

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Bronnley Lemon & Neroli Soap (3 x 100g) reviews.
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For Bronnley Lemon & Neroli Soap (3 x 100g), 94 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Amazon has 79 customer reviews and the average score is 4.6. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 15 customer reviews and the average score is 4.4. Go to this seller.


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Not bought traditional soap for a long time - but Lockdown is leading to all kinds of unusual behaviours, so when I suddenly remembered a much loved 'lemon soap' bar from my childhood - I did a quick search on the Amazing Amazon and there it was. When it arrived I was transported back over 40 years - the soap looks beautiful, smells divine and is a joy to handle (who knew I could feel so passionate about soap - but clearly the pump dispensers aren't doing it for me anymore). The packaging is excellent quality and well worth the price. This product would make a wonderful 'gift' to say 'thank you'. Love it.


Bought as a present for my father who used to buy lemon shaped soaps years and years ago and who has not managed to find any in France for years (we're French!). He hasn't received them yet but I am sure he'll be delighted. When I opened the box to smell them I was pleasantly surprised by the gorgeous fragrance that came out of the box. They smell amazing! I really hope they will be as popular as what I think they will be! If so, I will definitely be buying them again and have them sent straight to him in France!


I do love these soaps. I remember them as a child buying them as presents. Now no one seems to sell them now apart from Amazon which is great as I'm always on the site looking up things. They smell lovely and I put them in the cloakroom and bathrooms even though I've got soap hand washes. Will always buy them so hope Amazon keep stocking them.


I loved these soaps as a child and they bring back some wonderful memories. The lemon scent is strong and lasts unlike some other soaps and the lemon shape is an added bonus. Each soap comes in a small paper bag which is an attractive feature and if you like lemon scented soap then this is the one for you, young or old.


Perfect gift for my Mum. I remember buying this products as a child over 50 years ago. Now she lives in a nursing home as she has dementia. She may not remember the product straight away but I think that when she smells the box some memories might come back, well I hope so.


My Mum used to buy this soap many years ago,it came in a basket in those days. I remember the soap as smelling of lemons,not so distinctive now but still there. Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me,still lovely soap,beautifully packaged.


Bought this as I wanted the freshness of lemons when washing my hands but have been a little dissappointed. The fragrance is nice but the Neroli seems to temper the freshness of the lemons. Quality of soap is good.


Having moved away from liquid soap for eco-friendly reasons, I only buy this lovely lemon soap now. A bar lasts months and it scents the bathroom, which liquid soaps in plastic bottles doesn't. Looks good, too.


Lovely lemon soaps. I was glad to find this box of three soaps on Amazon, as they are very difficult to find in the shops. Would make a lovely gift and a nice sturdy, smelly box to use afterwards. Recommended.


Bought these for my mum as she's always loved them. I really thought they'd been discontinued so was pleased to find them. They are now Lemon and Neroli but smell as lemony as they always did.


Excellent quality soap...Fresh lemon fragrance and long lasting firm soap that lathers well and does not go soggy. Easy shape to handle. A classic favourite that will never go out of fashion.


I bought this a a Christmas gift so it hasn’t been opened yet.I used to buy it years ago and I loved it then. It is superb quality and British made.I’m looking forward to trying it again.


Good quality lemony-scented soap. They are quite large as well and shaped like lemons. Very good for people who like the citrusy fragrance. The three-pack adds extra value as well.


Wonderfully fragranced soaps just as I expected from Bronnley. These were given to my Brother who had them on his Christmas list as they are happily unisex soaps. He loved them.


Wonderful smell. A favourite of my aunt for whom I purchased these soaps. So happy to get them. Beautifully presented in a lovely box. Really look like lemons too. Wonderful.

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