

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Case-mate Barely There RPET (iPhone 5) reviews.
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For Case-mate Barely There RPET (iPhone 5), 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 1.3.

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I was excited to buy this case because i wanted something unobtrusive for my lovely new iphone 5. Unfortunately it was a bad decision. The massive problem is that it is a hard plastic case. Therefore, with the first time i dropped it part of it broke off and any subsequent drops made other bits fall off especially around weaker thinner areas such as where the side buttons are. This meant that the broken bits would also catch on things like clothes etc. the worst bit of it was that dust and dirt was able to get inside the cover and as a result the back of my lovely new iphone is damaged with pock marks as the dirt granules would get pressed against the body and chip away at the metal back.What a waste of money. I chucked it away and bought myself a leather one which is far more protective but i should imagine those silicone ones are good too.
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This case lasted less than a week. First time phone was dropped part of the case cracked and snapped off.


Despite its eco-friendliness, it doesn't last for too long before getting cracked

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