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I tried multiple of these radio controlled alarm clocks. Most of them were very loud, despite claiming to be silent. Some of them failed to get any time automatically, and some got the wrong time such as the wrong timezone (and this wasn't changeable).So you can safely say I've got experience now on the product type.Most of my clocks in the house are atomically synced. From central heating, to phone, to bedside alarm clock. Pretty much the only clock in my house that doesn't automatically change is my oven, and I can't afford to replace that just to get a better clock.I did have one other clock, an analog wall clock, which I liked as it was easy to read in poor light (night/dusk/dawn,and has a certain aesthetic that a digital clock doesn't. It's only a matter of time before we get wall-mounted clocks that run android wear. Until that day, I wanted to get an affordable wall-mountable analog clock that atomically synced. After trying MANY, I found this one. Initially, I was a bit disappointed as it wasn't as silent as it claimed to be. and it seemed to take longer than I expected to sync the time, but after a few hours, it synced perfectly (and has since synced faster than half the things in my house during daylight savings).I have found it to be the quietest atomic clock I've tried. It's not perfect. It's not silent. It seems to randomly make noise for about 3-4 minutes at a time and then be silent again for another few minutes, but it's still the best I've found. This is especially noticeable at night when there's little background noise.It's pretty much inaudible, but when I'm laying in bed all of a sudden it'll start ticking, and it's pretty hard to ignore, but after 4 minutes or so it'll stop again. Annoying, but bearable. And better than anything else I've tried.
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I ordered this clock for my mother's kitchen because her old kitchen clock had broken, and I was lost without it during a recent visit. I was a bit confused when ordering it, and I think I might have accidentally ordered a previously used clock. There are slight scratch marks on the clear perspex cover of the clock face, but when the clock is on the wall these are barely visible. You'd probably only notice them if you knew they were there.The clock is a nice size, is very lightweight, and it's easy to see the time due its clear, no fuss, dial and numbers. After reading some reviews I expected the second hand to be a bit noisy, but it isn't. I also expected the second hand to be slightly out of sync i.e.not in line with the minute hand when both are at the number 12, as some reviewers have mentioned. But it's great.I love this clock, but I was disappointed that it doesn't come supplied with a battery (AA). This is a shame, as it's a bit inconvenient if you don't have a battery on hand. Fortunately we did, and the moment the battery was inserted the clock hands started whizzing round, and they continued to do so as the clock searched for the radio signal. It took about 5 hours to set itself to the correct time, which was much less time than I thought it would take. I think it represents good value for money.IF MY REVIEW HAS BEEN HELPFUL TO YOU, PLEASE CLICK ON THE 'YES' BUTTON BELOW. THANK YOU.
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Put what I thought was a new battery in and it advanced about 90 minutes and then just counted as if that was the correct time. Tried reset button a few times but in the end had to use the manual set. Then realised transmitter was down for scheduled maintenance - doh! Left it overnight but still hadn't picked up the right time by morning. Whenever I inserted the battery it would advance about an hour and a half and then start ticking normally - not what the manual suggests it should do (advance all hands to 12 and then listen for a timing signal).However, tried another battery and it worked fine. Losing one star as the case finish isn't great - got some markings in the paint. But other than that,nice quiet clock with easy to read face.
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This is my third purchase of an Acctim radio controlled wall clock and I am delighted with it. Depending upon the strength of the signal you may have to be a little patient in setting it up, but my own experience is that they are extremely reliable. My other clocks are scattered about my home and mirror each other's display, as does my Acctim alarm clock. My oldest wall clock is over six years old and only needs a new battery roughly once a year. I really appreciate their accuracy and how easy they are to read. And they are all well made and great value for money!Update: Almost two years of reliable timekeeping under its belt. Only one AA battery fitted. How cheap is accurate time keeping!


Our existing Kitchen clock was always losing a few minutes a day and I got into the habit of adjusting it ( usually after I'd missed the bus )This one is accurate to the second.The only gripe I have is that the second hand "Tick" sits between the second markers on the dial, as does the minute hand when on the minute.A minor niggle but I suppose that it is luck of the draw.I should also mention that it replaces an existing "Acctim" wall clock of similar design but better quality, This one is a bit basic in construction


An easy-to-read clock. It took a few minutes to lock on to the radio time signal. I found this was helped by moving to near a window. Removing and replacing the battery also reset the clock. No problems once it was running. If you have any difficulty, first go online to check that the National Physical Laboratory time server at the Anthorn time service radio transmitter is not undergoing scheduled maintenance. Link <https://www.npl.co.uk/msf-signal>.


This clock is accurate to the second once it finds signal. Mine took a while because the transmitter was down for maintenance.Very quiet, ideal for bedrooms.My only gripe is that the clock face is slightly out of line with the hands, for example, when at 12:00.00, the hands point ever so slightly to the left. Tried taking the face off to see if I could spin the numbers slightly, unfortunately they are glued in place.Apart from that, very good.


At last a clock I don't have to keep changing.One has to be patient when it's syncing to the atomic clock transmission.After inserting the battery (not supplied) the second hand does one revolution, as does the minute etc. then nothing.So I left it and later noticed it was showing the right time.It automatically went back an hour when summer time ended.


It finds the time by itself. Sometimes randomly it will find the time again in the night and I'll just see the clock staying bang on 12am and I'll get freaked out!! Also around the same time, my doorbell packed up (due to a power cut) and it rang out - and no one was there!! haha that was an odd scary day for me.


Very pleased with purchase. Takes up to several hours to initially set, minutes to put batteries in, then leave alone. Have bought several, the first one 6 months ago and is still working fine, and have not had to change batteries yet. Great when clocks go forward in March or back in October, it sorts itself out.


Good clear face, read instructions, inserted battery and within a few minutes it had picked up the radio signal and automatically set the time. Perfect for where I wanted to place it as access is difficult. It runs almost silently and looks pleasing enough for a plastic cased clock, all in all a very good buy.


I use this clock in the kitchen. It is very light so make sure it does not suffer from gusts of wind as it just hangs on a nail and could easily be blown off. Takes a little patience to set up to get a radio signal. If all else fails, the instruction leaflet is there to help! Good clear dial.


First night no changes. Next night I saw it stopped at midnight. I thought in the morning I would send it back, but actually it was exact. Go for it, especially if you live in north England. I live in Southwest and it is far from the transmitter in Cumberland. Otherwise it is exact clock.


Beautiful yet simple face - easy to read. When it arrived, all three hands point to the 12. Just pop in a battery, hang it up and within a few minutes the signal is received and the hands move to the corrrect time! It checks the signal for accuracy 6 times in each 24 hour period - magic!


I am really pleased with this clock. I found I had to leave it over night for it to fully set correctly.It’s clear and has not disappointed me at all.If you want something that self regulates then consider this clock.I’ve hung this in the kitchen and it has kept time brilliantly.

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