

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for SES Creative Butterfly Glitter Casting and Painting Set reviews.
You can find all SES Creative Butterfly Glitter Casting and Painting Set reviews and ratings on this page.

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For SES Creative Butterfly Glitter Casting and Painting Set, 56 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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When my daughter made these, 2 of them broke as she was trying to get them out. There’s no written instructions do we may have not mixed the clay exactly as we should have. Also, there is enough clay to use the mounds 2/3 times - unfortunately without written instructions we didn’t know this and mixed all the powder at once, waisting a lot of it!


Gift for granddaughter's birthday so no chance of replacement in time. Box open, assume that the burst bag of compound caused tape to loose adhesion, dust everywhere. Sold as 'New', but possibly been in a warehouse for some time, quite battered.However, this probably won't affect the use of the contents, and then box will be thrown.


Daughter enjoyed making her butterflies with myself. Easy to set up, instructions were clear and straight forward. I would prefer if there were two plastic butterfly holders, as we used half the mixture and then did not know what else to do with the rest... then we used some playdoh equipment to make more out of instead.


Suits a child from 5-6 upwards.A child with poor fine motor skills would find it tricky but good product if no issues with fine motor skills. The casts are about size of 2 or 3 fifty pences. Creative and messy play. Child and adult loved it


This was a present for my niece who has enjoyed making them. The only negative is that you only get enough plaster to make one batch. You can reuse the moulds though so I brought an extra bag from hobby craft for £2.50.


great entertainment for a rainy day, granddaughters loved making the plaster and decorating them, plan ahead as plaster takes time to dry so best to make the day before and decorate the next day.


3 year old granddaughter was impressed (adults made the forms). Although limited in shapes it will make children curious as to what other shapes they can get moulds for.


This is a good product but only downside is plaster takes 24hr to dry before you can paint them. Granddaughter enjoyed doing them but didn't like waiting to paint them


My daughter loves art and crafts and is obsessed with butterflies. She has made I don't know how many butterflies. Hours of fun with this


Once again this is a lovely gift. It arrived in very good time. The packaging was very good, much appreciated. Thanks.


My daughter loved this and still using the moud last a long time if you use a little amount at a time


To difficult to Do with daughter I found. But that was probably me not the product lol


It seems like something my granddaughter will love as she loves arts and crafts.


Another one for my grand daughter she loved it kept her sp occupied


Purchased for a friends daughter, they hated me and she loved it :)

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