key and looking from a different angle (eg up close to the action) feels like your watching band of brothers.great game only waiting for game guide at the moment as using the old dawn of war strategys they are just not working. for the people who are ready to come home from work and think they could have done better in ww2 this is the game for U!! hope this helps
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I've been a computer gamer for over 20 years and have been disappointed with the latest releases for the PC, especially RTS games where it just seems the objective is to capture, build, kill. This one is special. I first saw it when my brother was playing it and thought it looked amazing. The graphics are jaw-dropping with fully destructible scenery (tanks can drive through walls, shells will bring down telegraph poles). I'm not sure there is a better game out there now graphics-wise.Apart from looking spectacular the gameplay is great too. Single player missions have good variety. One mission could see me sneaking me through the flooded fields of Normandy picking off AA guns,another could be defending a town against a furious German counter-attack. None of your usual RTS nonsense of capturing objectives, building a massive horde of units and swamping the next objective. You actually have to think about what you are doing with the various unit types.Be warned when buying this though. This game WILL NOT run on a low spec machine. I had to upgrade my computer to 1 Gb of RAM and even then load times are very long. Luckily though the graphics card is still good enough that the game runs smoothly and look great. Don't regret a bit having to upgrade. It was overdue and worth it just to play this. I'm already looking forward to the sequel.
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This is an absolute corker.Unbelievably addictive gameplay and very challenging(!)The new resource system (constantly increasing resources of Manpower, Munitions, and Fuel - measured by how many points you achieve per minute) is very refreshing and just feel a lot more realistic than having "harvester" troops gather resources.The reources go up more per minute if you own more territory, represented by a flagpole in each sector. Its therefore very important to secure individual sectors and place machine gun nests, troops etc in order to guard strategic points. The AI is also very crafty and I'm still struggling against the CPU on Easy mode at the moment(!)The graphics are also a wonder to behold,considering the amount of physics that is being computed at any one time. You can destroy pretty much anything, and buildings collapse realistically. Craters appear in the ground after explosions and your intelligent troops can use these for cover. You can also zoom the camera to literally any level you like, so you can view everything from hgih up, or zoom down to the viewpoint of a machine gunner, hiding in his bunker. This adds an excellent sense of realism and freedom.I'm completely hooked and think this is fantastic - buy it now. They even throw in a free game with it (Warhammer 40K Dawn of War)
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These words can't make you buy the game, they can only reason to the hardcore gamer inside you. Did you ever like Dune 2? Command and Conquer the original? Starcraft? remember the feelings you had from playing those games of the golden era? This is one of those games, a defining benchmark for all future RTS games to aspire to. This is a game that can take you as deep into it as you want to go. Don't want to learn about the use of cover or combined arms for your troops? play the AI on easy: the game will look great (depending on your PC) and you`ll have fun destroying the map, infantry and vehicles or being destroyed yourself. If you are looking for something which equates to an ever-evolving version of battlefield chess then look no further.Mind pitted against mind, experience against experience and no situation ever the same. For the first time the intelligent commander succeeds not the commander who can click their mouse faster. You`ll be defeated by the AI to start with, then once you overcome the singleplayer and skirmish you`ll get defeated online but it will make those future hard fought victories against human opponents the sweetest of any RTS game you have ever played.This is the best Real Time Strategy of all time. Are you ready for it?
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Well i didn't pick up on the descrip of strategy game until I was loading it, I thought it was a fps, fooled by the advertising but although I wouldn't normally play a strategy game I decided to give it a go. At first the thought of building this & that, controlling all manner of equipment filled me with dread after playing other strategy games but once you get past the first level it becomes contagious. Fully engrossing, relatively easy to get used to although some things didn't come to me until the last map, great effects, good ai for the most part & if you get stuck a re-think & another go should see you through. On the downside I think there are only 9 maps which I was shocked to see the titles roll at the end,took me about 4 weeks of here & there play to complete. There is the multiplayer side I have yet to try which does add longevity to any game, bit nervous in case I get a veteran opponent but should be interesting.I bought this & BF2142 (of which I have been playing the series since BF1942) at the same time but CoH is what I have enjoyed & played the most. As for the free game Dawn of War you get with CoH best thing for that is to live out the rest of it's time as a coaster.
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This game is fantastic, the game is very easy to play and is extremely absorbing. I am lucky enough to have a new PC so all settings are at max and it looks stunning.I run it on the new Pentium E6700 with 2048 MB RAM and a 7900 GTX graphics card.This game lets you do everything and anything you want compared to previous RTS games were the things you can do are limited. From putting a heavy machine gun covering an access point supported by anti tanks crews to placing snipers in large buildings were the sniper aims out of the highest window available and if spotted relocates to a different window!! You can also place mortar crews in different areas and let them pummel your enemies whilst you protect them by having machine guns,sandbags, mines, tank traps surrounding them.Debris becomes cover for soldiers or snipers etc. Call in artillery strikes to literally blow your enemies apart.Tanks and other heavy vehicles take alot of punishment with bullets bouncing off, unless faced with an anti tank weapon or bazooka, and blow holes into buildings as you see the enemies fly out a window.In one word this game is FANTASTIC!! Buy it now you will not be dissappointed.
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...and here's why.This game looks great. On a 3GHz P4 with GeForce 7800 it runs smooth as silk, with a genuinely realistic look and feel. The campaigns are believable, the units are authentic, and damage mechanisms are spot on.But it's different to many RTS games in the way the units are managed. Troops are grouped into squads of 6 which move from cover to cover, shielded behind walls and pinned down in the open. Some have a directional aspect to them, meaning they can get flanked if you forget about them, and there's a pretty strcit limit on the number of units you can produce. Posession of territory is key, as in any RTS, but more so here where cutting off supply lines is a crucial tactic in slowing your opponent.The tech tree is also harder to climb and many battles can be won (or lost) before you build your first tank. The tight unit limit also prevents you from building satisfying fleets but who needs more than a couple of tanks to demolish the enemy?If you love to play tactically you'll love Company of Heroes. If you can't keep up with the action you'll get really frustrated. A worthy buy, but be prepared for something different.
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This is a very impressive game from the makers of Homeworld / warhammer 40k - Dawn of war.Its very realistic RTS (real time strategy) game which will challenge even the skilled and experienced RTS gamer.It follows the typical axis vs allies mode in pretty much the same time as the film "saving private ryan".downsides one 2 armies (tru to the historical campaigns) to play and not enough maps. Very realistic AI behavior and the detail on the units is amazing. One of the best part of the game is being able to destroy buildings and vehicles to create cover / blockades for your troops. This makes no 2 games alike.whilst most people will play the online part of this game. 1vs1 and 2vs2 online battles.There is also a single player campaign / tutorials to ease the less experienced RTS gamer into the game.overall rating was dropped by the playable content, being someone what resticted. However dont fret, once the online modding community get up to speed there will be lots of free addons, maps and campaigns available.
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