

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Alpinestars Bryce Gore-Tex Pants reviews.
You can find all Alpinestars Bryce Gore-Tex Pants reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Alpinestars Bryce Gore-Tex Pants, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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First day I wore the pants I got stuck in a downpour 100+ miles from home; It didn't last long, but I stayed dry and was happy for it. The knee pads are a little low when standing, but fine while riding.The only item I don't like is when you have to use the restroom, you have to pull the pants down past your "attachments" because they have a gusset at the zipper opening (no trap door). I am ok with that since I assume the gusset keeps the zipper area more waterproof (1 less opening). You just better not wait to "go" since you have to remove your jacket if you utilize the suspenders before you can drop the pants down.

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