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For Game Golf Digital Tracking System, 54 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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This is a great device and while not essential to play i would say that anyone that does play a lot of golf should at the very least be investigating this kind of system.Essentially you have a small gps device clipped to your belt or pocket and you get 18 red caps which push onto the end of the grips of each of your clubs (naturally you can only use 14 clubs on the course), Each cap is marked to so you know which cap goes onto which club, this saves you having to identify which club you used later on when you connect the device up to a computer. In essence before you play each shot you touch the end of the golf club where the red cap is to the red part of the device on your belt,it instantly makes a beeping noise and records your position on the course and which club you are using, when you move to where your ball is and select another club it does the same.Simply when you get home connect the device to a computer where it will instantly download the data into the "Game Golf" program online. From here you get a birds eye view of the course you have played and each shot you have made with it clearly stating which club you used. You get to see all kinds of information such as distances, average putts and indeed your score besides much more, there is also an app for your phone which particularly comes in handy when you're out and about and maybe want to check a previous round you had at the same course.Pros: Simple and easy to use * well made piece of kit * the software is pretty easy to understand and there is lots of information about your round * I like the fact it records which club i used and where exactly on the course meaning i don't have to remember when i get homeCons: Check on Game Golfs website that your golf course is listed as it only works with supported courses * The whole system depends on you remembering to tag the end of your club just before or after you take your shot otherwise it screws the whole thing up, for example.. you can end up having it register your drive as 400 yards if you forgot to tag your iron shot to the green (this can be edited through the software but it's aggravation best avoided).Verdict: If you play a lot of golf on a variety of different courses both at home or abroad then this is something you should be looking at. It certainly helps you track your accuracy and what distances you are hitting and indeed over time helps you find your "real world" distance out on the course and not at a driving range where they use specific balls. It's certainly helped me when it comes down to picking what club to use especially when i play the same course again. Simple to understand and the device is well made, if you can justify the price and want to start keeping track of your game then look no further, it's also worth checking Game Golfs website for the price as buying direct can sometimes be cheaper!HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
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I bought this tracking system in June last year, and I swear that it was instrumental in helping me lower my handicap by 7 shots over the summer. It helped me identify the weak areas of my game, and so what to practice. You may think that my weaknesses should be obvious, but GG did throw up some surprises. The averages it shows for putting, GIR, scrambling etc gave me some targets. If you're a data junkie like me, you'll absolutely love it.Remembering to touch it with the golf club isn't really a problem. It takes a couple of rounds to incorporate it into your routine, and then it becomes automatic. If you can't remember, you look at the colour of the flashing light. If you forget,you can always add the shots during editing.However, the software is not without lots of bugs. First, the off-the-tee graphic is very unreliable, showing shots in clearly the wrong places. Second, the product doesn't cope well with 9 hole courses - you can enter your round, but it deals with it inconsistently across analysis and there are editing problems. Third, it sometimes mis-recognises my clubs. Fourth, it doesn't seem to cope with winter greens, so you have to pretend you landed on the real ones for GIR etc stats, which throws your club-length averages etc. Fifth, I've found no way of you to override its view that you were on or off the fairway without moving your ball on the map. The list goes on. Now, it must be said that their customer service is very good... but as far as I can see, they still haven't solved the various problems that I've reported.Having said all that, if you're a data junkie like me. you'll still absolutely love it. And if you are, then I'm sure that it can also give you the insights to enable you to lower your handicap.
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I have just used this after 2 rounds and I cant believe how good this is!!! It wont do anything for you whilst out on the course but when you download the info it is really impressive. Sounds odd, you do have to remember to touch/bump the end of the club on to the device to ensure you register your shot, it can be easy to forget, but even if you do after the shot you can still register the shot after just don't move to far away. Once finished just connect to your computer and download and review your round. I was very impressed with the mapping and accuracy and its interesting to see your round and each shot taken. I also find the accuracy info screen interesting as this shows the direction of each shot,I can see I am shooting right more often than I thought and now can adjust my game to compensate. Excellent bit of kit and good value in my opinion.PS. One review said he kept knocking the device of his belt when registering the shot??? You only need to gently place the end of the club on the device for it to register the shot, and it works under layers of cloths just as efficiently.
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It is rare in this day and age that a product could be classed as totally unique. Certainly in my experience I have never before seen a product that can do the things that Game Golf can do.Having the ability to see how far each club goes is impressive, and for most players this may be enough. But then seeing actually where every shot went via aerial mapping gives a real in sight in to where the problems in your game are.I really like the ability to then upload to the website and compare your scores/shots etc with players who are already registered. It makes you appreciate how good the Pros are!The first couple of go's were not perfect however, forgetting to tap the receiver happened a few times (my fault),and a couple of errors in the editing side were the only draw backs. Once I was more used to it then it became simpler, like most things I suppose.The more and more units that are in use the better as more and more players will be available to compare with. Once a few of your mates have them then some fun and games will definitely start!10/10
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A great little gadget that produces huge range of statistics which highlight your current ability. The one I particularly find helpful is the statistic that measures my average club distance. It is worth pointing out that all the information produced is reliant on you remembering to touch the unit each time you take a shot with a different club. This may seem obvious but it took me a few rounds to get into the habit. However even if you do forget to do this, when you download the information from your round there is still the possibility of editing the information, all be it that you remember what club you used at the time and the approximate position you were at on that particular hole.One thing to be aware of is that unless you are careful the unit can become detached from your belt.This has happened to me at least twice since I purchased the gadget. Given the cost it is an expensive loss. All things considered I think whether an experienced golfer or novice Game Golf will provide interesting information that will hopefully improve your game.
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I purchased my Game Golf unit from my local Pro Shop (Poulton le Fylde Golf Club) from John the Professional.He gave me a great demo of the unit and allowed me to go on the course for 4 holes to see how easy the device is to use.14 little red caps go on the grip end of all your clubs and you clip a little device to your belt buckle. Before each shot you touch the end of the grip to the device on your belt buckle and it uses GPS technology to follow you around the course.When you have finished the round you connect the device to your computer and it only takes a few seconds for the data to transfer to the software.A few times you do have to edit some of the shots as the GPS seems to get confused if you have hit an errand shot on to the wrong fairway and i have to admit i forgot to click the device with the club a couple of times - although the editing is extremely easy.The stats that are produced are perfect, fairways hit, greens hit and number of putts per roundExcellent product and thoroughly deserves 5 stars
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All together a good item. The set up was easy. The operation is easy ( as long as you remember to 'Tag or Buzz' each time ). I agree with another reviewer, the belt unit could be a bit more secure. Haven't dropped it yet, but it is only a matter of time. Connecting to the laptop and downloading although a bit slow is ok. Now...the 'software' swings between great and troublesome. The graphics and stats available are excellent. The overhead satellite view is brilliant.....however. Having used it quite a few times, I think the GPS accuracy of the unit isn't as good as I thought it would be. It can be yards out. Not a big difference if you are measuring a drive, 230yrds is not a lot from 235yrds,but it can be on or off a fairway. It can be in or out of a bunker. Yes, you can adjust this online, but that makes a 'review' a lot longer. I may be able to remember where I took EVERY shot from a course I know well, but from a new, never played course ? No. All in all though, it's a great product.
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very great device works great I don't understand why people are moaning about the way it is supposed to fall off the belt but the clip that secures it is so excellently made it dose not slip off my belt and I love it they way it works you charge it up by the usb cable (provided) then you clip it to your belt and once you get to the course you push the top of the device and it vibrates and flashes and then it goes white when you are about to take your shot then tap the sensor (top of the club very secured) then it vibrates and beeps and flashes green and away you go then after the round you download it to your PC and then check it and then sign the round then your done and you can see how much fairways,greens in regulation you have hit how much putts etc you should see the point by now that it is a device worth having nothing to complain about 100% :-)
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I've had my game golf for the last season, and been really happy with what is does. Once you find a way to build it into your pre shot routine it is great to look back at your stats and see where your misses are and what you need to work on. Yesterday a drive of over 310 and a 3 wood from the rough of 242 to the front edge was pleasing. It also shows you how you can gain shots with better wedge play or improving putting.The reason for commenting after a year of ownership is to mention the customer service from Game golf. There is a small rubber cover which covers the mini USB charging/data point. I noticed mine was missing somehow and so I contacted them via email. 7 days later all is well,and good as new. Well done Game Golf, great customer service!!Aidan Place
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As an "older" and somewhat mediocre golfer, I was initially unsure of the merits of this high tech' device but, having got used to using it, I love it! For me, the real benefit is being able to review my rounds in detail and think through the various shots and how I might have been able to execute them better. The quality of the equipment and the website is excellent and it is simple to set up. I recommend any golfer to consider this kit as a useful tool to aid their game. It is especially useful if you are playing a solo practice round.


This is a brilliant system. Can't say it helps me play golf any better, but at least I can see where I'm going wrong. I would have given it 5 stars but one round didn't copy to my PC. It seemed to get 'stuck' at the 'copying round to PC' stage. Not sure why, it worked every other time. One thing that is missing from the stats page is the ability to give you average distances for your clubs. Considering the amount of stats it does give you, I'm surprised it doesn't do this. Maybe they'll be an update on the software someday.....


Bought this with the aim of knowing better how I hit my shotsA bit fiddly to use initially, but you get used to touching clubs to the transponder.( except when you are being given putts !!)Once you have played ay least 5 rounds using this, it does give you good feedback on the average length you hit clubs and their dispersion.Surprise, surprise, you will find that you usually over estimate how far you hit the ball !!Of course, the change of seasons, mean that you will have to have 2 sets of data, for Winter and summer


Very neat little product. Easy to use but always limited by you getting into the shot routine and remembering to touch the club to the belt unit. If you get it wrong you can correct when editing on the PC. I found GPS accuracy to be a bit poor on the courses I played on relative to a skycaddie unit so around the greens stats are a bit deceptive. I eventually stopped using it but that is my preference now to focus on the game, using a laser and not studying the stats.


Easy to set up on the computer and a doddle to use on the course. Very straightforward to review your rounds and the data it gives you is first class. Would definitely recommend as the stats you get are similar to those you see on tv for the pros and it also gives you tips on what specific areas of your game to practice. Only downside is like any statistical tool the stats are a bit general to begin with but the more you put in the better the feedback you get.


This has been a great system and I have improved my golf play by on average 4 shots. It has given me clear goals for improvement and which areas I need to improve upon. It is easy to use and set up and even easier to use. The battery lasted for at least two rounds and I'm sure could have gone longer. The accompanying computer software is simple to follow as well. If you are looking to improve you strokes, this product is definitely worth a look.
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