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For Samyang Fisheye 8mm f2.8 UMC, 22 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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This is a nicely made lens which feels good on the camera. It's fully manual, but this isn't really a problem - set it to f/8 and 3 metres, put the camera on aperture priority and forget it. Results are sharp and the fisheye effect is interesting, though not overwhelming. If you're willing to do some post-processing on the computer, there's a Photoshop/Aperture plug-in called "Fisheye Hemi" which will remove the fisheye effect and make the image rectilinear and will make the lens act as as a super ultrawide angle: just imagine an 8mm wide angle on APS-C!The real problem with this lens, which has been noted by others, is that whilst it works well on almost all NEXs, with the NEX-7,it gives a very pronounced purple-magenta cast in the corners. If you shoot only JPGs, this will make the lens unusable, but if you shoot RAW and are prepared to put in the post processing work, it can be largely removed using a package called "Cornerfix".In summary then, great for all NEXs except the 7 - unless you shoot RAW and are willing to do quite extensive post-processing, in which case it's usable.
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I was really surprised by the quality of the lens, both optically and build quality. Build quality first, it is top notch. Focus ring is lovely and smooth but a bit on the stiff side, but I suppose it will loosen with use. It has a lovely metal construction which makes the lens feel like a quality lens should do. However, It's not too heavy though as it is a lot smaller that I though it was going to be.Image quality is great, i'm really pleased with the results. It is great to have a lens like this in your kit back to give the opportunity to take some really creative shots. As it states, the lens is pretty sharp across the whole field of view. Love the fact that it is fully manual too.All in all,i'm really pleased with this lens. It may not be a really well know Japanese brand, but in my opinion, this Korean company know how to make a quality lens. I'm impressed!
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Stopped down to around F8 the depth of field on this lens is fantastic, although it's certainly usable when open wide, I'm not too confident about the focus scale but this can be worked out in-camera.I'm glad I bought it but I'm not using it as much as I thought I might, it can be fun for the odd situation where the distortion can assist with creativity. I ended up buying a wide angle lens (Fuji XF 10-24 R OIS) which has a really great angle of view without the distortion, so now this has been relegated to one of my lesser used lenses. It's so small that it's not a pain to bring along with the rest of your equipment anyway to be honest.Physically,it seems solid and looks good on my X-T1.Recommended.
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Well-built and excellent value for money. Fisheye lenses present a steep learning curve if you don't want a portfolio full of curved images, but if you accept the challenge there are all sorts of interesting uses. Best to shoot in raw then edit to control the distortion and high contrast, but the results can be rewarding.It is a manual lens, but this isn't a problem as the amazing depth of field makes this pretty much point and shoot photography. The only downside is that, when combined with the Fuji X-E2, the exif data generated is actually wrong, rather then just missing.


This is a top lens for the price - no magenta vignetting or anything for the NX500. Build quality is great pictures are crisp. The fish-eye effect is not as pronounced as seen on some ultrawide lenses and can easily be corrected using postprocessing software without too much loss, producing rectilinear pictures with a much wider field of view than any rectilinear lens available for the NX-series.A top buy if you are looking for an ultra-wide FOV for the Samsung NX500.


Nicely built and affordable little lens. The Plastic hood is strong and permanent.This lens is fully manually operated, but presents no problem in focussing, as very short focal length the focusing is not as critical.Image quality is great. If you are looking for this, then you know that images will have highly curved geometric distortion which are typical of fish-eye lenses.This also comes with a well-written instruction manual.


Extremely nice focus mechanism - manual only, but the ring is very smooth and controllable, if a little on the firm side. Aperture ring (also manual) has half-stop incements from f/2.8 up to f/22. Achievable depth of field is monstrous, as you'd expect. Lens is very sharp edge to edge - everything you could hope for with a lens at this price point. The only question remains - how much do you really need a fisheye lens?


I took the right decision after reading the positive review with NX500. This is a great lens, perfect with my 28 mp Samsung NX1 with no magenta vignetting. It is true that the lens produces purple fringes with my two 20 mp cameras, NX2000 and NX300. The lens is very sharp and I am keeping the aperture at f/8 for most of the time. I attached some screenshots of images taken with this lens!


A very capable, beautifully made, fun lens to use. It is ultra sharp. I use it on my FujiX-E1 and have great fun using it both indoors and out. There is no auto focus when used with my cametabut for 98% of my shots with this lens it would be on infinity anyway.If you are thinking of getting a bit more fun into your photography go for this lens....it is brilluant!


Just bought this for my Sony A6000, the pictures it produces are fantastic, from f2.8 upwards it's all good. The lens is well made and fits perfectly. You can also set your camera to auto with iso set to auto to make things easier. Use focus peeking to see what's in focus, there are no downsides for the price.


Good glass providing very clear detailed images, at f8 no need to focus so you can concentrate on the image the you want to capture. Gives a unique view of the world for Fuji X series cameras at budget cost with no real loss of quality over XF lenses. Will always have a place in my travelling bag.


There are marks i and ii of this lens and there is a huge difference in performance, different design for the ii made a much better lens. If id does not say mark ii on your lens then a larger lens circle on the back of the lens gives it away, the mark i is quite small.


I bought this lens for nightclub shots of djs etc. For the image I was requiring, it is absolutely perfect. I would recommend using this with a flash if you are using it for low light however I am over the moon with this lens. And for the price you just cannot beat it.


Sharper than my leica tri-elmar and carl zeiss 85mm zf. Need to say more? Well, tuck ur finger away, because it covers almost 180 degree. A lens that i dont mind use f2.8 all day long... no idea how they made it so well....


The lens is exactly what I expected and in the short time I have had it fully lives up to its description. It is easy to use, produces sharp images and is light to carry.For the money it is an exceptional bit of kit

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