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For Yongnuo YN 50mm f1.8, 246 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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As a photographer I always try our different lenses and products that give me the best value for money and quality for a lower price as lenses aren't cheap these days. This is when I spotted this nice 50mm for around £40 compared to canon's price of £100 for their 50mm.But you can see why there is such a price difference. This 50mm is fantastic for the price, the images are sharp, crisp and have brilliant colour and the autofocus is brilliant, even though it is a bit loud but personally I'm not bothered by it. However, as someone who enjoys experimenting with astrophotography and uses manual focus alot, I found it to fall in this area. I thought the lens would be fantastic for picking up the stars due to its F/1.8 and I was correct,it does pick them out very well, just not sharp as the focus ring is very restricted unlike the official canon variant which can be focused to any point. For me it's the only issue hence the 4 stars.If you're in need of a lens for a low price which will give you a fast autofocus, crisp image and great value for money then look no further. Just don't use it for astrophotography as it won't focus on the stars and you'll end up with a blurry photo.
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Concerning durability, only time will tell. Some say is at least as sturdy than "Canon 50mm f1.8" - but of course Canon is Canon regarding most other lenses, just fabulous factory. Otherwise, very good "bang for the buck" (god I hate these cliches). Summer will show it's "true colours" of it, spring seems just fine. Bokeh is possible to good extent because of the 7 blades ("lammels", like we say here in Finland also) in this objective - Canon's comparable has 5, more is better. Autofocus seems surprisingly accurate, but there's no "perfect" one, so that's not a problem. Also manual focus to switch for, but it's not full-time like in some Canon's models - even in the past already back in 90's.One cannot really go "wrong" with this lens as it is ALSO very affordable. Oh, and it's relatively fast lens being f1.8 wide open fitting rather well for twilight situations also and because of "bokeh" it might work pretty well for portrait-photos as well.Read full review...
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Fantastic little lens, can't distinguish if from Canon's own older 50mm in most shots. Good price and a seven blade aperture too for rounder bokeh.Plastic but at this price, who cares. The Glass is good and you'll most likely enjoy using it. If you're a protog then you may shy away from this in favour of more expensive options but I'd still say pick this up as a fun project to try out - compared to most lens prices this thing is practically pocket money. You may like it even if you prefer your Canon for the paid shoots.DSLR Beginners, this is a great opportunity to pick up a 50mm prime cheaply for your own experimentation.You can and most likely will get more len's later on so why not start with a cheap but good one and build your way up?If you're a video shooter I'd avoid this as it sounds like C3P0 attempting to dance. Very noisy. You could manually focus if you want but there are better video lens' out there that allow for that.
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I have to go along with the other 5 star reviewers on this page.If this lens was secondhand it would be good value, the fact thatit's new, makes it incredible value.Is it sharp? YesDoes it have shallow depth field? yesDoes it look and feel well made? yesDoes it come well packaged? yesDoes it have a guarantee? YesI own several cameras from different manufacturersthis lens is equally as good as my Nikkor 50mm f1.8I have taken several test shots with it and it works fineAF is spot on if a little noisy, colour rendition is better thansome of my other lenses at 5 times the price, the build qualityis equal to most lenses out there.Is it worth your hard earned money?if you want a 50 mm f1.8prime lens and it doesn't have to be Canon? then yes you bet it is.Thanks to Amazon for good packaging and fast delivery.
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Before purchasing this lens I have seen some not very good image samples taken using this lens, but I thought it's so cheap it's worth the risk. Have to say this lens isn't just good for the price, it's a good lens period. Really surprised how sharp the images are. I am a professional photographer with my own company and I have a bag of L series lenses, so I need a rely on sharp images so I didn't think I would use this for my studio work. But I have and in a studio environment it is equally as good. I have read about people saying that the motor is really loud. I don't think this is the case, I wouldn't use it for video work if you are going to use auto focus, but people forget how much this lens is.Definitely would buy from these guys and the lens it's self is worth every penny.
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I can understand the temptation of someone who have spent much more on a Canon L f/1.4 to denigrate this lens but the sheer value for money versus quality of image makes this one of the best low budget purchases any photographic enthusiast can buy, especially beginner or intermediate photographers.This lens will introduce people to the advantages of prime lens (sharpness, low light ability) and its limitations (zoom by walking). The lens ships without a cover which is all to common with lens of many prices. 50mm isn't the best focal length for crop sensor cameras but until Youngnuo or Canon offer a similarly priced entry-level 30mm or 35mm,this is your best low-cost introduction to prime lens.
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Bought on a whim as it was cheap and I fancied a prime lens, not sure what I expected other than 'not much', but this lens has hardly been off my 50D since it arrived! Not sure how to describe it, but 'fun' is probably a good word. Very, very similar to the Canon 50mm 1.8 I had before, if anything fells a little more solid.Nice and sharp, lets lots of light in and is generally a great little lens. I've read about them not focussing in live view, I must have received a good one, as it's every bit as quick to lock on to focus as my more expensive lenses. Focus noise is a lot quieter than I have heard in video reviews too, so must have been a very good one!


I was quite cautious in buying this lens due to the price and the third party company. But I couldnt have been more wrong. This lens was an amazing buy and I will recommend it to anyone. After owning this lens for roughly 2 months I can confirm that after some serious drops and falls the lens is still in perfect condition which boasts good product quality. The lens may be cheap but I can't see very much difference to its canon counter part. This lens doesn't sacrifice any image quality and has quick auto focus. The lens works with 52mm diameter canon lens hoods and filters perfectly. Overall I think this is an amazing lens for photographers on the budget.


Bought this lens after a bit of research and viewing of YouTube reviews which were generally positive so I took the plunge. Operation is fine overall, autofocus is pretty quick and quiet, Picture sharpness is to a good standard even at F1.8, close ups produce nice out of focus backgrounds. Only slight foible is it has a tendency to overexpose by about a third of an F stop so I now apply that amount of compensation on the camera or in post processing of the image. For the money I think it is excellent value. This is the Canon EOS fit version I bought for my daughter having previously bought the Nikon version for myself, we both love them.


I wanted a prime lens for my Canon EOS 40D but cannot afford the Canon product.This lens is less than 1/3rd of the price and serves me very well for landscape photography. The autofocus might be a little slow for action shots but I haven't noticed the noisy AF some complain of.OK so the mount is plastic but with this light lens that shouldn't be a problem. The glass itself seems excellent. I have printed photos up to A3 and am very happy with the results.I wish I could afford the latest gear from Canon, but the pleasure I get from my existing gear, including this lens, makes me very happy.


This is a very light lense and a little noisy but for the price it’s excellent value. Images are sharp and if you’re into it, great bokeh. Someone else stated that if it breaks they will just buy a new one at this price - that’s kind of my philosophy too. At this price I’m not too precious about it and will be inclined to experiment more drastically. Having said that I’ve no concerns that it’s going to fall to pieces in my hands and reckon I will get a lot of use out of it. I’ve given 5 stars as it is worth it for the price but of course not measured against other brands (canon, sigma)


I bought this as an additional lens for my holiday in Australia. As such it has had limited use and is currently packed in my case awaiting the flight! I am pleased with the results of it so far, and the problem people have mentioned regarding operating noise, hasn't bothered me at all. I am now back from Australia. I first used this lens on a family picnic to the beach at Hillarys. As I said before, the noise didn't bother me at all; in fact I didn't think about it, so it must not have been a problem. I am very pleased with the results and took some photos that I'm happy with.


For the price it's difficult not to recommend really. Autofocus is poor taking a while and often missing on Eos 1300d body. In manual mode the good optics are obvious however. Wide open the depth of field is so shallow I can see why the autofocus is slow and often off slightly. The lens is best suited for slow or static objects wide open, but very useful at higher f stops in low light. I would recommend in manual mode or for portraiture when autofocus is less challenged. Otherwise in all but low light conditions the kit lens beats it hands down for ease of use.


On inspection of this lens ,it's exceptional value for money and seems well built . It weighs less than you would think ,and theAuto mode is ok ,not as fast as the canon but not that noisy either. For portraits it's a no brainer ,after using the standard 18/55 lens ,The image is sharp and great for late evening shots ,even without a flash. I would recommend this to anybody who just has the standard canon lens . It gives you some great ideas, because of its low light capability,due to the size of the aperture.


I'm so delighted with the service! I did email the trader informing them i was leaving to go on holiday to america and so i needed the lens before the 9th and amazingly even though it was due on the 6th-16th november i had recieved it on the 24th october!!! So Thank You so much!!I am happy with the condition of which the product was delivered in and the quality of the lens is amazing and exactly what i needed! Already taken a few pics and i'm so happy!!!!!!! Thank you again! Reccomend it highly!!!

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