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For Samyang 35mm f/1.4 AS UMC, 18 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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This lens is very heavy with a metal mount and has a serious, quality feel to it.It is fully manual; aperture as well as focus are controlled manually, and the lens has no communication with the camera at all.The aperture ring will open up to f/1.4, and at this aperture the lens lets in a lot of light (so can be good to use with the available light in low light conditions) but the depth of field is extremely thin. With portrait subjects (35mm being a reasonable focal length for wider portraits on a crop-sensor camera like my 50D or the more recent 1200D, 700D or 70D), it means it's extremely important to get the focus right (generally on the subject's eyes)- otherwise it's possible for example the hair will be in focus but the eyes blurry. Unless you've upgraded your camera with a manual-style split focusing screen, achieving good focus at f/1.4 probably entails using live view and zooming in to see the details well enough. If the camera or subject move even a little at f/1.4, you'll need to refocus. With the lens stopped down a little, the depth of field is deeper and therefore it's much easier to hit a good focus; and down at f/8 to f/11 it makes a nice 'standard lens' on a crop-sensor camera.Because the aperture ring is right up against the body of the camera, it's hard to adjust quickly; you generally do have to take your eye away from the viewfinder to do it. The focus ring in contrast has a very smooth movement and is a pleasure to use.The bokeh (the quality of the out of focus areas of the image) is very good indeed, rivalling even my Jupiter 9 85mm (which has 15 aperture blades). Blurred areas of the image are very smooth and add to the feel of the images.The sharpness of the in-focus areas is extremely good in the centre and still good in the corners even at f/1.4, contrast is good and colour rendition is acceptable although to me has a certain 'feel' to it that stands out but is hard to pin down exactly why.I would never use this lens for general photography; at higher aperture numbers it doesn't perform that much better than my standard zoom lens - but the standard zoom offers a lot of additional flexibility in comparison. However for portraits or any other image where you're shooting at wide apertures and want to separate your subject from the background using depth of field, it's very strong and worth considering, particularly due to the excellent bokeh; if I wanted to take a full-body portrait with a blurred background it would probably be my first choice.
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This Samyang is very well built with a dream finish.Tested on Nikon D5100, APS-C format, optically is very good but at the same aperture, under f/4, is not better than my Carl Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/2, on almost all the frame.The differences are almost negligible, observing details at 200%The Zeiss (new), only in the corners, show details slightly muddy, as out of focus, while the Samyang in the corners offers the sharpest details.Probably the Zeiss have more field curvature, but only far from the center.Wide open and until f/2.8, the coma aberration are similar, very low for both, perhaps the Samyang is a little better at the same apertures.I am a little perplexed by the not so good transparency of the lenses,with little yellow colour, they are not really crystal clear, exactly as the others Samyang, 85/1.4 and 14/2.8, when you look at them with a close back placed flashlight.The Zeiss is much clearer.Despite this, that surprised me more is that to get the same exposure level, both lenses setted at the same aperture, with the Zeiss you must prolong the exposure time of about 70%.In other words the Samyang, setted at the same aperture, appear to be brighter than the Zeiss, brighter of about 2/3 stop.Read full review...
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I use the Samyang 35mm F1.4 lens on my Sony A7r via a 'dumb' adaptor. The images it produces are very sharp when properly focused and the falloff and background bokeh is excellent. The images have a character which is different from my Zeiss lenses but not necessarily better or worse. The images are quite pleasing.Physically the lens is very well built. The focus throw is just the right length and is very smooth to rotate. This results in easy and quick focusing however a little bit of practice is required. On the negative side the aperture ring is quite small and because of its location, I sometimes had trouble finding it it.A slightly forward location or even perhaps a different texture would make it a lot easier to use.At any price this is an excellent lens and is well recommended. However to get this kind of quality at 1/3 or less the price of a similar lens from a mainstream brand is simply astonishing.Read full review...
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I bought this lens primarily for landscape photos using it with my Pentax K1.On my APS-C bodies I'd previously used the 35mm Limited lens, a little gem, but this is waaaaaay bigger! However, it's not an issue and balances well for handheld use. Focus ring is smooth and well damped, although it focuses slightly past the infinity mark, again though this isn't an issue and easily overcome. It's also very sharp, probably one of the sharpest lenses I have used and produces lovely bokeh and colour rendition. I've used it a lot since purchasing it and sometimes it's the only lens I take out with me for a challenge!I'd have no hesitation in recommending this lens and may well make additional purchases of Samyang lenses.
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This, as with the three other Samyang lenses I have is outstanding for the price. It's as sharp as you can get for such a low price. When you have used one of these lenses you will see how great they are compared to kit lenses. yes they are all manual settings but it's easy and I'm no professional. Set the aperture on the lens, set the ISO on the camera and use the cameras light meter to set shutter speed if that's below 1/60th of a second you may need to raise the ISO or use a tripod adjust the focus till sharp and then take the shot.You will not get a lens as good as this for under £600 from Canon or Nikon


Hey everyone,This lens is absolutely stunning, and it's incredibly cheap compared to the Canon version, which is over £1000. The main pointers of this lens would be the f/1.4, which kicks in when shooting interior shots, creating an amazing depth of field, however if you want that amazing depth of field outside, I recommend purchasing an ND filter, I got one off of Amazon for about £12 and it works amazingly. Also, it works great as booth a wide angle and crop sensor lens for my Canon 600D!


Amazing lens and compliments Pentax's New K1 camera perfectly ! the sharpness from it is simply amazing this version also comes with the auto aperture control pin which I did not expect.The lens is quite heavy, but I suppose that's the price you pay for good glass.Focus ring is smooth, and actually allot better than some of the Pentax lenses I own.If you after a budget friendly lens with astonishing image quality stop reading this and buy !


Buy it!! Don't think twice it's that good.If Manual Focus deters you then still buy it. As it will make you concentrate and a better Photographer.Pictures speak thousand words..I am not a Professional Photographer and If I can get such good results the with little practice you can get better.It's Razor sharp, lots of light and I prefer this over 85mm f1.4. I use an APSC sensor (Nikon D7100 mount).Great VFM.


This is my go to lens. I film weddings and this lens never comes off the camera. It has a smooth focus ring which is perfect for shooting video.If there was any negative is that it takes a lot of practice to perfect taking sharp images as it is manual focus, but for the price you are paying for a 35mm 1.4 one can't really complain.DON'T HESITATE BUY IT!


Bought this to film Dance music events with my Canon D600/T3i. Used it several events now and its outstanding, although you'll 100% need a rig as its very heavy! Don't bother with the 'video' version you can find on here as its exactly the same as this one. The video versions description says it differs in that its de-clicked but this one is as well.


I've had this lens for a few weeks now and found it pretty hard to get used to. It's a great lens, great build quality, lovely bokeh and can produce super sharp photos. I think it's a great lens and I would recommend it :) the only things is its slightly heavy.


fantastic tack sharp best lens i have ever had for my nikon d7100 and i have 8 other lens its heavy you wll have to use a tripd for best results havejust got the samyang 135.f2 its brilli am 66 now and have been tacking photos from the age of 18 years old


Excellent 3rd party lens better than some originals. Only thing is the lack of auto focus which if you know how to manually focus is not an issue.


Very effective in low light.This is a manual lens and i am finding right focusing with live view.


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