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For Yoshi's Crafted World (Switch), 254 customer reviews collected from 4 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Amazon has 141 customer reviews and the average score is 4.6. Go to this seller.
Argos has 87 customer reviews and the average score is 4.7. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 20 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.
Very has 6 customer reviews and the average score is 4.3. Go to this seller.


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While the chats of how hard Sekiro is and should there be an easy mode I find myself lying on my bed in a space of total relaxation as I jump platform to platform looking for a hidden squirrel in a lash brightly coloured world and a pink Yoshi.The game for me sold it in the demo that was released before hand, I wasn’t blown away with it but just the usual Nintendo gold seal of approval style game. With that I mean I can’t remember a Nintendo game where I stopped playing or just didn’t like it. It’s the same with the New Super Mario game, I just find myself playing it and not knowing why, another game company may release something similar and it’s amazing but when you place it against gameslike Odyssey and Breath of the Wild than games like Yoshi’s Crafted World falls short and gets placed into that good category. I almost wonder sometimes if I am really enjoying it but than I look and see how many hours I have clocked, and I don’t know why.The start of the game is slow and it’s there to ease you in, there is nothing ground-breaking at first, it’s just a gorgeous looking easy Yoshi game. Stick with it though because the later levels than step it up a bit, giving you new innovated levels and what I would call “Wow” moments or just something that will make you crack a smile. Where Yoshi’s Crafted World differs from the likes of NSMB is the level designs that come later in the game. In NSMB the levels all seem the same, you could show someone three screenshots and they would probably think it’s the same level whereas in Yoshi’s game there are some very different levels, not all of them are great don’t get me wrong but at least they are trying to be different.Like I said some of the levels can be damn frustrating but this will only apply if you want to find everything and this is the only time the game gets a little challenging and in some respects a bit repetitive. I’ll go through in detail a little bit more of what I mean, each level has flowers & red coins to locate, some are easy to spot, some are hidden, and some will have you perform a challenge against a timer to complete. Each level will give you a bonus flower for finding all red coins, collecting more than 100 standard coins and for finishing the level with full health. No issues so far! You can than perform the level again although backwards which gives you a different aspect of each level and sort of see the behind the scenes which I love, here you will locate 3 pups within a time limit, find them and get to the end for a full 4 flowers. Again, I have no issues here. Where I do have an issue is what comes next. To gain 100% area completion you must speak to a cardboard robot thing that opens levels for you and s/he will request you to jump back into levels and locate a few different items, once you do find them you just check an egg at them and are given the option to leave that level. They never give you them all at once and even if you hit them you may still have to go back in and back in again to the same level, this repetitiveness I really didn’t like. Sure, I don’t have to do it but for those who like to complete games 100% than this is just toying with me. I wouldn’t mind if they told me in this level I want this, this and this but the fact that I can see already some of the things they will request but hitting them with an egg won’t count until it’s requested just plainly annoys me.Apart from that there is nothing else that bothers me, I love the pace of the whole game, I almost feel relaxed during most of the levels, there are those occasions where you get given a challenge which can push you more but again this is something completionists will thrive on. To give you an example there is a level where you control a big Yoshi and must bash things to get points or a level where you are on a train and have to hit targets again for points, it’s these sort of levels where you may come a bit stuck but only if you want that final flower.Everything in this game is beautiful looking, it looks like a cross between Yoshi’s island mixed with Little Big Planet, all levels look amazing and seeing everything made of different materials and how they are made just makes me happy. Going through the level behind everything seeing how they work is also very cleaver, little shy guys operating things or seeing the bare cardboard box instead of the normal side which has been covered with pretty paper, it’s just fantastic.Before I finish up I just want to go other a few other things and they are boss battles for starters, each one is different and you take them on in a different way. None are difficult in anyway and it wont take long to work out how to fight them. There are also levels with your faithful dog which has you riding him through parts of some levels and using him to gain access to other area’s or simply just traversing through water or lava.VerdictA game of simplicity which is designed to be just that. A harder game would just ruin it and its just not needed. Every level has been designed differently and there is a host of collectables and level variations to keep you satisfied for around 25-30 hours. I wouldn’t know how long it would take to complete if you just did the bare A-B levels probably not long at all, but you will need a certain number of flowers to continue so the game probably will ask of you to do some of the extra work to gain flowers. The game for me is something I can sit down and play after a long day and not get stressed out, the music is okay but can get repetitive at times especially when used in multiple levels. If you have started and put it down please pick it up again, it does get better the more you invest into it.
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My 5 year old son loves Yoshi. We have played Woolly World and have now completed Crafted World. Honestly though he prefers WW. The costumes in CW are OK but it would be nice to have a skin changing (like in WW) option too other than basic colours. There are a lot of boring costumes too in CW. Things like a bottle cap or a pile of dry grass. There's some good ones but honestly even I found them disappointing. I expected better and more when coming from playing WW.Now my biggest issue with this game is a level later on that's called something along the lines of Be Scared Of The Dark. It's a level set at night. There's these doll things that make these noises and chase you while swinging and axe.There's tons of them in the level and my 5 year old hates it. He loves Boo levels in Mario games, he loves gentle spooky things like that but this terrified him. When we played the game together, the first time he saw that doll thing he said he didn't want to play this level. I told him we have to do it to get the other levels but that I would switch to one player and do it alone. He still held my arm tight. I honestly don't know why Nintendo thought it would be a good idea to put this level in. They know their audience is kids and young adults so why put a level like that in? It is like something pulled from a horror movie.Other than that, the game is good. It finds ways to keep you playing after completing the story. It doesn't penalise you (as far as I can tell) for using the mellow mode.There's no need to play WW first, the story is different for each game and isn't connected.We played 2 player on mellow mode.The player is able to change their costume and their skin to one of around 8 colours (that's a guess, I haven't counted). The costumes are bought in gatcha machines in each world/area. The price starts at 100 coins per gatcha ball and increases as the areas go on. There's lots of opportunities to get extra coins with things hiding in the background. Then there's the flip side. The flip side is basically the level flipped over. You start at the end and work your way back through the level. It adds a nice way of keeping the levels interesting and slightly different.Reminder, If you are getting this for a little one, be very careful around that dark level.
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Yoshi's Crafted World is a solid 2.5D platformer that makes interesting use of its 3D environment. At its best, it'll remind you of the finest games in the genre, like Klonoa and Tomba, but the game can feel repetitive at times, especially going for 100% completion.This is due to the needless padding each stage introduces, in which you have to throw an egg at every crafted object the game tells you to, which would be fine if it let you check them all off the list at once, rather than forcing you to go out of a level and then back in for the next one.Other than that, it plays like a standard Yoshi game, in which you have to reach the goal taking as little damage as possible,with completion rewards given for all 20 red coins collected and every flower acquired in a stage. It's more laid back than other titles, making exploration a much more comfortable experience, but if you only want to breeze through each level, it's a ridiculously easy game that you'll finish in no time.Overall, it's nowhere near as bad as its detractors will have you believe, especially if you don't rush through these games while skipping all the secrets and branching paths, but it does suffer from some repetition due to needless padding and other easily fixable problems. If you like what you see, then you'll enjoy the game, otherwise wait for a sale.
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This a really enjoyable family friendly game. It has two difficulty modes, with one basically letting you repeatedly tap the jump button to fly. This makes the platforming much simpler for my kids.There are multiple collectables within each level (yellow coins, red coins, flower heads) so it's a bit more involved than reaching the end of the level. I like this but my kids do ask for help to get extra flower heads so they can unlock later levels. After the story is completed some additional levels become available (if you have enough flower heads) and these offer a bit more challenge.On the topic of 'help' this game allows two players to play on the same switch in co-op.This works OK but I do get frustrated when I get swallowed accidentally by the other player and lose the eggs I was carrying.Also, while the environments look great I found the music to be irritating. I did really like the changing of aspects in the levels where you'd move to the front and back of the screen.I've dropped a star for the music and the minor irritation of players stepping on each others toes in co-op. I also didn't care about the collectable outfit element.In short - it's not challenging, but it's an enjoyable experience you can share with your kids.
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This is one of the few games that I've come across that is actually accessible for younger gamers. My 5 year old can actually play this and get to the end of most levels. The mellow mode means that there are no pits to worry about. And the enemies are so slow that he can generally avoid them.He doesn't stop talking about this game, or drawing pictures about it. All of his craft ideas come from this game.For an older gamer there is still a lot there (if you are a completionist) I was able to get 100% on most of the early levels, and then the difficulty spike to get everything really ramped up.I love the visuals in this game, it is an overload of cute.Easily the most relaxing game I've played in a long time.I think that it is even an improvement on wooly world, which was fantastic. While some of the ideas blend into each other, for younger gamers, this is a perfect game.
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Love this game - super simple, great fun. The story line is straight forward, Yoshi has very easy commands - in essence jump and eat. No violence, perhaps some might say there is indication of it when eating a turtle, throwing eggs or jumping on a turtle to make way to pass, but it's very harmless. I have completed this game with my nephew, absolutely nothing scary about this game. And I don't know anyone who is this careful about the choice of games to avoid any bad surprises.In my opinion this is one of the best games out there on Nintendo switch and for a change, this game is worth every dime paid.


This is a highly enjoyable game and still is! Only problem was, when you get to one of the levels there are notes that you can view. It said 'If you see him run away...' we kept playing only to find a clown holding an axe that screams at you. If you get to close they run at you. You keep going and find that more and more keep appearing. Another note appears and says 'They come from behind...'. When you exit the note one comes from behind you and tries to hit you with its axe! Disappointed that they would include something like this in a childrens game. In our opinion inappropriate for kids.


Only played this for about 3 hours today but am totally loving it, it's a great game, so easy to get into relaxing and well paced to play , I haven't always been a fan of the yoshi series finding some games a little dull and slow paced. This builds on the previous entrys whilst in many ways been the most fun since the first back on the snes. A definite recommendation for anyone who is a lover of slower paced games, previous yoshi games, or just anyone who maybe a little unsure.


This game is brilliant for all ages. We play this with our 5 year old and he enjoys tackling the levels. The graphics are really nice and flow smoothly, the colours are very rich and detailed. Can be played in easy mode where you can fly to help through harder elements of game play. You travel through various worlds and the goal is to collect daisies and coins and finally beating the boss at the end of each level.This is one of the top games we reach for on the switch.


My 10 year old son has autism and loves Mario and all Mario related products. The switch is perfect for him as he can take it anywhere to keep his calm and focus. He does not like violence in games and struggles when they are too difficult. This Yoshi game is perfect for him, bright, colourful, musical and not too hard. It's entertaining for him, and really enjoyable for myself when he has gone to bed ;)Who doesn't love Yoshi.


One of my daughters is a bit obsessed with Yoshi, but they both enjoy the co-operative exploration of a world that's made out of cardboard, bottle tops, and other crafty bits and pieces. Lots of little surprises, quite challenging for completionists (which they both are) but you can also play it casually for a few minutes at a time. A bit too repetitive for me, but I didn't buy it for me. Charming and fun.


Similar to other Yoshi games, this one is good fun and comes with the option to play on Easy mode or Classic, where Easy mode allows Yoshi to effectively fly by pressing the jump button over and over again, hints to where Flowers are hiding and the Red Coins and Hidden Clouds are all shown to the player. Classic mode, plays like the older Yoshi games. Great game to play on your own or with a friend.


Fun, colourful platformer for all ages with excellent two player option. Experienced gamers will find the levels and bosses very simple to complete but the real challenge here is collection of all items, coins, etc and finding everything. This adds great replay value to an otherwise short game. Graphics look stunning both in docked and handheld modes but the music soon becomes slightly irritating.


I Love playing this game it is fun and easy to play and everyone of all ages would love the graphics and the music and the story line behind it. some of the levels are challenging but that comes with all video games and console games that you play no matter what they are. It is easy to come back and play if you save it and walk away to have lunch or need to use the bathroom or go out.


Great game! I like Nintendo stuff as most games don't take themselves too seriously. I've got two PS4's and I'm bored of them. The Switch is fun with a capital F. Yoshi is graphically superb. Gameplay a good 10/10. Even the music is great, maybe not in the same league as say Super Mario Odyssey, but not irritating as some people have said. Love this console! Love this game!

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