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Note: In the video, taken with the Walimex lens, I attempted to demonstrate the different fields of view at the extreme f-stops (f/22 and f/1.5. Unfortunately the video transcoder used by Amazon interprets the f/22 demo as a still picture, so that's what you see. I suppose that in itself is testament to the fairly deep field of view you get when using a small aperture. The f/1.5 bit still works, though.There is nothing more satisfying than being in control. This wonderful chunky lens gives you all the control you could wish for. It's primarily intended for video use, but it works really well for stills too.I learned photography using fully manual 35mm cameras and silver-halide film.When autofocus camera came in I found I was often fighting against the autofocus: I knew what I wanted the subject to be, but all too often the camera didn't. So a manual-focus lens is great; also having an easy-to-use aperture ring is a delight.This Walimex lens (had you heard of them? I hadn't - they're apparently a Korean company) is chunky - quite different from the unobtrusive ultra-short pancake lenses I normally tend towards using. But then it can open up nearly two f-stops further than a typical pancake lens, and it's big enough to manually focus without your fingers getting in the picture. In fact the focus ring is a joy to operate, with a big cogwheel-like grip. When it's not on a tripod I support the camera from underneath with my left hand, and it's really easy to operate the focus ring with forefinger and thumb. With a bit of practice you can operate the aperture ring with your little finger too, while still holding the camera in shooting position.Both focus and aperture rings are continuous (no clicks when you turn them), and the scales are marked on the left side of the lens (not on top, as used to be common). The widest aperture is f/1.5, which is around 94% of the light you'd get from an f/1.4 lens. Except that this lens (intended for video use) is calibrated in T-stops rather than f-stops, which means that an adjustment has been made for the slight loss of light travelling through the lens. So perhaps it isn't quite that far off f/1.4 after all.It is worth stressing that this lens will not use any of the autofocus or auto-aperture capabilities of your camera. You need to set the camera to manual or to aperture priority (Av), and ideally set your desired ISO setting to a fixed value too, to get the best out of the lens. I like being able to manually control the depth of field: you can declutter a busy picture by unfocussing everything but your subject, or you can make the entire scene pin-sharp with one easy adjustment. And of course in video the technique of changing focus to shift the viewer's attention between subjects is a commonly-used technique. Unfortunately changing the focus on this lens also very slightly changes the field of view too. I've attached a short video that shows changing focus at the extremes of aperture for this lens - you can see the field of view changing noticeably in the first (f/22) version.If you're using the lens for video you'll probably have it mounted on a tripod, and will monitor using your camera's LCD monitor screen. My EOS 100D doesn't have any manual focusing aids at all in the viewfinder, which means that I need to pre-focus or use the LCD screen, especially at wider apertures (and at the risk of stating the obvious, it's best to open the lens right up to get the focus right, and then close the aperture down again when you're ready to take the picture). If you're shooting a video you should be able to set up the shot in advance; similarly, if you're taking stills of relatively static subjects you can fine-tune the focus and depth of field. Manual focus probably isn't too good for candid photography. For video, having manual focus means you avoid any "focus hunt" as the camera changes its mind about what to focus on - definitely a good idea.A quick word about focal length, as not everyone is familiar. This is not a zoom lens, so depending on your camera it will have a differing fixed field of view. If you have a full-format (36mm x 24mm) sensor in your camera this will be a medium-wide-angle lens, but with the smaller APS-C sensor in my Canon EOS 100D it's roughly a 55mm-equivalent focal length, because the smaller sensor captures a narrower field of view.Note that if you have a full-format camera you may possibly see slight vignetting at wider apertures, but on my EOS 100D there's no edge-darkening whatever. The lens cap is a bit rubbish, and the lens hood is a bit loose - and the little velvet bag for storing the lens is pretty much useless too - but the lens itself is fine.This is a really good lens; not quite perfect, but with the wide aperture and full smoothly-adjustable manual focus it provides you with the creative control you need.
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When it comes to camera lenses I have to profess that I'm from the "I like the tech but I don't really have the time to or inclination to learn and absorb the tech" school of photography.Cue real photographers face palming and shaking their heads in dismay everywhere. Sorry guys and girls, I just like to take shots and video with my DSLR then move on quickly.So my review is for you, the person that has a DSLR, can take a good photograph and wants to add a lens to your bag that gives you a wide angle option without breaking the bank or your heart.I feel that this the strong point of this lens - it allows you to think about the subject more by freeing you away (but not completely) from the complexity issues.Part of this can be attributed to its speed, which has always been a bane in my photography.A good quality, fast lens, will usually give you the result that you were trying to achieve without having to sit in the same position for what can seem like hours, tweaking away until you have the perfect result.The other issue that snappers like me face is price-point, and again this lens is brilliant on value without compromise on quality (except for the lens cap which feels a bit cheap for some reason).I consider that I have been very fortunate to receive this lens for review. But this has not coloured my judgement because I tend to review with more scrutiny in these situations.I can honestly say that this lens is brilliant and provides a quality viable alternative to bigger name lens brands.It will allow you get more use from you camera without breaking the bank completely.It can be used by all photographers at all levels, this is without question but I'm not in a position technically to completely advocate this.For my use, it's been brilliant.
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Being very much a beginner when it comes to photography, I was intrigued to see the quality of the images I could capture with the Walimex Pro 35mm/1.5 Foto & Video Lens. Using it with my Canon EOS100D camara, my first thoughts were that this lens was reassuringly weighty! (though bear this in mind if your going to have this strapped round your neck for a long time - it's almost a kilo in weight)I see the lens is also available rebranded by Samyang (in a similar way to the excellent 8mm lens...also available as a Bell & Howell, just to confuse things) : Samyang 35 mm T1.5 VDSLR Manual Focus Video Lens for Canon DSLR CamerasQuite what gives the £100+ price difference between them though I have no idea?This has the look and feel of a well built piece of kit,with the aperture and focus dials being very smooth to use.When it came to actually taking photographs I found the manual focus on the lens was easy to use which, resulted in some sharp, high quality images.I have found a definite improvement on my close-up photos and landscape images when using this lens over the standard kit lens. Overall I’m very impressed with the Walimex Pro 35mm/1.5 Foto & Video Lens and look forward to experimenting with it further, now that the British summer has arrived!I have attached some completely unprocessed images taken on a rainy overcast day. As you can see, the 1.5 aperture lets in plenty of light, maybe even too much (still learning with this lens).
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I had been filming using a Sigma 30mm 1.4. The optics from that lens are really good. However the one thing that really bothered me was the manual focus ring just isn't smooth at all. When I saw that Samyang had brought out a 35mm lens aimed at the video market I knew it was what I wanted. The Walimex is a re-branded version of that lens at a great price.So once I had the money I made the purchase. I haven't been disappointed. The focus is the smoothest I've ever used. The fact that the aperture is also manual and de-clicked is an added bonus. The build is fantastic (it's a heavy lens) and the optics brilliant.I would highly recommend and would love if Samyang/Rokinon/Walimex would do a zoom lens like a 24-70.
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This lens looks impressive, feels great, has gears for use with a follow focus, and has a strong build quality. The price is superb for what you get and the bokeh is really good. The only letdown is the quality of the lens cap, but a simple replacement from another brand would only cost £10. Overall, it's a bargain, and I have successfully used it for photography and filming.


I have used this on several corporate video shoots now and it provides excellent picture. I love this and I think I will eventually buy the 24mm


One of the best lens I've used. Lovely images and the throw on the focus ring is so so smooth!!! Will be getting the set soon.


Sharp as a tack great build guilty. All a round good lens package well and fells like lens two or three times more expensive.


Excellent lens for the price! Quite impressed with the results in both photography and video.

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