

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Smart Trike 4-in-1 Vanilla reviews.
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For Smart Trike 4-in-1 Vanilla, 94 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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Amazon has 8 customer reviews and the average score is 4.5. Go to this seller.
Argos has 84 customer reviews and the average score is 4.8. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 2 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.

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I bought this for my son and he absolutely loves it!!!! he hopped on During the assembly before we even put the seat in place. It’s easy to assemble, sturdy and perfect size. The only down falls are that the seatbelts are too small and the steering relies on the child and my 15 month year old hasn’t grasped it yet but hopefully with time that should be fine. I’d definitely recommend this product, it’s fab and I’m so happy with it because my son loves it so much.


Unbelievable worth every penny. Grandson loves it and it will grow with him. The only thing that was wrong it wasn't the bike it was the instructions especially the pictures that were there to help you put the bike together. We could not make them out as they were very small and not very clear. This would not stop me buying again if I had to. Highly recommend Excellent value and great bike.


We bought this for my sons first birthday. It’s fairly easy to put together and looks nice too. The parents handle/steering is really good and very easy to use, once you’ve got the hang of it. He’s secure in it and there’s enough storage for purse, phone or snacks. Can’t comment on any other features as he’s only using the first stage of it. Very pleased with it.


We borrowed this from a friend while on holiday and my little boy loved it so much that we had to get him one when got home. He much prefers it to his pram and so we can travel for longer with it without him getting fussy. I wish there was a bit more storage personally but all in all it’s good for what it is. Would recommend.


My 19 month old hates the pushchair but she happily jumps into the trike and feels like she is in control with the handlebars. So easy to manoeuvre with the parent handle and when she’s old enough we can activate the pedals and switch to handlebar control and she can do it on her own. Great stuff!


Nice little bike, unfortunately available only in one colour style. Easy to assembly but I would say the quality of the materials used is a bit poor, so far we had no issues and our baby enjoys it. We’ll see how long it is going to last and what it is going to broke first.


Grandson loves it. Will grow with him for the next couple of years. Reasonable price. Only time will tell how it wears. My son was not too happy with the lack of assembly instructions and some misplaced bolt holes, but is experienced in overcoming this sort of hindrance.


Bought this for our Grandson's 1st Birthday. Very easy to assemble, lots of great features and best of all......Our Grandson Loves it!!!!Very easy to manoeuvre with Parent handle, also with its clever design is easy to remove handle when not needed.A Great bit of kit


Bought after recommended by a friend. Toddler was getting impatient with being in a pram on long walks so this is a great way to keep him happy. Very easy to assemble. Only down side is handle feels a little flimsy but doesn’t stop us enjoying taking it out for a spin


Bought this for our grandson first birthday, he absolutely loves it! Easy to put together, easy to change for one stage to the next, so easy to steer and get up kerbs. Grandson was strapped in securely. Feels very sturdy, Overall very happy with our purchase


Fabulous trike bought for my son’s first birthday. It was fairly easy to assembly and looks amazing. My son loves it, he sits in it securely and it’s very easy to steer. Very good value, especially as it can be adapted as my son gets older. Very happy


Bought this trike for our daughter's first birthday gift and she absolutely loves it. Makes a change from the pushchair for our daily small walks and will grow with her and her ability being 4in1. Would certainly recommend. Good value for money.


My son loves this trike! I think it's great for when you need a trip to the shop or park and you can't be bothered to get the buggy out. It's sturdy, easy to monuver and my lo can't stop hiding things in the storage section, which is hilarious.


It's easy to push, we took it hiking with us and it was great to push on uneven surfaces. My baby loves it and I love that it has a bag and a storage box I put nappies and wipes etc..It's a bit expensive but definitely worth the price.


It was easy to put together , nice design, good parent control that was my biggest concern as some times the parent control isn't very good on children's trikes and the most important thing is my 16 month old loves this ! Very pleased
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