

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Chanel Allure Eau de Parfum reviews.
You can find all Chanel Allure Eau de Parfum reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Chanel Allure Eau de Parfum, 97 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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Amazon has 95 customer reviews and the average score is 4.5. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 2 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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Blimey Charlie, I'm glad I didn't read the previous review of this stuff before buying it recently in Duty Free... it sounds like amorous aromatic dynamite! I shall certainly need another lock on the spare room door, if not a note from my mother to excuse me from all physical activities, before I dare to spray this up my skirt again.I'd like to say I bought it for a lady but I can't. I'd like to say it isn't for my own (generally masculine) pleasure, but I can't. I like to think of this as my 'signature scent', although it is a signature scent that is not quite in keeping with my income. Unless I write my signature very small. But you do get what you pay for and it is a wonderfully warm,rich and feminine fragrance. You do feel sexy when you wear this.I was once chased around Florence by a number of strangers while wearing 'Allure'. OK, so they didn't want anything more from me than the name of this wondrous scent (and to have a good look at me up close 'just to check', whatever that meant), but for a while it was like I was starring in my own commercial for this stuff. I had attention, I 'was' somebody. And I can't even begin to describe the feeling of pride that goes along with announcing one is wearing 'Allure by Chanel'. I'd already whipped out that glamorous bottle each time by then and I even remembered to pause for a few seconds after each divulgence, just like they would do in the commercials. Try it yourself, because people WILL ask you!
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As with all Chanel products, this is a quality item. The scent is a pleasant one and it lingers, so it is good value in that respect.The packaging and presentation are carefully understated, as befits a quality item.Perfumes are very personal to the wearer, but this is a safe bet as a present even if not tried before.


Thank you for your personal message and for gift wrapping this for me..nice touch !! Its a Christmas present for my friend who adores this perfume, l hope she likes it as l cannot open it. Im sure its the real deal, a lot more expensive in the high street. Many thanks ?


As with all Chanel products, this is a quality item. The scent is a pleasant one and it lingers, so good value in that respect.Perfumes are very personal to the wearer, but this is a safe bet as a present even if not tried before.


My young lady loves this product. I inadvertently bought two bottles (the original was for another lady friend) l couldn't have made a better mistake if l tried. Only problem is that I'll have to buy her some more when this has gone


Can’t really go wrong with Chanel and as a birthday gift, this seems to have been a success. In the nick of time too as the existing supply had just run out so doubly appreciated.


I feel so special when I am wearing Allure. I've worn it for 18 years and only alternate with Number 5 when I feel I can't smell it on myself as I've go used to the scent.


Loved this fragrance from day one , used to be able to buy it as refil wish it could be now as I like to carry a small atomiser in my purse, but will still buy again


One of my favourite perfumes, I receives plenty of compliments when wearing it. I purchase it on amazon every three to four months


This Chanel Parfum is great, she loves it and it always is well received and leads to long periods of wild sex!! thank you


Perfume is an individual taste, this is my favourite for sure, only price makes it prohibitive to use on a daily basis.


I've bought this before from amazon so knew what i was getting and was not disappointed. Excellent service as always.


This has been my favourite perfume for many years and I'm delighted to find it here at such a reasonable price.


My wife's favourite perfume was gonna buy it at Orlando airport duty free but found it to be cheaper on Amazon


the major point being that my better wife was more than happy on her birthday what could better than that.

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