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For Crazy Chicken: The Good, The Egg and The Ugly (PC), 4 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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This is the first platforming adventure for Crazy Chicken. It was followed, within the same genre, by Heart of Tibet and Atlantis. It's no Mario, but if you are a casual or retro gamer you are unlikely to be disappointed. The cartoonish graphics (2D not 3D as stated above) are good and the gameplay smooth. As CC you can run, crawl, climb, jump, shoot and punch your way through 21 levels as you collect artifacts, gems and coins - defeating enemies along the way.There is little in the way of explanation when it comes to some of the collectibles. There is a lightning bolt and a weight, but I really don't know what to do with them.If you're thinking of watching game footage on YouTube I would recommend searching under 'Moorhuhn'which is the original German name for Crazy Chicken. You'll get a lot more results that way. In Germany the Moorhuhn is massively popular. There's also an interesting article on Wikipedia with a link to the official site.I've been playing this game using Windows Vista. There is an option to use the keyboard (fiddly in my opinion) or a game controller (recommended). It's not necessary to keep the CD in the tray to carry on playing.
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This was the first Crazy chicken game I bought for my grandson, who was then just getting into video games but had got a bit past CBeebies. It's perhaps just a standard platformer, but enough fun (and levels) to keep my 7-yo grandson amused. It's colourful, easy to control and well worth the price for any young gamer, with no worries about dodgy content. Even better, it's easy to pick up again on a second visit. I've bought several of the Crazy Chicken platform games for that reason annd they've all gone down well.


Lots of simple happy fun for younger children, I'm glad I bought it for them. Not so silly that I don't want to join in the fun!



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