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For Marumi 55mm DHG Super Circular Polarising Filter, 85 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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Most folks run to Hoya for all their filters, nothing wrong there as the company makes some fine filters at various price points (avoid the super budget stuff though) But in this case it's worth looking at other makers too.Marumi are a make I've been using for a few years now, and I've been very pleased with their products overall.This Polariser isn't cheap, you can hit the usual auction site for bargains (some are ok, some are not) The DHG is the digital high grade range of filters (the super DHG has an additional coating on it to aid cleaning)At this price you start to get good quality, but without the B+W wallet busting price. This filter outperformed the B+W CPL filters on lenstip's testing,and most other makers too. In the real world it's well made, with a slim frame so vignetting is less of an issue on wider angle lenses.Rotating the filter is smooth and without any grinding, optical quality is very good with an excellent polarising effect on images.As a side note a CPL is useful for a few areas in photography- Removing reflections on non metallic objects, and for effect in Landscape photography (darkening of the sky and increasing contrast)I tend to use them mostly for removing reflections which can be useful for product photography or items in display glass, but the effect can also be handy for cutting out water reflections too. If it's not metal a CPL will kill reflections with ease.For scenic work a CPL can be very useful, however I'd resist the temptation to use one all the time, or to always use one "dialled up to the max". When you rotate the filter the effect of polarisation becomes stronger, but there are times when you might not want to use it at it's strongest. In short a very useful filter (I'd buy a step down ring for smaller filter sizes it can get expensive otherwise), though to be used when required and with some caution (with wider angle lenses you get edge darkening with a CPL this is the effect of polarisation not vignetting)It's also worth noting you do lose some light with a CPLThe Marumi is a good filter, well made and with good optics, there can be some very slight flare when used with strong light sources, though many rivals have a little here too. Having used both it's hard to say which to go for the super has additional coatings (which makes it easier to clean) both are good though and a clear cut above some cheaper rivals.
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I've used this a few times now and have absolutely no complaints. I have a top quality B&W 105mm CPF and this Marumi is in no way inferior. In-fact I feel that it might be slightly superior optically.The filter is very thin and does not cause vignetting on any of my lenses, however, my primary use of this configuration is when mounted on a Hi-tech Formatt Square filter holder with 77mm CPF mount on the front. I use this setup with my M43 system. For my DSLR system, I adopt a similar Lee holder setup and use the B&W CPF. However 77mm is a very useful native size for a good number of my Canon lenses too.In comparison, the B&W is brass and heavy whereas the Marumi is very light and convenient.The advantage of brass is that it tends not to stick when fitting to other metals, which makes it easy to remove, whereas aluminium alloys can stick and be very difficult to remove, on occasion. However, I have not experienced issues in this regard with the Marumi yet, that said, a filter wrench is a very cheap and light accessory, if needs be.TLDR: Great Filter - Buy without hesitation.
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While I am relatively new to the world of interchangeable lenses and filters, I have learned the value of this brand very early on.I initially bought cheap filters, which was fine for poorer quality glass I guess, but as my lenses got sharper (and more expensive), I found out how much they can really mess up the quality of decent glass.Played around with the idea of some of the more established, and despite knowing the down side of cheap filters, was not going to pay the cost of something like the B+W. Read some good stuff about Marumi, and thought I would give it a go, and boy am I glad I did.Still relatively expensive compared to the cheap ones, but reasonably priced I think.Though when you stick them on your lens, and notice how little your image quality is degraded, it becomes very much worth it.I only have one 77mm, which I alternate between my several lenses, using an adapter for my 72mm lenses, and will one day purchase a proper 72mm (as sometimes can be a pain to get off the adapter).No doubt a 5 star product.
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The Marumi DHG Super Circular Polarising filter, has had a very good review on lenstip.com, comparable with the B+W, which are considered the best generally. Being a bit of a cheapskate and also interested to see how well the filter would work, I went ahead and bought a 77mm (and since a 58mm).Circular Polarisers are one of the few filters I will use (the over being ND filters) and they can do a very good job of, getting rid of reflection, haze and other issues, which are either very hard or can't really be cleaned up in photoshop. The big issue can be that, you do lose optical quality, with cheaper filters and you do lose light, which depending on the day can be good or bad.I have used the polariser for a couple of jobs now and it does a good job,generally. You can't do miracles but, it does what it is meant to do and does it well.Marumi has released a recently released a new top of the line circular polariser the Exus, which promises improvements over the DHG Super, though it is more expensive.
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This product was delivered with 48 hours of order and was packed well. This is the first polarising filter i have purchased and i am using it with a third party wide angle lens. having done lots of research i soon got the impression that it was not wise to go cheap on these filters. This filter was by far the cheapest but it was no where near the top end of the price range. I was tempted by other filters but heard about scratches and fakes , after reading numerous reviews i choses this one and am glad i did, I have taken a few test shots and wow , the difference it makes is amazing. The sky in my shots now looks blue and it changes the feel of the photo ,i am looking forward to spending some quality time with this filter and will update the review afterwards but on first impressions i feel it is going to help me achieve some great looking shots.
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I bought this after seeing it reviewed well against B+W filters which I know from experience to be excellent.I have used this on a number of occasions now on a Nikon D7000 with 3 Nikon lenses attached to brass step-up rings: 18-70mm, 50mm f/1.8G and 105mm f/2.Flare is well controlled and the polarising effect is well controlled across the field of view, with no colour variation problems.The filter rotates easily and firmly enough to retain its position.The filter is relatively thin, and I only really had vignetting on my 18-70 when I stacked this with two other filters and shot at 18mm.My lens cap attaches easily to it.I didn't have any trouble with stiction,using my brass Heliopan step-up rings.The filter cleans easily with a Kauser (microfibre) cloth without problems.
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Salve , ho acquistato il marumi dopo un'attenta ricerca sul web , devo dire che è un ottimo polarizzatore ,provato su un 24 105 l canon ed è stupendo , avendo comperato anche un marumi nd light control-8 , ho provato adaccoppiare i due filtri sempre su 24 105 , e con molta sorpresa non ho notato nulla di strano , niente vignettatura ,quindi per tutti coloro che vogliono dei buoni filtri senza spendere una cifra e con la possibilità di sovrapporli ,io consiglio vivamente questi marumi .P.S.Se vedete il test scentifico il marumi super dhg circular , si posiziona al primo posto insieme al b+w slim ksm mrc ,e costa molto meno.FilterResultResult[%]Price[PLN]1 B+W Slim KSM C-POL MRC 72 mm29.678.9479TestMarumi DHG Super Circular P.L.D 72 mm29.678.9279Test
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The Marumi DHG Super CPL isn't cheap but it really is outstanding regarding performance.If you are looking for a high end Polariser, it provides a standard I have yet to see rivalled for the price from any other manufacturer.An independent test and review of many popular Polarisers can be found here - [...] (link deleted by Amazon)To summarise the results from the extensive test - I confidently based my choice on them - the Marumi DHG Super CP came joint first (identical results) with the significantly more expensive B+W Slim KSM C-POL MRC 72 mm.Both filters performance and low distortion exceeded the Hoya, Kenko, Fujiyama, Sigma, Tiffen and lower spec B+W filters on the market.


At this price level you've got right to expect top quality. And so quality this filter has. I've did some extended research before my purchase and this was one of highest rated polar filters. After testing I can only agree with all reviews I have red. It's good purchase. If you need polar filter and you know what effects you could expect you won't be disappointed. It's much cheaper than comparable products from B+W or Heliopan too.The good+ ring works smoothly+ easy to clean+ robust+ great homogeneity+ small reflectionsThe bad- it's expensive anyway


Did a lot of Googling before picking this particular filter and the review of Circular Polariser filters by lenstip.com highlighted the Marumi. Used on my Sony a55 with 18-250mm travel zoom, the results are excellent. Many more keepers than before. The only downside is the inevitable loss of light, maybe 1-2 stops, however the ability to clean up most bright daylight scenes to get the contrast and saturation you're after ( not just landscapes ) is more than worth it. My UV protection filter has been replaced by the Marumi as the "always on" filter.


37mm filters are hard to find and when I searched Amazon the Marumi was the only one available, so I bought it. I am very pleased with it: well-made, compact, smooth in operation - it is very pleasing to use. Moreover, I would describe its effects as milder than other brands of Circular Polariser in my collection - this is a very good thing because other brands can easily overdo it leaving you with excessively or very unevenly darkened skies. I had not heard of Marumi filters before; in future I will not hesitate to buy them.


Very slim line polarising filter. I reviewed the choice of filters in this range and this seemed to come out in the top two. Price via Amazon was competitive. I have noticed a big difference in the photos with it's use. Mostly sky/sea scapes. It is important not to make the picture too dark as this can result in a gradation of effect from one side to the other - i.e. rotate filter to maximum effect and then back a bit. The colours are amazing. It should also improve foliage colour.


I've used a few polarising filters over the years and Cokin seem to be the go to brand. I've just done a very quick and raw test in flat light on some reflections in my window so you can see the before and after. This is not a good showing of its colour saturation abilities but it does cut down reflections and seems pretty sharp doing so and with not too much of a colour temperature shift so seems not bad. I'll do more sunny weather testing and post another quick review.


I was influenced by reading the CPF comparison on the Lenstip site where this one came top. First CPF I've used myself so nothing to compare it to but I was amazed at how well it kills reflections off water, glass, etc. Doesn't seem to adversly affect IQ but does drop the exposure by about a stop which was expected. Since it's mainly useful in sunny environments this isn't a big problem. I was so impressed I've just ordered another in 58mm


Took mountaineering in the Italian Alps recently, did a great job stuck on the front of my Pentax 15mm F4. Sunlight at 3000-4000 metres is pretty intense but the filter kept flares under control, cut through the glare and brought the sky down in brightness nicely. Seems to be easier to clean than my Hoya UV filter too.Top notch filter - Lenstip (or whatever that website was) says it's the best, and I can't complain...

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