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For Veet for Men Hair Removal Gel Cream (200 ml), 461 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.8.

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After having been told my danglies looked like an elderly Rastafarian I decided to take the plunge and buy some of this as previous shaving attempts had only been mildly successful and I nearly put my back out trying to reach the more difficult bits.Being a bit of a romantic I thought I would do the deed on the missus's birthday as a bit if a treat.I ordered it well in advance and working in the North Sea I considered myself a bit above some of the characters writing the previous reviews and wrote them off as soft office types...Oh my fellow sufferers how wrong I was.I waited until the other half was tucked up in bed and after giving some vague hints about a special surprise I went down to the bathroom.Initially all went well and I applied the gel and stood waiting for something to happen. I didn' have long to wait.At first there was a gentle warmth which in a matter of seconds was replaced by an intense burning and a feeling I can only describe as like being given a barbed wire wedgie by two people intent on hitting the ceiling with my head.Religion hadn't featured much in my life until that night but I suddenly became willing to convert to any religion to stop the violent burning around the turd tunnel and what seemed like the the destruction of the meat and two veg.Struggling not to bite through my bottom lip I tried to wash the gel off in the sink and only succeeded in blocking the plughole with a mat of hair. Through the haze of tears I struggled out of the bathroom across the hall into the kitchen, by this time walking was not really possible and I crawled the final yard to the fridge in the hope of some form of cold relief.I yanked the freezer drawer out and found a tub of ice cream, toe the lid off and positioned it under me.The relief was fantastic but only temporary as it melted fairly quickly and the fiery stabbing returned. Due to the shape of the ice cream tub I hadn'nt managed to give the starfish any treatment and I groped around in the draw for something else as I was sure my vision was going to fail fairly soon.I grabbed a bag of what I later found out was frozen sprouts and tore it open trying to be quiet as I did so. I took a handful of them and an tried in vain to clench some between the cheeks of my arse.This was not doing the trick as some of the gel had found its way up the chutney channel and it felt like the space shuttle was running its engines behind me.This was probably and hopefully the only time in my life I was going to wish there was a gay snowman in the kitchen which should give you some idea of the depths I was willing to sink to in order to ease the pain.The only solution my pain crazed mind could come up with was to gently ease one of the sprouts where no veg had gone before. Unfortunately, alerted by the strange grunts coming from the kitchen the other half chose that moment to come and investigate and was greeted by the sight of me, arse in the air, strawberry ice cream dripping from my bell end pushing a sprout up my arse while muttering arhhh ooooohhh that feels good ahhh Understandably this was a shock to her and she let out a scream and as I hadn'nt heard her come in it caused an involuntary spasm of shock in myself which resulted in the sprout being ejected at quite some speed in her direction.I can understand that having a sprout fired against your leg at 11 at night in the kitchen probably wasent the special surprise she was expecting and having to explain to the kids the next day what the strange hollow in the ice cream was didn't improve my status so to sum it up, VEET removes hair, dignity and self-respect.
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My fella was always whinging about razor burns around his manly portions . I suggested giving him a hot wax but he point.blank refused so I told him "No more thrust full throttle" until he decided he wanted a smoothe ride . And I was tired of trying to devour an appendage that.was hidden in a huge mound of something akin to a cross between wire wool and crispy seaweed. After much argument he told me to purchase the famous Hair Removal Cream For Men . I thought it was a snip when I saw the price here. In fact I was agog and agape. When the item.arrived he casually inormed me by phone and said he would have sorted his sac and crack in time for me getting in from work .Upon reaching garden.gate I heard and ungodly wailing noise that sounded like Kate Bush on helium and I dashed into.the kitchen to find him lying with his bright red burning sac and.crack in the freezer .Despite the frostbite on his arse , his.meat and two veg were literally steaming. His lower half was contradicting itself but nevermind .. His wailing raised 8 octaves as I tried to cheer him up by singing that old Arthur Brown classic "Burn". I could then smell an aroma that could only be described as a burning barbequed quarter pounder. It was then that I noticed that his shaft-a-roo was as red as a blood orange and I made a mental note that I wanted a ruby engagement ring in the same shade to match my titian hair . Speaking of hair , his had gone up in a puff of smoke. His bits were smouldering like the fires of hell but he had achieved.the desired effect . Bloody hairless. Smoothe as a baby's bum . I can honestly say the cream as stated . For two weeks following the event he wore incontinence pants filled with ice cubes . This cooled off the area and gave a mild aneasthetic effect (handy hint there , lads) . It was during such periods of chilly willy that we indulged in a bit rumpy pumpy and it was a smoothe.ride . Mind you , when it was growing back I had cause for complaint as the stubble grazed my chin .It does everything it says . I would only advise any guys planning to use the sac and crack hair remover to move into the nearest industrial refridgerator for at least 3 days following application .
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Guys, if using this downstairs then don’t make my mistake... First time I used it went ok. Missed a few bits in my concern not to exceed 6 minutes in such a crucial area but figured I’d do better next time. Was pleased that I didn’t actually feel anything even though I was certain it would be ok from using Immac many years ago. Second time did go better - I didn’t miss any patches and had only minimal stubble lines where I needed to go shorter. I want to switch from shaving owing to a metal allergy, and this flared up again but had mostly cleared up when I used the Veet a third time. Great results! Really smooth all over. Was drying off after a shower when the burning feeling started.Long story short: I’d used the cream on skin which hadn’t healed completely from the earlier nickel reaction. The chemicals in the cream work by attacking a substance in the hair follicles, but the same substance is used by the body to heal skin. That’s why so many products, including this one, instruct not to use on damaged or inflamed skin, and that’s why I ended up with what looked like a chemical burn the size of a 50p coin over the base of my shaft and the front of my sack. The good news is that (fingers crossed) everything has been healing nicely and, 7 days later, is nearly back to normal (I don’t think it *was* a chemical burn but that’s what it initially looked like). I’ll continue using the stuff because I love having a smooth pair (plus the smell is really nice) but you can bet I’ll be more careful to check for the slightest inflammation before applying the cream down there in future.Incidentally, (different subject) human skin is s completely different type above the neck and this sort of product should never be used up there. If your face doesn’t slide away from your skull then your brain will shrivel up and fall out of your ear. Just saying
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Since I was a young boy I have always had hairy testicles, I suppose that is where all my hair went because my facial hair is non-existent. My crystal balls have been locked tight behind its hairy foe for many years now, but a few days ago.... they were released.The magic cream arrived quickly and I was excited to test it out, but I was also nervous because I was told that putting this cream down below would burn more than a thousand suns going supernova, turns out that might have been a lie. I performed the operation that night, I undressed in the bathroom and looked at the mirror to see my skinny pale body. I proceeded to look down below at my hairy minefield, it almost resembled a mushroom cloud.You couldn't even tell that a penis and balls resided down there, it was that bad.I turned on my shower so that it could heat up, in that time I started operation Curlywoods, I took the cap off the cream and dispensed the innards into my right hand. I was getting nervous, I didn't know what to expect, would be pecker burn off? Would my nuts implode from the heat? No.I'm glad to say none of that happened, I put the cream everywhere that the hairy mess decided to call home. I expected pain, but nothing happened. I waited two minutes before jumping in the shower to wash off the magic cream, and it really is magic. I sprayed the water at full blast at my bush and I couldn't believe my eyes, I could see skin! I started pulling the hair off my nuts like a kid opening his presents on Christmas morning, it was a beautiful sight.The hairy lair is gone, and I couldn't be happier.10/10 would buy again.P.S. The only downside is I can now see my penis, which unfortunately resembles the looks and size of a cashew nut.
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If you want to remove that stubborn hair without sitting around the bathroom with a razor this is perfect. Ill start with the plus side. It leaves the meat and 2 veg smooth as and looks bigger for sure when your done squinting through the burning sensation. Now for a negative, if you enjoy the feeling of fire in the nether region along with feeling like your in a tourture chamber for being a double spy this is for you. After applying this and setting a timer for the set amount of minutes it slowly started to heat up. Imagine a sauna heating up in a small area and then turning into the sun in a matter of seconds.After 5 minutes the shower head was in hand with freezing cold water however this didnt seem to sooth the searing pain of what felt like a blow tourch with a acog scope trying to take each single hair 1 by 1. Once that failed i proceeded to run to the kitchen meat and veg in hand in a squatted position to stop it rubbing my thighs. As the freezer open the first thing that caught my eye was for sure the tub of chocolate ice cream. As i proceeded to lower my "affected region" into the tub the ice cream seemed to melt quicker than expected. This was only a short term solution was once the chocolate icecream melted on my manly parts i was shot of ideas. I guess this is when you decide your pain threshold has no more and thought a freezing cold bath could help. Unfortunately between walking from the kitchen my misses found me with tears in my eyes a dull expression and a chocolate dripping ding dong.If you want to tourture someone this stuff will do the trick for sure
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Well.....I thought it would be a tremendous idea to order some removal cream from my step mums account(because I don’t have my own) and I thought I would be the coolest kid on the block. What I ideally wanted was skin so smooth it makes a baby’s bum look like sand paper but what I got made me physically scared emotionally injured and my dignity lost.To get the smoothest skin possible, I applied 5 times the Recommended amount from my neck to my feet. No cell was left unsmothered. At first it was going fine and dandy. I was delighted by the results as I made various poses in front of the mirror admiring my new smooth complexion.Then it hit me.I can only describe it as a volcanic eruption of my anus that then erupted up my body and continued to engulf me in a bubble of pure fire. My nipples where being deep fried by the heat and wouldn’t be surprised if they turned into 2 very burt chicken nuggets. At this point I was crying.Then I sprinted out side ( which I could barley do at this point) and grabbed the hose and sprayed my hole naked body down and to try (to no avail) to rid my body of this crippling pain. At this point I was to dehydrated to cry and started to howl.I then knew I had to do something. I wiggled my way to my parents bedroom and explained my predicament (which was hard through the intense pain) and then after days of flames on my body It eventually subsided and I can tell u I have not got a hair on my body what’s so ever and It actually works so you can try it for your self
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Pros:I didn't experience any skin irritation. The results were smooth. It worked ok. Much nicer than shaving.Cons:The smell is very strong and inappropriately girly for a supposedly male product. It smells like a woman's face cream. Clearly outside of the usual palette of "male smells". Which may or may not be a problem for you, but I wanted to try out silky smooth legs, and keep it my own little secret... and the strong smell during use could have compromised my mission. (Be ready to open windows)The results aren't especially long lasting, and the hair grows back as stubble.I was hoping for some magic formula that'd nuke hairs right down to the root. Keep them down for a while,and have it come back as new growth. But it was more like the cream weakened the hair strands, and I just "shaved" them off using the included plastic scraper. Compared to shaving, it's still very convenient since I could scrape off a huge amount in one go. The plastic scraper scoops up this mixture of hair and cream, I wipe it off onto some folded toilet paper, then go back for the rest. I feel like that's a lot more efficient than having to stop and rinse a razor every few seconds, especially when doing large areas. I did my lower back, and only had to wipe off the scraper maybe three times.The other advantage is that I can be as sloppy and heavy-handed as I want when scraping it off, since it's just a plastic scraper.So while it didn't meet the high expectations I had of it, what it does do, it does well.
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This is one of my favourite hair removal products. As a bit of background, I must say that I’m quite a lazy person, and shaving can be so tedious for me because it takes so long!With this hair removal cream I’ve definitely saved a lot of hours, I simply slap the cream all over my legs from top to bottom, wait 4-5 minutes and then scrape it all off using the tool provided. It works wonders! The amount that you get in the tube as well does me a good couple of months.The only negative for me, unfortunately, is that it can cause some poor reactions for my skin. I do have quite sensitive skin so usually anything that I do will cause spots, bumps or irritation! This certainly can irritate my legs,however, certainly not as much that shaving tends to. If you have normal skin, I doubt this will be an issue, however, for any of those who have sensitive skin then please be aware and do a patch test prior to use to see how your skin may react! (even if you have fairly normal skin it’s always a good idea to do this too).Overall, this product is certainly a timesaver, but be aware that it might not work for everyone and sensitive skinned users be warned! Definitely give it a shot, but don’t be disheartened if this just isn’t for you.
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Fantastic product. If you follow the instructions, it definitely removes almost all hair. I have quite thick course hair and it’s very dense especially on my chest and parts of my back. This product worked a great, results feel like half way between a shave and a wax, but with no pain and no cuts. No rashes or after effects either, smells perfectly normal for a product to me. Carefully went around nipples no issues there. When removing the hair with the spatula if you use the right technique it works great and removes the majority of the hair. (I found that if you go over it in small stages but a few times each spot, more comes off each time),rather than some people that might be just going over it once resulting in it not taking away all their hairs. Could have used a hand for doing my back from someone else, or there could be a product out there somewhere that can be used as a long reach scraper which could help do it solo maybe! In all, it’s a great product, nothing wrong with packaging either, it’s perfectly fine.In summary then, more than pleased with the product as it takes away almost all the hair, good value, would recommend.
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So I've had what you could say traumatic events on shaving the lower regions cuts etc and a friend recommended that I get this product as they've said they've never had any problems with it, so I decided to take the plunge and start using it on my chest as a test no burning sensation as some of the reviews stated, i was confident enough that there wasn't going to be any problems that I got a palm full and applied it on the lower part of my body the first 3 minutes I was fine most of the hair rubbed off easy but I didn't get it all, the second time I applied after 2 minute It could only described as someone opening the gates of hell on my nuggets as I panicked struggling to turn on the shower as the pain was unbearable I was able to spin the cold tap around and combat roll in the bath,cold water was running on my nether regions for half an hour after that I was fine couldn't walk properly for 15 minutes but I'm silky smooth and happy with the results so 5 stars
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I got bought this as an xmas gift by my son as he told me my anus was like a yetis mustache. it worked very well and left it feeling like the mitchell twins.. grant and phil hovering in the wind. After such a good show i decided that my whole body from head to toe needed to be the same only leaving room for me to lap myself in lard and run through the meadows like a cancer cured hobbit.I filled a cup full and gracefully dipped my slanted sack. The burning sensation felt like i can only describe as a nuclear test at Hiroshima, a huge flash of light came over me before the xxx original source shower gel sensation took me into what i can only describe as a fall from the snowy peaks of Everest into the depths of hell to meet Satan himself.I definitely would recommend this experience to anyone as i got a nice holiday out of it as i was too incapacitated to work and spent all the winter having my dog sooth my balls with his tongue on the beach until i was better.
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I must admit was a bit concerned reading some of the reviews. I tried the cream first on small patch of hair on my leg. It worked a treat and no pain at all.I then decided to be a bit braver and try it on the crown jewels. the first application went smoothly. no serious burning pain just more of a tingle. It was then I made the costly mistake... I applied the cream a second time to just clear up the stubborn hairs this second application in hindsight was a poor decision...I lasted less than a minute before I had to hop in the shower and wash it off. The burning I must say was quite uncomfortable and did leave me with small red patch on the 'boys' Upon inspection although hairless a night sitting in my room 'balls out'to keep them cool was not what had in mind!Moral of the story is obey the instructions! If you do I'm sure you will be happy with the results.
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This was my first time removing hair from my chest, shoulders and back. The 200ml tube just about covered the whole torso, but it needed a second application as it left patchy areas. I would strongly recommend trimming as much hair as possible before getting started - my hair was quite coarse and long. I didn't experience any soreness the first time, but the second application left my nipples a little tingling - it does say to not put on the nipples, but it's hard to avoid when you have a hairy chest!I expected the dissolved hair to just rinse off, having left the cream on for around 5 mins, but it still needs to be scraped, which makes it tricky to do your back.My missus had to give me a hand both putting the cream on and scraping the hair off.There wasn't a lingering smell either. All in all, a good purchase which does the job.
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I bought this as my trouser region looks like Kevin Keegan from the 1982 World Cup squad.On applying Veet I felt a slight burning and a nasty niff.I managed to move from the bathroom to the kitchen before I went into meltdown.I was crying like a 14 year at a One Direction concert and I couldn't muster the strength to bend down and remove the evil gel and dropped to the floor holding the family jewels.At this point my 3 year old bulldog Pasty came in and looked at me.I shouted for him to run and fetch help.He looked puzzled and farted and laid next to me.About 10 minutes passed and I managed to wipe the gel off..Now what can I say I have a trouser region that looks like Walter White and onehappy wife as she said she was sick of looking at Leo Sayer from the 1970's..
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Bought this stuff to use on my armpit and balls. First time I used it was fine and it pretty much removed all hair no problem, There was still some stubble left so I decided to go for a second application a couple days later - but this time it left my ballsack very tender after just a couple minutes, which is strange because the first time I used it I left it on for the full six with no side issues. Teh tenderness only lasted a few minutes but I'm a bit wary of what might have happened if I'd left it on for longer Perfect for armpit hair though, no fuss and leaves the stubs of the hair very thin and wispy which means when it does grow back it's still soft and not prickly/itchy.If you're gonna use this on your sensitive areas,it can be fine but do be careful.
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