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On a single disk you get the three classic Uncharted games, fully re-mastered for PS4: Drake’s Fortune (2007) Among Thieves (2009) and Drake’s Deception (2011). Upon original release, each of these games was met with exceptional critical acclaim, and it’s testament to the quality of the older games that they are still incredibly playable even now in 2015. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves in particular has to be one of the greatest action-adventure games ever made. My pre-order arrived a little early, and I’ve already thoroughly enjoyed Drake’s Fortune (widely considered to be the weakest of the trilogy) and moved on to Among Thieves. Drake’s Fortune took me in the region of 9 hours to play through,so I reckon there’s got to be 30 to 40 hours of gameplay here and I’m not looking to Platinum. I’ve only put a couple of hours into Among Thieves, but it was clearly a massive leap forward, despite only coming two years after the original. The opening sequence in particular is just a fantastic way to start a game by any standard.If you haven’t played an Uncharted game before, Nathan Drake is the central character and his story evolves across all three games. He’s a likeable, everyman, treasure hunter - something like Indiana Jones or a male version of Lara Croft. Gameplay is third person, so you see Nate in front of you at all times as you swim, run, jump and shoot your way through each chapter. Along the way there are problems to solve, platforms to negotiate and plenty of opportunities for gunfights and hand to hand brawling with loads of different weapons to pick up and hidden treasures to find. The games are rated 16, so there is grown-up content but it’s not gratuitous or over the top.The games were originally developed by Naughty Dog, the people that have since brought us another Playstation classic – The Last of Us. The re-master has been done by BluePoint Games, and they’ve done a fine job. Drake’s Fortune is now 8 years old but it still looks great. I mean you can tell it’s an older game, but it’s bitingly sharp and the set pieces – like when you clear a jungle to find a German U-Boat lodged on a giant water-fall, still have the ability to impress. Naughty Dog’s gift for narrative and cinematography were already firmly stamped across even this first instalment. The quality of the voice acting (Nolan North as Nathan Drake) is first rate, and you quickly become connected with the characters. All three games now run at 1080p high definition and at a near perfect 60 frames per second. In addition to the basic remaster (I say basic in the loosest possible sense) everything from texture and lighting to combat, set pieces and explosions have all been improved.There’s no online option with any of these games - online was present in the original PS3 versions of Among Thieves and Drakes Deception. As some measure of compensation you do get first place in the queue for the online multiplayer beta for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End - which has to be my most eagerly anticipated PS4 release to date (you’ll need PS+). Uncharted 4 was originally due out this winter, but has been pushed back to spring 2016. The Uncharted 4 online beta goes live between December 4th and December 13th 2015.If you’ve played all these games before on PS3, then I guess only you can say whether you’re inclined to fork out to play them again on PS4. It's worth bearing in mind that this is a proper remaster and not just some lazy port - a lot of effort has clearly gone into this project. Whilst it’s still obvious (with the possible exception of Drake’s Deception) that these games are not native current-gen games, the production values, the quality of the story-telling, the character development, the voice acting, the cinematography, the musical score, could put many newer games to shame. The opportunity to play them in sequence (in their fully remastered glory) ahead of the release of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is one you shouldn’t pass up.
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With the exception of I think the PSP game that was released some time ago, I think I’ve pretty much played every single game in this franchise - including the newer ‘Lost Legacy’ game which is a spin off including characters from previous instalments. So, to make a long point short, I’ve played these games in the original format and I can see the impressive changes.To someone who has only ever played the current Generation of PlayStation, (PS4) You won’t probably notice how much richer and denser the jungles are, how more vivid and deep the textures are and how much more refined the character’s expressions are.I read other reviews in the past on various sites where people lamented their frustration that the remaster hasn’t included an ‘auto-aim’ feature at all.To be frank, if you put in an auto-aim into this game, you’d breeze by every single aspect of the game even in the expert mode. Free-aim is a frustrating thing to try and master after having been spoon fed by every gaming company with an auto-aim on firing, but it’s a fun challenge to try and get headshots.One thing that may frustrate some players new to this franchise is that the enemies aren’t always obvious in scenes, dynamic set pieces and plenty of things to take cover behind mean you’ll spend a lot of time in cover trying to figure out where gunfire is coming from, and this can be another fun challenge as you can’t just go into an eagle eye mode to try and highlight where the enemies are. Enemies wear muted colours and at times seem to blend with the terrain so gun battles can be tricky and a case of you having to use your wits to find where they’re hiding.The puzzles can be frustrating, but enjoyable, if you take time and constantly reference Nate’s journal, you’ll always find solutions if you look hard enough.The best part about the series is that you really feel like you’re in an interactive action movie, there are some great chase and shoot sequences in the games (especially the latter two) that will have your adrenaline pumping.The character of Nate is one that is lovably enjoyable to keep revisiting in the series. He’s a modern Indiana Jones without the education and good intentions - a treasure hunter out for gain, he’s relatable as an ordinary guy who isn’t the kind of action hero you’re used to as he bumbles his way through jungles and ruins, tripping and falling, and causing destruction wherever he goes. When paired with other characters in the franchise, Nate is absolutely at his best and the dialogue while going from scene to scene definitely helps keep you entertained.Other things worth mentioning? Naughty Dog have finally added photo mode to the older games so you can play about with taking pictures of the beautiful dynamic sets they’ve created. While you won’t get the stunning graphics of Uncharted 4, you will still find the sets beautiful and well designed, mysterious and eye wateringly sharp.If you’ve never played this before, I should mention one of my favourite features is that dying via a fall or being killed by shot, etc, doesn’t require you replaying massive chapters over to get to the same point you were at, the game has constant checkpoints every few mins so you aren’t running across an entire level having to replay and re-kill enemies you’ve already killed, this way you can keep moving forward rather than feel you’re constantly going back.If I think of anything else to add, I will. So far though, for this fantastic price, I can’t fault the set. I paid less than the price of one discount game for three games...how can I argue that? Especially with the hours of gameplay and replayability I know I’ll have (this is about my eighth playthrough on the first game alone). I definitely recommend buying this.
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This is the remaster collection that most PlayStation gamers have been waiting for! Three games which with the exception of Metal Gear Solid Guns Of Patriots and possibly MotorStorm was the absolute pinnacle of the PS3 era for a great many, wall to wall 10/10 reviews at the time and still holds up extremely well to this day and at the time was simply ground breaking, now running at 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second and I have to tell you as any PC gamer will tell you that 1080p 60 frames per second is the gold standard of gaming for a reason. And it really is.Truth be told I cannot say much about this remaster or these games that countless others have not also said - but I'll give it ago anyhow and in saying that for me these Uncharted games as awesome as they are running at 1080p 60 frames it just doesn't get any better than this! I'll not make a better purchase all year and maybe not for as long as I own a PS4. Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection is to me the definition and symbol of single player gaming utopia.Strong praise? Absolutely. Too strong? Not for me to decide. Biased opinion? Probably. I won't lie, I love the Uncharted games and 60 fps gameplay as well what with being a PC gamer as well so the combination here is basically game porn to me!If there are any blots on this trilogy collection though it is that more could have been done in terms of bonus material like behind the scenes interviews and concept art etc, and of course no multiplayer but you have to also consider that the original never had multiplayer to begin with and this is 3 awesome games on 1 disc. That's pretty impressive to fit all of these on the one disc. Not to mention all the upgrades and three games for the price of one. But for those who game for multiplayer (I'm not one of those) that could well be a deal breaker. And has been for some, but others don't give a hoot about it and that's just the way of the world....Regarding technical aspects, it's not just the increase in resolution and frame rate - which alone make an absolute world of difference believe me! But they've also improved the lighting, shadows, textures and the controls....gone are the finicky sixaxis sections, they've improved the shooting in Uncharted 1 to be more in line with the sequels, they've added tessellation so that circular objects have a natural curve and appear circular not hexagonal, and they have also added Vsync to Uncharted Drake's Fortune too so that the tearing which plagued only the first game originally is nowhere to be found here.I strongly doubt that this will even qualify for GOTY due to it being a remaster collection and not a brand new PS4 game, but that doesn't mean to say that it won't be by far the best game that people will pick up this year. And with that this gets my highest recommendation, if you have a PlayStation 4 and you don't pick this up then sorry but you're doing it wrong.Until Uncharted 4 and Rise Of The Tomb Raider hit the PS4 next year this trilogy sets the standard as far as I'm concerned.If you play games for escapism and immersion not to mention movie-like experiences then it just doesn't get any better than this!
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I think the many fawning reviews for this collection are off the mark, i'm afraid, as these are by no means a perfect three games. The first definitely suffers from being a straight port of a game that is nearly 10 years old. You can really tell, even if the graphics have been souped up. Also, the storyline and main villain are not that great (As I write this, I honestly can't even recall what the first game was actually about.) It definitely improves towards the end of the game, but is a bit of a chore up until then.The second game is easily the best of the three. It's genuinely engaging and fun, with a much better antagonist and story. The graphics are of a much higher standard.(This is particularly apparent during the Himalayas gameplay, where somehow you can actually feel the snow crunching underfoot. No idea how they achieved such realism, but hats off to them for that.) Overall, Uncharted 2 is a fantastic game, and it is quite possibly worth buying this collection just for this one game.Which brings me to Uncharted 3, which to use a football analogy, is most definitely a game of two halves. The first half runs roughly as follows:-Drake falls through a floor.Long, unnecessary cut scene.Drake encounters a fiendish puzzle.Drake walks around incredibly boring ancient ruins.Drake falls through the floor again.Cut scene.A ridiculously tough puzzle.Cut scene.Etc, etc.Ah, the puzzles in Uncharted 3 are, no word of a lie, probably the hardest thing you will ever have to do in a video game. Even Albert Einstein himself would struggle with just how the flipping hell you are supposed to work them out.So for me, this really spoils Uncharted 3 no end.Once all the puzzles are done however, there are no more, and the game certainly picks up. Graphically, this is the pick of the bunch. Absolutely gorgeous in places.There is a distinct lack of action and gunplay which I enjoyed in Uncharted 2. Infact, I could go on to list quite a few more faults with Uncharted 3, which for some reason, has quite a revered reputation. It's a good game. It's not brilliant.So overall, my score would be 4 out of 5, taking all 3 games into account.
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We all knew it was coming. It seems to be a growing trend these days that EVERYTHING needs either remastering or rebooting or whatever. Some hit the spot, others don't. Fortunately, this remaster of the PS3 Uncharted trilogy gets it near enough spot on. This is how you produce a remaster.All of the textures and character models have been polished and look fantastic. The sound is still excellent and the gameplay is as fun and engaging as ever. Where this title really nails it is the remaster of the original game: Drake's Fortune. This is a bit dated by now, being nearly 10 years old, but this is how it was meant to be played. The idiotic sixaxis controls from its original release are gone and the grenade select has been updated to match that from Uncharted 2.Minor tweaks for sure, but they make the game so much more enjoyable to play and add a greater sense of fluidity between the first and second games (in a control sense). Graphically, Drake's Fortune also benefits the most here and it genuinely looks great. The character models have all been updated to match those of the later games and the animations are that much smoother. This is how it was meant to be played.Among Thieves looks even more stunning than it did at release, and it was already spectacular and the third game runs more smoothly. It never had a lot of issues on PS3 but they are banished here.There's only one negative really and it doesn't bother me at all, though I know there are those who will disagree: No multiplayer. The modes from Among Thieves and Drake's Deception are not carried over to current gen in any form, not even the engaging splitscreen play. This is a little disappointing but hardly a deal breaker - I don't know many people who play Uncharted for the multiplayer anyway!All in all, this is a great package and a MUST BUY for those who are new to the series and who never owned them on PS3. If you have the PS3 set, they're still great to have on PS4 but I'd maybe wait for a bit of a sale and pick up the collection a little cheaper.
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Having played the second and third games in the series when they originally were released, I was on the edge about played the remastered collection. However I decided to go for it after the price had dropped and I'm so glad I did.Naughty Dog, the developers of the original PS3 versions are one of the best developers in the business and these games have been faithfully remastered by Bluepoint Games, who have done an excellent job.The story pacing, the set pieces, the humour between characters are all excellent, even though the first game is nearly 10 years old. Although the games show their age compared to games released recently, the gameplay has stood the test of time. Drakes Fortune,the first game does have quite clunky controls and I found myself dropping off cliff edges or rolling into a group of enemies more than I would have liked, but this doesn't really matter when there are so many checkpoints to restart from. The second and third games improve the gameplay in nearly every way, introducing stealth elements and improving general gun play. Each game is easy to pick up and play, and they're great to sit down for after a long day with the light hearted humour and summer blockbuster movie style set pieces, whether it's fighting from carriage to carriage on a train or hanging onto cargo from the back of a plane above a desert.All in all, these are some of the best games I've played in my 15 plus years of gaming, and in particular the second game, Among Thieves, is a masterpiece which I believe to be the best game that was released for PS3. I would urge anyone on the fence to just go for it and buy this. The games have great replay-ability and can be enjoyed by anyone.For the price, you really won't be disappointed and in hindsight I definitely would be happy to pay full price. Eagerly awaiting May 10th for the fourth and final instalment of the series.
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I'd like to start by saying this collection is the first time I've ever played uncharted but after playing the last of us remastered I had a lot of faith in naughty dog to pull through and they did.Drake's fortune: this game has a great story with interesting character's I played through it in one day I found it slightly repetitive and the enemy deaths were a bit ridiculous as well as the blood spatter but hey it was made in 2007.Among thieves: this game is easily the best of the three, the graphics, combat, story and visual effects are all bumped up to the Max in this game it compares with most ps4 games on a graphical level and is far more fun than most other games.The story is just amazing and yet again more characters which are just as entertaining.Drake's deception: now this game is probably the weakest of the three but I'd still give it an 8/10,The graphics are truly amazing especially in the desert. The story is boring for the first few hours but eventually gets entertaining the villians in this game aren't really interesting the whole time you just want to look at them or care about the words coming out of their mouths. The combat is an improvement but is let down by the intelligence of the AI, you can be there punching an enemy while his ally stands and waits for you to finish. I still had a lot of fun playing this game and j think despite the fact it's not as good as the second game it holds its own.Overall some of the best games I've ever played and I can't wait for uncharted 4 it looks amazing!
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Having switched to the Xbox after the PS2 I had heard whisperings of these great games from the developer of Jak & Daxter.Friends who had PS3s spoke enthusiastically about the Indiana Jones style story, great action, memorable characters and genuine humour. Obviously I rejected all this as fan boy hype and fell back into the comfort of Halo and Gears of War...Fast forward to the present day and having made the choice of PS4 over Xbox One I was now ready to dive into this Uncharted series and see if the fuss had any substance...From the opening of Drakes Fortune to the credits rolling in Drakes Deception I can honestly say I have never had so much fun with a trilogy. Beautiful locations,fantastic characters, fascinating story, well written script, this has all the hallmarks of a Hollywood blockbuster with the added bonus that you're in it... Some of the set pieces in these games are truly jaw dropping and ones I know I'll recall fondly in the years to come (in particular the opening scene from 'Among Thieves' is stunning) as I do with scenes from certain films.I could continue to waffle on about this part and that part but it would take away the experience from anyone new to the trilogy.There are some minor glitches and questionable AI now and again but never did it distract from the absolute thrill ride and smile I had while playing......now onto this other game I've heard so much about from Naughty Dog...
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Firstly, I should mention that I have come to the Uncharted series fairly recently with my first stop being Uncharted 4. I love that game so had to get the rest. So far I am finding them quite different. I guess this is inevitable in a way as they were originally developed for a less advanced console, but the first game seems to be very string on action and shooting and relatively thin on the other aspects which made Uncharted 4 so good.The controls and camera angles on these games can be a bit bizarre at times in my view. In Uncharted 4 the camera stayed behind you pretty much all the time whilst you were playing.In these ones the camera will autoadjust to the angle it wants to be at and you need to adjust how you hold the "joystick" buttons to compensate for the change in angle. This means it can be far easier to die by jumping at an incorrect angle and completely missing your target. Also the gun battles just seem to keep coming compared to Uncharted 4. As I say, I personally love the story aspect above constant fighting, particularly when it is so easy to die and you have to go back to the start of the big long battle each time.Good game, and can't be too harsh about a game from several years ago being less developed than a modern one. Just that those who started with Uncharted 4 may find this quite different,
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I bought this game to occupy me during my week off work, where I was stranded at home, and though I had played snippets of the trilogy at a friends house on the PS3, I was not expecting this masterpiece!I was captivated from the first hour of gameplay during the first game from the trilogy. I am a huge fan of third person adventure style platformers such as tomb raider and prince of Persia and this ticked all the same boxes and more - though there are no real fighting combos to boast about - the game surprised me during the gun battles scenes that were plenty.An assortment of weapons were available to collect during the course of the game to suit each persons gaming style but only two could be carried at any one time,so you quick found your favourites!Enemies were always around the corner for a gruelling gun battle after a long slog of jumping ledges and traversing crevaces!The graphics have most definitely improved from what I remember from playing the pre-remastered versions. Well done naughty dog, who bought me delights of my youth like jak&daxter!A must have for any adventure platformers collection and having written this review I have an incling to replay the trilogy in a slightly harder mode now!Happy gaming!
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I bought this game to occupy me during my week off work, where I was stranded at home, and though I had played snippets of the trilogy at a friends house on the PS3, I was not expecting this masterpiece!I was captivated from the first hour of gameplay during the first game from the trilogy. I am a huge fan of third person adventure style platformers such as tomb raider and prince of Persia and this ticked all the same boxes and more - though there are no real fighting combos to boast about - the game surprised me during the gun battles scenes that were plenty.An assortment of weapons were available to collect during the course of the game to suit each persons gaming style but only two could be carried at any one time,so you quick found your favourites!Enemies were always around the corner for a gruelling gun battle after a long slog of jumping ledges and traversing crevaces!The graphics have most definitely improved from what I remember from playing the pre-remastered versions. Well done naughty dog, who bought me delights of my youth like jak&!A must have for any adventure platformers collection and having written this review I have an incling to replay the trilogy in a slightly harder mode now!Happy gaming!
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Totally Awesome! this how remasters are supposed to be addressed now we can get too see and experience the iconic uncharted series in all its detailed glorious splendour the way the developer had always imagined it. Its like a master painter finally been given the correct tools to finish there picture, even to this day these wonderful games have aged so well that they are still befitting to add to any ps4 collection and if your new to this franchise your gonna be in for a treat and get to experience a legend, and if your old school like myself then I suggest you put your hands in your pocket and purchase this collection so you can experience uncharted the way it was meant to be.Can you imagine if these 3 games were built from the ground up for ps4 with the uncharted 4 graphics engine!!dammmmmmmmmmmm. Hopefully other remasters will take note on how to do remasters properly so well done sony for hiring blue point to handle there best franchises.
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It's a win win really...3 games rolled into 1, with remastered graphics on the next gen console. I'm not sure I would bother buying it if I had already played them, but this is my first time playing Uncharted and I'm fairly impressed by what I've played so far. The graphics are good and I think the story line is unique and more thoughtful than many other campaigns available, although I'm only halfway through the first one so far. The campaign so far does seem a bit tedious at times, quite often fighting off endless enemies, searching for ammo and then moving to the next place. I think I would have preferred a bit less shooting and a bit more exploring,to be honest the back story is so strong that it doesn't need endless amounts of enemies to make it a good game, I would be perfectly happy playing it through without any conflict involved. I will continue with the campaign and hope it carries on as it has started off.
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With the upcoming release of Uncharted 4, the Nathan Drake Collection is a must-have for those who want to relive the whole Uncharted series.However, that being said, I did find the controls and camera angles on Uncharted 1 (Drake's Fortune) to be painfully awkward, which just made me want to speed through it in order to end the suffering. Things picked up in Uncharted 2 (Among Thieves), thankfully and it's easy to forgive the first game. There is a speed run option that allows you to continually speed run through all three games, with an achievement for completing it within 8 hours(?) - I believe, I may and probably will be wrong on this.All-in-all, the visuals are great and the story is really interesting,though there are some incredibly dull parts you just have to endure. Generally, it's really entertaining. Would recommend for fans of the series or anyone looking for a good campaign.
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Having played all three games on the PS3, I was eager to revisit them on PS4. If you're expecting anything new in gameplay, you'll be disappointed. Apart from some new trophies to earn, and a timed play-through mode, there's nothing new apart from sharper PS4 graphics. That said, I am thoroughly enjoying playing through the games again. To those who don't know, they are a mix of combat, adventure and puzzle-solving. All presented with a good chunk of humour. A bit like Tomb Raider, but with more variety to the gameplay. If you are really after something new, then perhaps it's best to wait for the up coming release of Uncharted 4, but if, like me, you want to enjoy your favourite PS3 games again,don't hesitate. If you never saw the games on PS3, then getting all three for the price of one really is a no-brainer. This series of games defined the PS3. I defy you not to enjoy playing them.
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