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For B+W 1000x (110) MRC 82 F-Pro, 41 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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I got this Filter during the winter of 2012. i opted for this as opposed to any of the 10 Stop NDs for it had the best value-quilt ratio in my opinion.The filter comes in a clear plastic case with some white padding, I'd suggest getting a filter holder because the padding give off a white dust and leaving the filter in the case for to long will cause quite a build up which is visible on your images.The filter ring is all metal and feels very strong and not likely to break or be easily damagedThe glass is black with a green tint (anti-glare),looking through it with your eye barley any light can be seen showing how dark this filter really is.At first I found it slightly difficult to mount the filter to my 24-105L canon lens,but once i did it felt firmly connected not to tight to get stuck but not loose to fall off.In other review it is noted that their is some colour cast however, i find this to be actually a side affect of having such a dark filter the image appear to sometimes have a brown or purple tint but can be fix with a white balance adjustment.It should be noted that this filter is very dark and will often turn you shutter speed above 30sec (even shooting directly into bright sun) so make sure you have some way of keeping your camera steady (tripod) and having away of keeping you shutter open such as a remote (exposures can take as long as 45 mins).because of how dark this filter is i would not recommend it as the first ND some gets, i would suggest they get a 3 stop fist so they can get used to using an ND before having to the long shutter speeds needed for this 10 stop (There is not as much room for trial and error during sun-rise/set because of the long shutter speeds needed).Personally i am very happy with this filter and its ability to get you long exposures, it is well built and has great optical quality, would recommend to people who want to get really LONG exposures but there is a learning curve with this filter.
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This product does look very high quality to the touch. You open the box, take the lens out of its plastic case and you can feel its weight and it does feel solid to the touch. I have some trouble using it with my EF-S 10-22mm and my EF-S 17-55mm because it does not screw in easily. However, after a few turns, it does go nice and smooth. Not a big problem and I guess this can change with temperature, as well as from lens to lens.The only thing I'm not so happy is that the filter has a very strong warm tone. Other reviewers mentioned it and I though "photographers always complain about color tones and I'm sure it can barely be seen". Well, I was wrong. It is very noticeable. It does look great on some photos,but I would prefer it was completely neutral. It can be fixed in post, but be aware of that.Anyway, still a high quality product. If it wasn't for the warm tone, I would have givenn it 5 stars.UPDATE: after using this filter for a while now, I have to upgrade it to 5 starts. It does have a color cast but it is not as bad as I initially reported. The strong cast seems to go away when you cover the eyepiece on your camera. I may update this review again in the future. For now, my recommendation is go for it! You will love it!
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I photograph home and business exteriors commercially where there is often foot or automobile traffic that interferes with my work. This 10-stop ND filter allows me to make exposures over several minutes, allowing even slow-moving pedestrians to "disappear". Big time saver!!Some have complained about the color cast, but if you shoot in RAW, this can be corrected in seconds quite easily. I've even used this filter with HDR sequences, where I shoot ten exposures, and the results can be amazing, if you have the patience!I recommend working at the lowest possible ISO to reduce long exposure-related noise in the shadows, but that always holds true.A good lens hood is a necessity to control flare in high key type situations or where the sun could hit the filter.The product is very well made, screwing on and off of my L glass easily.Highly recommended, you get what you pay for!
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10-stop filters are an important addition to your armamentarium if your interested in landscape shooting and long exposure photography. But its important to get a good quality one or else it nullifies having a high quality lens behind it. The B+W is good quality glass at a competitive price. It does add a slight yellow/orange colour cast, but nothing that can't be easily fixed in post-processing if you have Lightroom/Photoshop or another decent editing software. It comes in a well padded case which is great for protection, and the thread fits nicely on my 58mm Canon lenses.Only took a star off for the colour cast but otherwise a good buy.The Lee big stopper is an alternative if you want some flexibility to use the filter in a filter holder assembly. This one is limited to 58mm lenses unless you buy separate adapters.
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This is actually my second 110M MRC after I dropped the first one in a river in Patagonia (after owning for 3 years). Truly an awesome piece of kit, you get soo many different uses from it. MRC means you rarely have clean it (or even just with an air blower) and I've used it everywhere from volcanoes (crazy little pieces of dust), beach shots, water shots, night shots etc. I use it on my Canon 10-22mm EFS (slight warm / brown tint at 10mm) and my Canon 24-70mm L lens and the ability to take amazing shots (soft water, seascape, sunrise, sunset, night shots with no people) is practically limitless and down to your own creativity, and patience.A timer is also must most of the time (but that's kind of obvious with typically 45s-30min exposure times).
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I'm quite pleased with this filter. For the first time, I was able to get a slow-motion photo (of about 2 minutes).The results were pretty good, but I had one tiny "problem", easy to fix, but of which I cannot find the reason: With low light, at dusk or night, the long exposure pictures had a "orange" color.The camera body is a EOS 1D MK IV. The lenses, are all "prime" Canon f/2.8 LThis might be related to:Light coming from the viewfinder's eye-piece (although I used the available shutter).City lights "noise": I didn't try it in the countryside, yet.Color shift due to long exposure reciprocity?I corrected it with White Balance set to Tungsten and (once)with White Balance shift (to blue)I'll do more checking...
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This is a good quality stopper and can produce some interesting and eye catching results, even in bright sunshine when, combined with a polariser, I can achieve shutter speeds as long as a minute. There is a slight brown-red cast that is noticeable more in certain environments or lighting, and this can be corrected in some but not all cases. The only practical issue I found is that it is quite difficult to clean once smudged or smeared - a lens pen helps but is not perfect in this respect.


Following a bit of research and after shopping around I decided to purchase the B+W +10 ND. I had read that it was a quality product and I wasn't dissapointed! It arived on time and in perfect condition (as you would expect). The filter has a warm tone which works great for some images but can be easily be corrected in post processing if you are looking for a colder effect!! Here is a link to the first Pic I took with the filter attached [...] - Alwasy nice to see a sample I think!!


Quality glass that in no way shape or form affect image quality. Used extensively on high-end Zeiss lens mounted on a D800, couldn't be happier. The only downside I can think of is that it can produce a slightly warm tint. However...shooting RAW this really isn't a issue since the tint can be corrected in two seconds by adjusting the white balance in post.


I started using filters only about a year ago and thought before I move to Lee filters, I might try something 'cheaper'. Very pleased so far with this B+W filter, managed to get few great long exposure shots. I think every landscape photographer should have a 10 stop filter. Very useful and good investment


This filter is absolutely a must-have for long exposure photography during daylight. Just screw this filter on, calculate the exposure time right and gone are all the moving tourists. This filter also works great for creating that moody silky look of moving water.You cant go wrong with this filter.


This is a essencial piece for landscape photograpgy lovers. This one from B+W is top quality, fitting well on Nikon 18-35 G lens and do not cause vignetes on images with this lens. The captures are sharp and do not loose color. I recomend for those are searching for a circular nd filter.


Works, although shoot raw so you can adjust white balance if you so wsh in post-processing, can create some stunning images. Great for 'removing' people from shots on footpaths, in town, etc. Opens up all sorts of possibilities - go read the mags, then go play....


I was weighing up between buying this and getting into a whole new system of Lee filters for the Big Stopper. Decided on getting this and must say I'm happy with it. I use it mainly for long exposure shots and have used it regularly since I got it.


It's one of the most used filters by me and i wanted the best quality.It's just one of the best big stoppers on the market, and you pay for the quality.I have no complaints about the filter, just works as it's supposed to.

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