

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for B+W 1000x (110) MRC 77 F-Pro reviews.
You can find all B+W 1000x (110) MRC 77 F-Pro reviews and ratings on this page.

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For B+W 1000x (110) MRC 77 F-Pro, 12 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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Amazon has 12 customer reviews and the average score is 4.7. Go to this seller.


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This filter is absolutely a must-have for long exposure photography during daylight. Just screw this filter on, calculate the exposure time right and gone are all the moving tourists. This filter also works great for creating that moody silky look of moving water.You cant go wrong with this filter.


I was weighing up between buying this and getting into a whole new system of Lee filters for the Big Stopper. Decided on getting this and must say I'm happy with it. I use it mainly for long exposure shots and have used it regularly since I got it.


Quality product and quickly delivered. Very slight pink/brown colour cast under certain shooting conditions but easily rectified with Lightroom or PS. (other image editing software is available!)


Very good quality product, well made, does what it should do only problem with it is it leaves a slight colour caste on the image, but if you shoot in RAW this can easily be changed afterwards


Great piece of professional equipment. This ND filter is designed to cut 10 stops of exposure. It does its job as described, giving smooth results and creative possibilities.


Decided on this filter after trawling all the magazines and forums. Have used it a few times and results are encouraging. Nice thread as expected and high quality product.


Very good quality and works as expected from B&W. Pricey, however all ND +10's are.. Would recommend and may purchase lower rated filter also


This is is a great piece of glass when it comes to long exposure photography,I can take good seascape shots anytime during the day.


Not used it yet but it looks the real thing and dilvered two days early excellent ???


Quick Delivery, Top Item, Great price, Top Seller..!!! A+



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