

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for X-Bionic The Trick Running Pants short Men reviews.
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For X-Bionic The Trick Running Pants short Men, 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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I've been a fan of X-Bionic socks for ages -- on the pricer side but worth it. I was hoping I'd feel the same about these and I've been just as impressed. With regards to fit I'd say they were a smidgeon on the small side, but actually once on a run I find them very comfortable. The temperature control is really neat too. On really long runs where my Under Armour pants would quite damp with sweat by the end, the X-Bionic were noticeably dryer, which is appreciated on the cold, winter runs.Would happily buy another pair.


The product is great and comfortable. It did come moderatly small but the stretch of the tissue is so good that it does not bother me too much. I did a 20kms run with it and no rubbing at all. Perfect


Maybe these are more expensive than some but the fit is great and they are so comfortable for long runs. Temperature control is excellent.


perfect quality...as a second skin...and thanks to Amazon for prizes they propose and quick delivery .



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