

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Spin Master Pottery Cool - 22587 reviews.
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For Spin Master Pottery Cool - 22587, 10 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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What fun we had using the pottery wheel and stencils to make the money box. Still got clay to make others but on first experiences this was great. I was a little unsure on how effective the wheel would be but its good and would recommend. My daughter made the money box as mentioned and a cup cake pencil holder. We were a little messy, as to be expected but it was fun. They do take longer to dry than the recommend 24 hours (well in our house they did and we don't have a cold house!). The paint that come with them is shimmery and gives the end product a great look. Makes a change than the Norma paint that usually comes with paint your own things.


Excellent service and delivery. Great product. My niece was delighted with this Christmas gift.


Good quality product, as per description, dimensions and photos. Would recommend


Daughter, and niece love it. Great for crafty minded kids and adults


Kids love this and had fun making presents for everyone


Excellent my granddaughter loved this present


Bought as present no issues identified


A great one to boost creativity


very pleased.

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