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For Acctim 21027 Supervisor, 144 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.3.

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As with other digital clocks which were returned for several functional issues, this arrived with the hands not to be in perfect alignment when at the 12-o'clock position. Fortunately, the clock is held together with six screws around the rim which allows the body to be detached from the glass and rim. Once adjusted, the rim and glass were replaced.Time setting is easy to achieve but the day and date settings are more tricky. It is fortunate that the clock needs be removed relatively infrequently for date adjustment. Although not radio-controlled, its timekeeping is far more accurate than another which was RC but unable to ever lock onto a radio signal (other RC clocks used in the same position never seemed to have a problem).In the 3-4 weeks since purchase, it has not needed to be adjusted and is still within a few seconds of an RC watch which is automatically adjusted each day.With a 13-inch dial, the clock is large enough for the office or workplace but not out-of-place in the home.NB - it is recommended NOT to use alkaline batteries but zinc-carbon ones instead. Alkaline batteries provide too high a current and can damage the mechanism over time and cause inaccuracy. Zinc-carbon batteries work extremely well although they need to be replaced more frequently.
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The face of the clock turned out to be soft blue/lilac/mauve, rather than white, which made it clash badly with its surroundings - including freshly decorated brilliant white walls & white appliances. This was a great shame as everything else about the clock was very pleasing. It was smart, the numerals were crisp, the hands were neither bulky nor fussy, and we thought it VERY useful to have the date. Having scoured the market for an alternative, nothing else seems to match this particular clock.The price is excellent too. Just be aware of the distinct blueness of the face.


Bought this to help teach my young sons the time - they keep losing watches! It sits on the wall above the kitchen table where we can see it easily at mealtimes and discuss where all the different hands are pointing. The only minor issue with respect to this particular purpose is that the "3" digit is replaced by the date window but this was easily explained to the boys. The date adjusts easily by hand, this does not automatically update (which some people may prefer). Looks fairly stylish too, a decent basic clock, can't really fault it.


The first came in pieces, amazon were fanastic and received replacement next day..I bought the clock for my 85 year old sister who suffers with dementia, and "What Day syndrome" was becoming a daily chore, "my diary says thursday yet the television says its Tuesday, and I have already seen Tuesdays programmes so I know my diary is right"!! 10 - 15 calls a week, so I bought her the clock, not one call since on the day or date. Oh and by the way she was not able to give me any horse racing or football scores so I assume the TV was right.


Having read some reviews of this clock with regard to having manually adjusting the clock in months of less than 31 days I was apprehensive about the purchase. No worries. This clock is brilliant as far as we pair of silver surfers are concerned. Clear dial, easily read numbers, clear day / date and stands out on our kitchen wall. Also I have negotiated the end of September (30 days )by winding the clock on manually! Took less than a minute.Good purchase and, as usual, excellent delivery well within the estimated delivery span.


In today's world of ever complex timepieces The Acctim Supervisor might seem to be 'yesterdays' technology. Wrong. This clock is engineered to provide what anybody really needs from an everyday wall clock - simplicity of design and in adjustment, excellent timekeeper, is easy to read, and superbly styled. Add to this impressive list of plus points, the fact that it represents unbeatable value for money and its 'game, set and match' to the Acctim Supervisor.


Easy to set up, though a twelve hour clock make sure it changes day/date during the night. I like them (got 2) but as is large my wife thinks it is a station clock. Easy to read without reaching for my glasses. Ticks the seconds quietly. Well packaged and fast delivery.Later: both clocks keep time and date reliably but day needs to be adjusted manualy. One day I forgot to adjust manualy and missed an important appointment. Too old for a refund now.


The clock arrived quickly, with just sufficient packing, in good condition. We followed the instructions and the clock worked. The second hand was not automatically set and had to be set manually. We were disappointed that, being radio controlled, the date was not set correctly when there were not 31 days in the month, and the clock had to be taken down and set manually. I have a Casio watch that resets the date correctly even on a Leap year!


I was pleasantly pleased when i took this clock out of the box. It is a good size, not too big or small, it is very neat and clean looking and the light blue coloured (sat and sun are a warm red colour) date insert stops it from appearing too bland. The style will suit most kitchens and the gentle ticking goes unaware in a quiet room. Even though the edging is plastic, it feels and looks like steel.I would recommend it.


Purchased a kitchen style clock a year previously with day / date after about a year the day / date feature has failed . So looked for another by another manufacturer ??? , the name is different anyway, found this and gave it a go . Keeps good time and no probs as yet had to listen very hard at first as it ticks very softly this being a bonus i suppose.


This is a superb wall clock and keeps the time perfectly. Im sorry but to all the people who have marked this down, it is not the clocks fault you didnt look closely at the picture and see that it is a manual clock therefore needs manually adjusting. If you wanted auto time and date settings then you should realise you need a digital clock.


This is a great clock,purchased for my Mum's new kitchen,you carn't miss it (I mean that in a good way!). It's the perfect clock for her as she refuses to wear her glasses and she's always squinting to read things!! Not with this clock,no squinting required and another great plus is that it reminds her of the day and date!!


Fabulous looking wall clock, the product was shipped quickly and worked a charm. Although it isn't for those who are looking for a silent clock, as it does make a clicking sound. I was on the lookout for a silent one hence had to return it, but there was nothing wrong at all otherwise with it.


I bought this clock for our club meetings. It is large enough to be seen by all in the room - and just as importantly, is not expensive. The dial size and numbers are easy to read by all. We have only used it for a month, so cannot comment on reliability and accuracy, but all is well so far.


As other people have said a perfect clock for older people who like my mother in law are slightly confused about date or day of week which becomes important to them from the point of taking medication etc!Btw product delivered in a timely manner and was easy to set up

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