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I first fell in love with Days of Wonder's "Ticket to Ride Pocket" for iPhone. When I discovered there was a European version of the physical board game, I had to have it.Not only does this version of the game have the classic gameplay elements which made the original so enjoyable, but it also expands on them by adding new ones as well as the obvious new map, routes, etc.Ticket to Ride is all about conquest of the national rail systems. Your task is to connect a series of routes between cities marked on a set of "Route Cards" (distributed at the start of the game) by placing "wagons" (train car tokens)along the routes in question.You can only place your wagons along any segment of any route by "purchasing" that route segment with playing cards of varying colours. Each route segment requires a certain number of a certain colour of playing cards, and therefore your goal is to get the right numbers of the right colours of cards in order to place your wagons in the correct places and claim your routes.For each wagon placed you will receive a number of points. More wagons = more points. When your wagons connect from Point-A to Point-B, you've successfully completed your route and earn bonus points for doing so. When any one player has two wagons or fewer remaining in their inventory, the game ends. Any routes you failed to complete will not only forfeit your right to bonus points for that route, it will also subtract those points from your current score.You must therefore try to achieve as many points as you can and complete as many and/or the longest routes you can before the other players and before the end of the game.The rules can SEEM finicky to newcomers, but once understood you realise how very simple they are and the game play is exceedingly engrossing often resulting in multiple games on the trot.Additions in TTRE include even more ways to complete your routes and gain points such as adding train stations, tunnels and ferry routes.The quality of build for this set is very high. The game board is thick and sturdy, the artwork is vibrant and detailed. The player pieces, which keep track of each player's score, are wooden and add to the charm and quality. The playing cards are sturdy, of high quality and again the artwork is beautiful and colourful.The only real let-down is the wagons themselves, and this is really a minor gripe. The wagons are made of moulded plastic and it would be so much nicer if they were wooden as well. However I suspect that, due to the large number of wagons (45 x5 players), this would dramatically increase the cost of this game. If this were something that would bother you it's good to know that there are wooden third-party, aftermarket options available. Another positive worth noting is that several "extra" wagons of each colour are included...just in case one gets lost!Finally, there's even an educational element to each and every version of this game, as it does, in its own way, instil a bit of a minor geography lesson with each and every game played. With the European version, the various cities have their names as spelled in their native tongue...not English. For example, "London" is "London", but "Rome" is "Roma" and "Athens" is "Athina".Highly recommended, highly addictive, and best played with loads of people.
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Ticket to Ride is fast becoming a classic. The Europe edition provides some extra complexity (which you can choose to ignore) as well as a more complex map (which you can't) compared to the US edition. The extra gameplay elements are actually quite clever and I feel they add something, rather than just being a novelty.The idea of the game is to claim train routes across turn-of-the-century Europe. You start off with some 'tickets' which describe the cities you need to join with train routes. You claim routes by collecting sets of cards, so fundamentally Ticket to Ride is a set collecting game in the rummy family.What makes it special is the contention over the train routes as each player tries to complete their tickets.Points are scored for joining neighbouring cities together by spending sets of coloured cards you have collected. You also get extra points at the end of the game for each ticket you have completed...and points deducted for tickets you failed to complete. There's also a bonus at the end for the longest contiguous train. The fact that players tickets are hidden to the end means that the winner is not known until the end of the game which keeps interest up until the end.The Europe edition adds some extra rules which we omit when playing with the kids at their current age. 'Ferries' require you have a certain number of wild cards as part of your set. 'Tunnels' have a potential hidden cost (of extra cards of the same colour) and 'stations' allow a player to use a line owned by another player.The board and components are excellent quality. The board is very large and folds out to a 2 by 6 square rectangle, where the square is just a little smaller than the box. The map is very nice and the markings very clear. The plastic trains and stations are very quality and the box includes some spares too which is a nice touch. The cards are a good size too but, because this is a set collecting game, require a lot of shuffling.The game is good fun for adults but I found my children lost interest after a few games. I think it may come back into its own when they're a bit older: probably an 8- or 9-year-old would enjoy it.Note that the map depicts Europe during industrial revolution with the city names in their local language and historical names from the time, so bear that in mind if you're looking for an educational toy.
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My friends and I love this game. I purchased it several years ago and many of the people I have played it with have themselves purchased one of the variations. This is the original game, and also the 'vanilla' version. Whereas the European game adds in tunnels and ferries and the German/Marklin game uses passengers this version is kept simple. That is a good thing in my opinion. It is quick to learn, quick to set up and plays in a convenient/satisfying length of time.For me, Ticket to Ride was my first experience of a board game with truly excellent design. Unlike Monopoly, you don't win this game by beating your opponents into submission. That (generally) means a lot less arguments.Use of symbols caters for those of us who are colour-blind. The cards and playing pieces are of good quality and haven't worn. The game is basically well balanced, and offers players plenty of choices and opportunties to make decisions which can improve/reduce your chances of winning.However, this basic version of the game is a little limited. Some folk will learn the destination cards in time. You realise that several cities are not start/end points, and can start to predict what your opponents will do next. This creates a couple problems. Firstly, those players with more experience (and a tendancy to obsess) will be at a distinct advantage over newcomers. Second, it makes some routes (ie, those around Los Angeles) more tricky than they should be. Another problem with this basic game is that there is one strategy that is (most people would say) definitively the best. Once you realise this the game becomes less fun.That is where the 1910 expansion pack comes in. Now, paying for this game, and then £15 on top might seem like a lot. But, having spent that money you will have one of the truly best board games available. The geekish lose their advantage, and various more interesting strategies become more competitive.If you are willing to spent the extra money then this is a brilliant game and a must for anybody who enjoys board games.One more note. Other versions contain different coloured pieces and can be used to increase the number of players. This game does work for 6/7 players-though slight changes to rules/number of trains may be needed.
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My husband and I often struggle to find board games that keep our interest and can be played with two players.The game itself is beautifully made but you will need some room for the board - kitchen table perhaps.In the box are little train carriages (40+), destination cards (some short and others long rail routes), player counters (moves along the score board around the outer edge of the board) and train cards (a very large set of cards with different coloured trains on) and a lovely large instruction book in full colour. You also get a web-site address to play on-line.Game play set up - simple once you have played it once.Basically each player chooses 2 destination cards (although more can be used).The board is essentially a map of Europe with major cities marked on them. Between each city are spaces to place your carriages.These spaces are coloured. For example, you might see 2 pink spaces to place carriages from Madrid to Barcelona OR 5 black spaces to get from Madrid to Paris.To place your carriages along the track you have to collect train cards of that colour. So, in this example, to start your journey from Madrid to Barcelona you need to have collected 2 pink cards for that journey section.You take it in turns to pick up train cards, collect the right colours or play them in return for placing your carriages. Placing carriages scores points. Highest points wins.Luck element:1) You might pick up a lucky card which can represent any colour.2) You choose from a lucky draw of destination cards - so you might only have a choice of harder routes to make up!Strategy element:1) Choosing which destinations cards to use (these are routes you must build up) Choose wrong and if you don't complete the route you lose points.2) Games ends when a player has only two carriages left to place - so use carriages wisely.3) Block routes that you think your opponent is trying to achieve (they will have to go round you or use another method).4) You can take a short cut by using tracks that go through tunnels or take a ferry - but another twist in game play involves an element of luck.We played it three times in two days and will take a long time to get board of it.
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I recently purchased this game to give my wife and I an extra distraction during COVID lockdown.I had read reviews saying this game was good for 2 players and they weren’t wrong. We have played it a couple of times a day for a few days now.The basic aim of the game is to build train tracks to connect various cities, with points scored for every route you build. You are given tickets which allow you to get extra points for building tracks between two particular cities.It takes a full game to figure out how to play all the rules, but it is fairly straightforward to set up and play and once you’ve played through it once you’ll get the idea.We have played this about ten times now and every time the game has been really close,coming down to getting one ticket or the longest track.This game has some of the great things about monopoly, but the huge negative I find about that game is that some players are out of the game early and you usually have a run away leader, knowing it’s only a matter of time before they win.This game keeps you guessing and keeps everyone in the game to the end. There’s something really satisfying about turning over your tickets and declaring the routes you’ve completed for extra points and counting the trains for the longest track. It really means whatever the scores throughout you never know until the end who has won.Most board games need you to have 4 or more players to make it work, this plays really well with two.The cards and pieces are good quality and I like the element of learning a bit of geography as well, I don’t think I could have pointed to Constantinople on a map or Europe before playing this, but I could now!I haven’t played this with more than 2 players yet, but am looking forward to it and can see how it will change the tactics of the game a bit with more people trying to claim the same routes.One thing to point out is you need a bit of space to play it, the board is large and once you lay out all of your trains, cards and stations the table is covered in bits.This is one of the best board games I’ve played, particularly for 2 players.
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I decided this was a definite purchase after I first saw how much fun was had playing this game whilst watching "Wil Wheatons Tabletop" on YouTube.A big board game that looked fun, with some thought and tactics required but not overly complicated. And a game that didn't drag on forever and never finish...cough...Monopoly...cough!From reading other reviews and opinions, I decided on the "Europe" version rather than the original USA version. I wasn't disappointed. Living in the U.K. made this an easier choice as well, being more familiar with the European countries.The first run through was a bit slow, mainly due to learning the rules of the game. But now most games take around 30-45 minutes.Long enough to have substance and keep people interested but not too long to get bored.Some people that I have played with aren't used to this longer format having only played faster paced, tradition board games. As such they try to rush through. So most importantly, please go slow and keep well on top of points being scored as on a few occasions we lost track and had to do a re-count. This can be annoying and time consuming but is a flaw of the players and not the game.It would have been nice if the train pieces were made from heavier wood or metal rather than the current plastic. I get that this would bump up the price quite a bit, so I do understand why this is not the case.However, on a few occasions we did knock the board a few times sending pieces flying. This could have easily and cheaply been fixed by making recessed spaces on the board where you place you counters.Apart from that, this will make a great addition to any board game collection and is a great jumping on point for introducing others to more in depth games such as Catan or Alhambra. And leading them away from the bores that are Monopoly and Cluedo!
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Finally, a family game we can all play. With four children under the age of 10, that's not often an easy thing to achieve, but as long as we help along the younger ones, the game is simple enough for them to play and hard enough to challenge us. We still haven't worked out the best strategy for winning, but making really long trains seems to help.The basic premise is that there are five different colours of trains, and each colour has 45 different little cars. There are a variety of ways to earn points with your 45 cars: either you can build routes by using colour-coded cards that you draw, or you can link up a series of routes to correspond to station-to-station destinations and this gets you bonus points when you've completed it,and finally, you can try to get the longest continuous train for a bonus of 10 points at the end (and often, our games seem to hinge on these precious points to determine who wins overall).My favourite part is the deck of coloured cards: I like the feel of them and the look of them and enjoy hoarding them, just to see their pretty colours. My husband seems to like the "ticket" cards, which are the ones with the longer station-to-station destinations: I say that because he seems to pick a lot of them and still not manage to win the game.My son likes the olde-worlde map with many of the cities written in their original languages (Vienna as Wien), and my 6-year-old likes to move the counters along the boundary to show how she's beating everyone with so many points.The game lasts a good couple of hours with 4 or 5 people, but is a great evening's activity with more interaction than vegging in front of the telly.
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Ticket to Ride is one of the classic modern style board games. I've been playing it on iPad for years, and whilst the app is good, it doesn't compare to playing it for real with the beautiful board and the colourful train pieces and cards.Although I was already familiar with the rules, I was surprised by how easy it was to learn for new players - I've introduced three new players to the game and they all picked it up straight away (and annoyingly beat me in some cases!)The one criticism I have is that the train cards and tickets are very small, and seem a bit like they were skimped on. This can be rectified by buying the 1910 expansion which has full sized train cards and tickets,but they really should have been provided as standard. On the opposite size, providing a bag of spare train pieces is a nice touch.The game's fun with two players, and that's how I've always played the app version, but it's especially good with three and four players. The gameplay really is so well designed and keeps the game flowing so well and exciting to the end.Games like Ticket to Ride don't seem to be nearly as well known as they should be. This, together with Carcassonne and perhaps a couple of others should feature just as commonly in homes as do more traditional games like Monopoly (actually more commonly, because it's a much better game than Monopoly).It has a mainstream appeal that I don't think is necessarily made particularly clear by its box and marketing, but I'd highly recommend that people give it a try, and if you like it, have a look at the 1910 expansion and some of the additional maps too.
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The game is simple enough to be picked up quickly and include younger players. We've had a 10 year old play with adults without a problem and it didn't slow gameplay or require us to "go easy" on her. That being said, there is sufficient depth to the game to allow for various strategies to engage more adept board-gamers.I've played with the minimum of 2 players (including myself), right the way up to the maximum of 5 and the game does feel varied by having different numbers of players which gives another level to the game. The game actually adapts the rules very slightly for higher/lower numbers, I feel in an attempt to lessen the impact of this - and I think they've got the balance right.Note that there are different versions.I've only played Europe. As I understand it, the original USA is slightly simpler. I thought it was just a different map/matter of preference when I chose, and am glad I have the more evolved game.There are expansion packs available, so it doesn't feel like a game that going to run out of steam any time soon. No pun intended.Finally, it's fairly quick. Maybe half an hour for 2 players and an hour for 5 (depending on how much chatting, drinking, pausing etc.). As each turn is a choice of one of a range of options, it's much quicker than a game like Catan where you all procedurally take a series of actions per turn. This requirement to choose only one does bring a whole need to judge when to act, as the game finishing follows the fastest player using all/most of their pieces - and that is one of my favourite aspects to the game.
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It took us a few games to get the idea of the game and then come up with some interesting strategies to win (e.g. by taking the risk of trying to complete the longest single run between cities you can earn as much as one long trip; or by just going for the longest run regardless of your journey cards). We're now enjoying the game a lot and playing it with full competitiveness across most of the family, with our 11 and 12 year old daughters. We've not introduced it to our six year old yet, but I think he could play it with some support and simplification of the rules (e.g. perhaps not having more than one journey card to focus on at a time).We misread the rules initially and thought each completed journey was declared as it was completed rather than kept to the end, but have sorted this out now.The hardest part I have found is learning what the place names are as they are in their native language rather than English. This is no bad thing of course but it means that it is not always obvious where the train should be heading until you find the place without anyone else noticing that you are looking for it specifically. It would be good to have more train carriages to keep the game going for a bit longer as sometimes just a turn or two more could change the outcome quite dramatically! There appear to be sets available to increase the number of players but the extension pack seems to consist of just more journeys rather than more carriages which is what we think would make the game more interesting and less time-limited.
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Love the additions, but ...A) Prefer to add new elements in stages rather than all at once as too many rules to remember!Worked better for us playing it a few times, and gradually including add ins as follwed:1 Country Concession Cards*2 Tech Cards3 Advance Tech Cards*Really dislike that you don’t need a concession card for England but you do for Wales, Scotland and Ireland - we live in Wales and it seems a bit daft having to get a concession to build there but not England!B) As in the original version, it gets frustrating being able to do so little in your turn after waiting for the other 4 players, so we allow picking up the Wagon/Engine colour cards and playing in same turn.Therefore our turn procedure for Europe add on is1 Get 2 colour cards2 Purchase Concession / Tech card3 Claim a routeC) We really dislike scoring as go along - firstly because we forget and secondly because it’s more exciting to do it at the end. But some of the Europe rules mean you have to score during play, which was just another thing to remember whilst trying to remember everything else.D) Would have been more accurate if the Ireland ferry didn’t go from Carmarthen - because it doesn’t in real life! Could do with another station at either Pembroke Dock or Fishguard, especially as Wales has so few stations anyway.Having said all the above, I’m really glad we got this expansion and it is reasonable value, having Pensylvania on the other side of the board.
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I almost always play Ticket to Ride versions with my wife and although both Nordic and Switzerland are designed for two or three players, they tend to be a bit too cut-throat for our style of play with certain destinations too easily blockable (to or via Narvik ...) as in many cases all optional routes rely on far too large diversions.Playing the 2-4 version of Ticket to Ride Asia with two people we didn't have the same lack of *reasonable* alternative routes when the most logical route was blocked. Otherwise it was interesting because of a lack of knowledge of the exact relative location of many of the destinations - something that was particularly difficult for the person reading the board upside down (which tends always to me for some reason).I lost the first game having won it because one of my routes went from the wrong Russian city starting with K ....In time I suspect the number of long routes will be too low as people will be aware that long routes go from A to B and C to D etc. and as these are worth around twice the value of the more numerous shorter routes, this will be a problem.I can never raise the number of players to try out the team version. The players would I suspect anyway need to play several normal Ticket to Ride games before taking that on.Nor have I played the team version's map with two people although I don't see why that shouldn't work.
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Days of Wonder's board game 'Ticket to Ride' comes in a number of variants but if you are looking for a good place to start then you cannot really do better than the original American edition.The rules are somewhat simpler than the European edition that adds in stations, tunnels and locomotives giving the American edition a simplicity that not only makes it easier to learn but more suitable for family play. It also means that the games are usually significantly shorter.The rules of the game are far too complex to list but the aim is to create train journey routes to join cities together. Each of these routes you establish earns you points - the longer and more difficult the route,the more points you get. However there is also a limit on the number of train carriages (which are used to establish the routes) you have means that there is a time limit to the game and you cannot afford to simply waste these.This allows several approaches to the game giving it a high level of replayability. There is a random element in the route cards you are given (the tickets), but equally much of the game requires thoughtful placing of your carriages.It is compelling to play and makes for a great addition to your board game collection with excellent replayability and great production values (it features high quality, colourful plastic train pieces and a heavy, attractive board).
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Mere than with any other game, I have come to see each variant, expansion and new version of Ticket To Ride (or Zug Um Zug as we call it in our house) as definitely worth having. The beauty of them is that there is so little to learn each time in terms of new rules, and yet each has its own character and challenge. The conventional side is far from boring, but the real purpose of this set is the Team Asia side, which is the most radical variant of all (and the one with the most to learn - though it is not arduous by any means). It is really quite clever - two players make up a team and play individually in succession (but for a common score). They share a certain amount of information about what tickets and coach cards the other has,but can increase the amount of information at the expense of doing one of the usual allowable moves. So it replaces the usual three-way choice of what to do now with a four-way choice. A very nice hybrid between team and individual play. There does need to be an agreement to keep within the spirit of the rules as it is quite easy (and tempting) for players to drop too heavy hints, effectively telling their partner what to do and thereby spoiling the balance that the rules create. Can only be played by 4 or 6 players, while the other side can be played by any number from 2-5 and works (and works fine as a two-player game).
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While it can be tough for gamers to agree on what is their favourite game, one game consistently makes the top 5 of many board game enthusiasts - Ticket to Ride. Described as a modern masterpiece, it is destined to be looked upon in the same light as we see Cluedo and Monopoly today. The rules can be learned in five minutes but is a game that can be played in a myriad of ways. You draw tickets with the goal of connecting cities cross the numerous versions of the game.The 1912 expansion was developed to offer new destinations for the incredibly popular "Europe" version of the game. It contains 101 new routes and new copies of the old ones (for consistency). This allows for new variations on how to play,namely the "Big Cities" and "Mega Europe" variations.The expansion also inclues "warehouses" which allow for a new and exciting way to amass the cards you need to win.There are a few downsides to this expansion. Firstly, it is quite expensive when not on special offer, especially when you think that the full game retails for a little over double this price. Secondly, the rules could better described what this expansion does for the players. It may be easy for experienced players to figure things out, but less so for the new player.For the Ticket to ride fan, I highly recommend this expansion - be sure to pick it up when the price is lower!
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