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It's Risk... with Daleks! The Dalek invasion theme fits Risk really well.There are two versions of this game. The first was released in 2013 by Hasbro & Winning Moves as a Forbidden Planet exclusive and sold in the UK. It's the one with the red stars on the Risk logo. The second was released in 2014 by USAopoly and sold abroad, though it also seems to have found its way to the UK. It is being sold on Amazon as a 'Collector's Edition' and is also known as the 'English Second Edition'.The versions are not the same. The main differences are that the Hasbro/FP first edition has three sizes of Dalek piece while the USAopoly version has only two, and less pieces. The USAopoly version does however have a better board art and cards,and slightly tweaked rules regarding game length and set-up which I think work better. The Hasbro/FP version does, in my opinion, have awful board art and graphics that really detracts. It looks amateur and hurriedly produced while much more thought and attention has gone into the second edition USAopoly one. There are five Dalek armies in each set, three classic designs and two 'new paradigm' designs. The colours, to be fair, try to match Dalek colours from the series: grey, black, gold etc but the gold and biege and orange do look similar. At least there aren't any bright red or yellow Daleks that stand out more than others.The game supports 2-5 players and doesn't vary too much from classic Risk. There are missions, but these are minor achievements which award extra Daleks, like defeat the Cybermen in Britain. Each player also has Power cards that can be played to shake things up, but the player doesn't know what they are until played and they are 50% bad. These power cards have themes not just from the modern era but also from the classic series, e.g. The Brigadier.I really like the TARDIS mechanic. Each round, the TARDIS randomly materialises in a territory. That territory cannot do anything for the duration and cannot be attacked. Sometimes this can be a major annoyance and seeing the TARDIS piece on the board really adds to the Doctor Who flavour.The game ends when the Doctor reaches his 11th regeneration. In the Hasbro version, the players can see this coming three rounds in advance, but in the USAopoly version it is less certain, as the 'Clara counter' is advanced when Clara appears on the random territory card. In my opinion the USAopoly mechanic is better. Whether the Doctor wins in this case or the majority Daleks win I guess we can decide for ourselves. Gameplay isn't too long thanks to the regeneration mechanic, but classic world domination is also available.If you're a Doctor Who fan and familiar with stories like The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Evil of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks and The Stolen Earth, you'll know that Daleks fighting each other for world domination fits really well. And if you like Risk, well, this is just a fantastic game.So which is the best version? Cost aside I would say that the USAopoly version is the best, with the exception of the Dalek pieces (sizes and number). The Hasbro/FP version is likely to be cheaper in the UK though, so that about evens things out. Personally I have the USAopoly edition and a friend has the Hasbro one, and I was happy to pay the extra £15 for the better board, cards and mechanics. I'm not sure which edition will be most common in the UK going forward though. Both versions are very good and highly recommended for Risk and Who fans.
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If you are a fan of the Risk Boardgame then you will love this.If you are a fan of Doctor Who then you will love this.If you are a fan of Risk and Doctor Who then you will be in geek heaven!Simply put this is Risk but with a Doctor Who slant as the players take control of different factions of Daleks - and yes your armies are little plastic Daleks - attempting to take over the world.I've been a fan of Risk and own a couple of it's spin-off varieties - Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Walking Dead - but for me this is the best one yet - but that might just be because I'm a life-long fan of Doctor Who and the ruthless pepper-pot aliens.


Mostly similar to the standard risk game but with Daleks and a few other game play variations. I bought this one with the intention of it being more appealing to an 8 and 10 year old which proved correct. Of the variations the most obvious are the cards which are similar in intention to the risk mission cards, there is also a time lord reincarnation section which basically makes it like a timed game. We started off not using the cards to allow the kids to get used to the basic game structure and all cards (and timer function) are basically easily ignored if you chose not to use them.


large sturdy board plenty of pieces clear rules except for some of the cards instructions cause arguments lol. I obtained mine cheaper from forbidden planet but not by much so if you love risk and love doctor who its a must have however the rules are quite different from original uk edition.


Just love it. A fabulous game! My little boy who is a Dr Who nut loves it too. The rules are quite lengthy but once you get the hang of it, it's a really good family game.


As fun to play as the original game. If you like to play the original game, but would like to play with a different twist it's well worth the money.


I was amazed on seeing this my husband played Risk when a child. Then I saw this and it is Doctor Who well fantastic


if you love doctor who and DALEKS then this is the game for you its risk with a twist pricey but well worth it.


Fab game. My son is a big fan of Risk and we all loved playing this... great buy if your a Dr Who fan


My family love this game and have enjoyed playing this version very much. We recommend this game.


Arrived quickly, and one very happy Dr Who fan grandson, he loves it


A good twist on the Risk game and a decent price


Great game as described everyone should play


All good! Thank you.


good game to play

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