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For Case-mate Barely There (HTC Desire), 67 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Let's get straight to the point; this case is not designed to protect your phone if you drop it. It's a thing bit of plastic which wraps around your phone. If you want that sort of protection, look elsewhere.What I wanted from a case was for it to be of the 'barely there' type, where it protects the back and does not add much to the phone itself, unlike a silicon case which make the phone a lot fatter and therefore more awkward to use. This case does exactly what I want and it means I can just put the phone down on it's back, rather than worrying that I might damage the camera lens or the back cover of the phone.The case includes a screen protector which I found very good. It doesn't fit the phone perfectly,I would have preferred it to fit exactly where the little groove is around the screen. Instead, it fits a few mm inside those grooves, which makes aligning it that little bit more tricky. However, I have the screen protector on now and do not have any air bubbles; I'm usually rubbish at applying these things, I had two for my previous phone and messed up both of them, this one was far easier. The screen protector does not affect the performance of the touchscreen at all from my experience. The only gripe is that it can smear a bit more easily than the normal screen, but it's something I am willing to sacrifice to prevent scratches to my phones screen.Is it good value for money? Yes and no. I'm sure somebody could make it a lot cheaper, but this is the only case of it's type and it comes from a branded company, not just in a cheap plastic bag from a factory in China. If you want this particular type of case, it won't let you down, you just have to wonder if the price is right for you because other cases can be had for under a few quid.
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Read all the reviews and chose this product as it looked sleek and included a screen protector.It arrived next day and I was amazed at the quality of the packaging and the contents. You get the hard case (obvious huh!) and a sealed bag with a cloth screen cleaner, instructions (very clear) and the screen protector (also very clear!).The screen protector goes on a dream especially as the tabs allow you to expose the sticky side first. I washed with water as another reviewer suggested which allows a little play when mounting onto the screen. Pressing down with the stiff card (included) fixed it with no bubbles (remember to mop the water from the edges with a tissue),peel off the protective cover and the Desire looks great. The screen protector is a little smaller than the Desire's but not really noticeable.The case fits very snuggly and really feels secure.It protects the back and sides and top and bottom corners. The gap for the volume control was welcome as I had trouble finding the low profile control without the case on. The holes for the camera, flash and speaker are spot on and nicely finished. Same for the headphone and USB connectors.As the case doesn't protrude over the front sides of the Desire, swiping the screen is not hindered at all so it's like using the desire as intended - great.So the top and bottom aren't fully protected - so what. I need this protector to protect the phone in my pocket and on the desk not from a 2m drop test (anyone done one with a Gel case?).So it's well designed, well made, looks great, adds to the desire's looks, does what is supposed to, is well packaged with good instructions and a screen protector , tools (ok a stiff card) and a cleaning cloth.Worth the extra!
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Having received my brand new HTC roughly a week ago, I was instantly fascinated by the sheer brilliance that this phone oozed. About an hour after setting up the phone, whilst fiddling around with the Compass Mode on Google Maps, I accidentally let the phone slip out of my hand. Luckily,I was sitting on my bed at the time so it cushioned the phone's fall but at that moment I began to think... What if I was at the pub showing my mates all the phone's cool features? Immediately I got online and started searching around for a thin yet sturdy case. I came across the Case- Mate and due to its high ratings I ordered one.The case arrived today due to a speedy delivery ,though I was away at the time of delivery and came home to find the parcel sitting on my porch,nice one Royal Mail. It came in a plastic box which for some reason was slightly open. Included with the case is a screen protector which left too many air bubbles for my liking and has since been scrapped for a Martin Fields one I have just purchased. However, I never knew about the protector and feel happy to pay for the case alone.The case provides a tight fit and took less than a second to fit, it was simply a case of sliding the phone into the mould. The outside of the case has a rubber feel to it but underneath one can tell that the case is quite solid and I think that it would be fine at fully protecting the phone if its dropped out of your pocket. If you're going to start throwing this phone at walls then I think you should opt for perhaps an Otter box Case.Overall, I am very happy with my purchase and apart from the had to fit screen protector this is definitely a very good purchase.
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I bought this case as I wanted protection for my phone that did not double its thickness! This 'barely there' case certainly does the job, and does it well. It's perfectly designed for the HTC Desire phone. From the small holes in the back of the case that line up perfectly with the speaker holes on the phone to the slightly contoured top that sits flush with the headphone socket, there is no doubt that the manufacturers have custom built this case for the HTC Desire and done a damn good job of it. It gives your phone a slightly exclusive look, unlike those generic cases that 'fit' a variety of phones!From reading the reviews on Amazon, I was expecting to have to purchase an additional screen protector but not so.The screen protector that comes with it was a doddle to attach. I had no problem with sticky glue and no difficulty peeling of the screen protector and attaching it to the phone....as some other reviewers have written about. And the sensitivity of the screen is not affected in the slightest.Finally, a word of warning. If you are of a clumsy disposition or tend to have fingers made of butter, perhaps you should look elsewhere. Whilst this case is handsome, perfectly formed and barely there, it wouldn't offer much protection if the phone was dropped (or dropped a lot). The corners are protected, sure, but the shock resisting qualities of some of the thicker rubber cases are not there. Ultimately, this case will stop your phone getting scratched (which was my main driver), add just a few millimetres of thickness (which was my second driver) and look very sleek (which was my passenger!)
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Just received my Case-Mate for my new HTC Desire.I approached fitting the screen protector with a good deal of trepidation (the wife normally does it as I am so ham fisted) But, as the wife was out, and me being a bloke (no patience) I set about the task. Whoa! what was I worrying about? After about three attempts to line it up with the screen, the protector went on a dream. Using the card supplied I smoothed away as many bubbles as I could (there were still a few left...but read on!) I then removed the second tab...I immediately thought that I had completely removed the protector? so quickly re-applied it DOH :) After very, very close examination I realized that I had indeed applied the screen protector.The quality of this product is so good that I would defy anyone to know that it is there!As for the case it is a light but very sturdy and well built piece of plastic, it clips very easily onto the back and sides of your phone. While it is not quite as attractive as the HTC case (I do mourn the loss of the rather nice silver embossed HTC logo) it is of very good quality, with a nice tactile feel. I agree with other reviewers that it is unlikely that this case will offer much defence against against concerted attack! However, for the everyday rough and tumble in the life of a mobile phone, I am confident that it will perform it's job more than admirably!
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I bought this to make sure my new phone did not get broken or scratched while I use it. I have a habit of dropping phones and a hard case seemed ideal. When it arrived the main part of the case was very easy to fit and seems to work well. The other part which consists of a clear plastic screenguard wasnt so good. The instructions were very clear in that you had to peel off the sheet without touching the sticky side by using the attached white sticker. This was easy enough to do but upon placing the screenguard onto the phone I found that the white sticker (that was supposed to come off afterwards) would not budge! It appeared to be stuck on with superglue!I tried moistening it but that just made the glue more sticky and even tried using a sharp blade which wasnt ideal in that it ended up scratching the cover! (kind of defeated the object of having it) As I say the main case is brilliant and just what I want but I will have to go and get another screen cover locally to protect that.The one supplied has now gone in the bin. All in all still worth the money but a little more care with the preparation of the product would have made this a five star item.
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I'Case mate barely there' is a hard-form case which is vacuum moulded to snugly fit the htc desire. It is extremely thin (approx 1-2mm) with professional looking cut outs for volume and mesh for rear speaker. The barely there statement is very true, and this case reminds me of the incipio design cases for iphones which are very sleek, slim and strong.It covers the back, sides and corners of the htc desire, however does not offer protection at the top or bottom (except corners). For me this isnt an issue, as the unobtrusive design of the case far outweighs fort Knox type protection of other cases which are ugly and bulky. Most people with a phone like this are going to look after it,and need a case to protect against daily wear and tear. I've dropped my phone several times, and case mate hasn't failed to deliver.The one criticism I have is that the case does restrict speaker sound slightly (which makes worse the already low loudspeaker volume on desire's.Final thing, it comes with a screen protector and a microfibre cloth (nice little bonus).For me 5 stars on balance. Couldn't find any other cases offering this type if design.for the desire.
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Case is easy to pit, easy to remove, looks good and prevents the camera from getting scratched when i put it on 'cluttered' surfaces.The screen protector is just as good, be careful applying it as once it's sealed it's a bugger to get off (not that you'll want to?) But yeah use the little cardboard thing to remove any bubbles (be persistent, some need you to really press down hard, but it won't damage your phone), DON'T! Use a credit card because if it's even slightly sharp you'll destroy the protector when pushing hard on it (Note, that credit cards don't have rounded edges so this applies to...well all credit cards)Overall good product, the screen cleaner is way bigger than any other pack gives and is useful for polishing glasses,computer screens, windows, cars, crown jewels and so on.p.s. The screen protector with this pack seemed to be a lot better than any of the others I've used due to it's thickness yet how it doesn't effect the touch input or texture at all.p.p.s. Good buy!
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This is a very neat fitting piece of sculpured, hard(ish) plastic (not rubber) that will really only protect the back of your phone from becoming scratched/damaged etc in general use. It doesn't protrude enough around the front of the phone to protect the screen from damage etc if dropped. That said, it fits very well, adds very little bulk or weight(unlike some cases) and has the cut-outs in the right places, plus it feels nice in the hand. It also provides protection for the camera which is vulnerable on this phone. The case also comes with a decent enough screen protector with applicator and microfibre cloth for cleaning. If you want or need total protection then this isn't the case for you,if you have insurance and just want to keep your phone looking good, it's great. Is it worth £10-15 for a piece of plastic, of course not but that's how much phone cases seem to go for.
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Being a 'newbee' to android tech phones, I was quite worried about it getting scratched or damaged & thus read many reviews before deciding to purchase this case. This really is a superb item & is simple to fit, as it just clicks into place. I am impressed with both the quality & feel of the case which really is 'barely there' & protects both the rear & corners of the HTC handset, whilst a Case-Mate screen protector (included in box) takes care of the screen. This was a little tricky to fit & I don't know if anyone else had a problem applying the screen protector, but I eventually succeeded with the help of a little water. The handset now feels very secure and has a reassuringly protective rubberised feel to it.If you want good value protection without having to cover up the stylish good looks of your HTC Desire, then this case is definately worth considering.
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I'll agree with the product description of 'barely there'. Once the clip case is fitted it adds around 1mm to the overall size which I found hardly noticeable given that it's adding protection. It does come with a pack of of screen protectors too. I did struggle to fit one of these 100% perfectly though - even though the phone was brand new. Case strength is very good and once it is fitted to the phone they are perfectly matched and there's no chance of the phone coming out by accident. Coverage is all of the back of the phone with the sides and 50% of the top and bottom. This leaves all the interfaces nicely exposed and free for use as when the case isn't there.The front of the phone is 100% exposed - face down rubbing on a flat surface will scratch eventually.
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I had another silicone case before I bought the Case-Mate 'Barely There' cover and the difference in cases was immense. the silicone case probably gave more protection to my phone but it was like carrying a brick around in your pocket.The 'Barely There' case doesn't cover all the phone but it covers all the back and if you have a screen protector on your phone is reasonably well protected.I had stopped using the old cover as it was too bulky and I preferred the Desire unprotected than covered by a big case.The Barely There snaps into place very easily and is a great fit to the phone. It might not be to everyone's taste but I will certainly be looking for another Case Mate cover when I get mynext phone.
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The case has a plastic matt feel, unlike most rubber case I had in the past. It's absolutey holding the phone firmly and very easy to fit. The box holding the case also provided a "solid" screen protector. But if this is your first time trying to use it, consider ordering spare ones in case your first attempt didn't work. The protector was covered both sides by thin plastic layers. One side of the protector was sticky which should be laminated onto the phone screen. While instructions provided were so-called clear, a few of my friends also got the same confusing experience. Perfect case for the HTC phone though :)


I'm really happy with the overall sleek look and feel of this case, and having been supplied with a screen protector too I think it's really good value for money. However the case looks like it'll only protect the back of the phone from cosmetic scratches and scrapes so I'm hoping I don't drop it anytime soon! But at least it's better than nothing and in my opinion it's a far better choice than big bulky cases which ruin the appearance of the handset.Well worth the money, but if you're not too delicate with your phones then it might be worth getting a more resilient case


Want to protect that valuable little HTC gizmo that does everything? Get this, which is good value for money and has stood up to most things thrown at it - only negative comment I have is it isn't quite up to complete dust prevention from the camera lens. Someone should design one which protects this too, but has always been a problem for me!Seen reviews that say fitting screen protector is tricky - have to disagree, found it pretty easy to do as long as you're careful.Overall a good product.

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