

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for QNAP TS-653B-8G reviews.
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For QNAP TS-653B-8G, 6 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.7.

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Firstly this did not come with a UK plug not sure if that has changed now. I have been using this NAS for almost 1 year now and it works really well. The set up might take sometime and it is not the easiest thing to set up if you know nothing about computer( its probably safe to assume that anyone who is getting a NAS know a bit what they are doing). There are plenty of information online that is useful and will make life easier. Plenty of third party apps and all the functions you expect from a NAS.It is not the quietest machine so if you want it in your bedroom I would not recommend (Using WD Reds). All the front LED display can be turned off so it is not bright at night.It is not a cheap machine but it does have a lot of functionality and no problem with it over the year.I'm very happy with it.
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Fantastic product however a UK plug was not included which would be a pain for anyone who didnt have one spare. Not sure if this is global stock hence the two pin plug included.

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