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For Dunhill Edition Eau de Toilette, 137 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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My first experience of this EDT was back in 1989 when I worked in the VIP hospitality tent during the Dunhill Cup golf tournament in St. Andrews (serving the late Richard Dunhill, amongst others, his lunch every day...) At the end of the tournament his 'people' came in and handed all the staff a box of assorted Dunhill products and I ended up with half a dozen bottles of Dunhill Edition.I was a teenage student at the time and felt that the scent was a bit 'mature' for me so gave it to my Dad to use. I did occasionally snag the odd splash of it but back then, teenagers didn't routinely wear fragrances like that. However, for me, it's a distinctive scent that evokes memories of that era and is one I instantly recognise.I bought a bottle of this to add to my collection and I'm glad I did. I won't go into too much detail regarding the intricacies of the scent but suffice to say, it's still for the more' mature' individual and as inoffensive as it ever was.The fragrance itself is unmistakably the same as it was over 30 years ago but it's sillage is definitely less pronounced and doesn't 'project' the way it used to. This seems to be characteristic of most vintage fragrances that have been reproduced under licence in the modern way, but if you liked it then, you'll probably still like it now but buy it with the understanding that as with many things, the old ways are the best.
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Great service; actually arrived earlier than expected. I've tried a number of aftershaves over the years, but never found anything that I like as much, or as get so many compliments about from (mainly female) strangers, as Dunhill Edition. I remember once even being asked, after a business meeting, by the person who I was meeting, that his secretary had asked him to find out what I was wearing; as she wanted to get some for he boyfriend. So, I was really disappointed when Dunhill decided to discontinue this. Seeing it online I ordered straight away. I was a little bit worried, as it is a discontinued product, so I wondered if it was really old, or even genuine.I had no reason to be worried; the product arrived in good time, in perfect condition, and is certainly the real deal. I wish Dunhill would reconsider, and bring "Edition" back, but failing that I might need to get another bulk order in; before Beauty Base Online, or any of the other retailers on Amazon, runs out. Pleased to have genuine Dunhill Edition again, but I'll be seriously disappointed if this turns out to be my last.
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Dunhill discontinued "Edition" around five years ago and I was really dismayed - it is a sophisticated, unusual fragrance (and I'm not normally interested to be honest). Lots of ladies have commented on how much they liked it including my wife, friends, maiden aunts - quite surprising. I searched high and low to find it for years and finally settled on Acqua di Parma as its replacement - but its nearly three times the price.So, when I found it here again, I leaped to buy it. Service and timeliness of delivery were perfect. Fantastic that Dunhill have seen the light and reintroduced it. I've seen comments that the recipe has changed and its not as good - I don't agree.Seems exactly the same to me and as good as it was originally.
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Having thought this aftershave was discontinued, am delighted to see that this great aftershave is still available!¨Not sure how long stocks will last. I bought ten bottles about a year ago for when the terrible day comes. So I wont buy anymore as I am sure there will be many others who want a share in this and who knows how many bottles still exist. To whoever may read this, please keep this wonderful, classic and everlasting aftershave going. Please also tell me where else I can find such a beautiful bottle?????


I quite agree with Cookster - this is the best aftershave that I have ever found (and I am over 60 so have tried quite a few).I suppose that there is little chance that anyone from the manufacturer will read this, but if you do, please consider re-introducing this aftershave. If any customers read this, I suggest buying a reserve supply --- but let me buy mine first!The scent is mature, masculine and a pleasure to use. Reminiscent of good nights out in my 'single' days.


My review title pretty much says it all really. I love this product and was totally dismayed to hear that Dunhill Edition is being discontinued. I have taken advantage of the opportunity to get hold of a couple of bottles while I still can, but once they are gone I will have to scour the land for a suitable replacement.Such a shame! A long shot perhaps, but I hope the powers that be have a change of heart and bring this excellent fragrance back to the market.


I have been buying Dunhill Edition for many years and was upset it was not readily available through the normal shops. I then found it was available through Amazon. I sent away for some and was worried it might be hooky. Well I have been using it for some time now and will be buying some more soon, probably after Christmas.I gave it 5 stars as I have already used the Dunhill Edition before, so I knew what to expect, I was'nt wrong, I would reccommend it.


This eau de toilette is expensive...some might say 're-assuringly expensive'! The brand seemed to go out of fashion about 10 years ago and the only place I can find my husbands' 'smell' is now online. It doesn't have a name like Beckham to make it fashionable....it just smells wonderfully musky and yet elegant and like a real man smell. We have tried virtually every new fragrance for men that comes out...but nothing else comes close.


Wow wow wow! This is a head turner and women seem to be attracted by this smell. I wear this to work and every female in th building wants to come and hug me so that they can get a whiff of this scent. Its fresh and smooth and really last. Guys, stop messing about- get one of this for yourself. You wont be disappointed. This is by far my favourite aftershave! Plase do not discontinue this product!


Ultimate, incomparable, memories of early days of courtship, deeply subtle, powerfully gentle, evocative, provocative. Dunhill, don't ignore the voices of us who are asking you not to discontinue the greatest ever male fragrance.


Excellent product and delivery was swift and efficient. My husband wore this scent when we first met 18 years ago and it has taken me ages to identify what it was. I was SO relieved to see that it is still in production.


My husband's favourite eau de toilette - which he uses as an aftershave - a brand he has been using for years. Easiest way to purchase rather than searching the shops for this product - which isn't stocked everywhere.


Still smells gorgeous. My husbands old fav aftershave. It's great you can get on Amazon as you can't get anywhere now. The only reason a 4* rating is because the fragrance doesn't seem to last as long as it used to.


Like other reviewers I have been using this product for many years, and like other reviewers I am not convinced that it is to the same quality as it used to be. However, I still prefer to any alternative.


I was very satisfied with the suppliers of this item. It arrived within a very short time and was therefore ready to give my husband on his birthday.Well packaged, product as good as it always was.

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