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For Trendglas Glass Kettle 1.75L, 56 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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"Ok...I confess!!!!(under much protest). I am quintessentially unashamedly unreservedly, hopelessly addicted to Amazon!.That "iiiiiiiiiit's XMAS!!!!" explosive feeling gets me each and every time as, the suspect looking vans teasingly crawl the house numbers in my, 'lady and the tramp' looking tree lined suburban habitat. YES!!!! The delivery van has teasingly crawled up and halted outside MY house! I am the chosen one!. Please note, (I also feel equally deflated when the Amazon parcel is actually for someone else in the home.)...chocolate, (lots), and a good cry may cushion the cold cruel blow of disappointment. Yeah, it sucks! Moving on swiftly....As a 'mad women possessed'I dash to swing open the front door. My eyes and arms eagerly fixing themselves to the correct looking structure of parcel, as my mouth zealously releases the words, "flat 210"?.... with the anticipation of yep! I quickly prize my Amazon Jewel away from the now, useless delivery person. 'I know...(I really do have to work on this character defect).THE FRANTIC UNWRAPPING OF MY AMAZON JEWEL. After having read ALL reviews available on the Internet. (not just Amazon) plus I did my research surrounding the BOSILLICATE GLASS KETTLE, here is my complete review.You will read reviews that state:1.The kettle is more like a teapot or as a ornament and not suitable as a kettle.2. The handle gets too hot.3. The arse has blown out of it and is a risk hazard in the kitchen ie, IT'S INSAFE!.4. The lids fallen off and smashed! "IRREPLACEABLE!.5. It gets a white lime scale coating and I have to use a scourer to make it shiny and clear.6. After several months it exploded!.7. I filled the kettle with cold tap water directly after having boiled water in the kettle and it cracked and broke!.SOLUTION TIME GUYS!!!.This kettle IS fully authentic valid and functions as highly as expected when you purchased. It will last you and serve you well IF (and that's a BIG IF), If you educate yourself in the facts surrounding the 'effects of heat distributared in glassware' prior to,... 'I know how to do it mode' kicks in, (Google and read. You will learn 'HOW TO USE' your AMAZING BOSILLICATE GLASS KETTLE.)How many times have you immediately poured cold water straight into high temperature heated COLD OR ROOM TEMP EMPTY GLASS, and it smashed!!!. Enough said.1. DO NOT place cold water into the glass kettle immediately after you have used it to boil water. The extreme contrast in temperature will cause a shock reaction and the glass kettle will break.2. DO NOT place a empty or cold fluid filled GLASS kettle on a HOT surface. The extreme contrast in heat will cause a shock reaction and the glass kettle will break.The handle gets too hot!....Place your filled glass kettle on your cold stove top making sure the base of your glass kettle fits the stove plate/ring. The handle should be over the heating element to avoid exposure to direct heat. Once you have achieved this your hot handle problem IS resolved.3. You're glass kettle has just had its arse blown out when I immediately refilled it after use. DO NOT subject your glass kettle to EXTREME TEMPERATURES. Do not put cold water in a hot empty kettle and DO not put boiling hot water in a empty cold kettle. If you stick to this your glass kettle will not shatter or break.4. Do keep your finger on the glass kettle lid as you pour. Common sense.5. White lime scale WILL build up eventually as the water that comes from our taps produces this relatively harmless chemical reaction as it boils and separates forming lime scale. Try a natural cleaning method using white vinegar or you can use shop bought descalers. Shop around for the most Eco and health friendly options. The least synthetic chemicals we present to ourselves, all the better for us. DO NOT use a scourer on your glass kettle. Glass is still a material and all materials are subject to wear and tear! Souring is an abrasive action that will weaken the action of the toughened BOSILLICATE glass. Makes sense? Not sure? Google it.It is safe to use normal household detergents to clean your kettle but make sure it is thoroughly rinsed out of any remaining residual cleaning products. NEVER INTRODUCE YOUR GLASS KETTLE TO ANY ABRASIVE MATERIALS.6. So your glass kettle exploded or shattered after several months of use?. This will be a direct result of use of abrasive cleaning materials such as scourers!7. Cloudy boiled water? This is due to a 'natural chemical process and reaction of water when boiling. Just think of it as calcium! That's right! CALCIUM! I personally welcome this and it is what is prevalent in the lime scale as discussed earlier!Well, I think I've covered all the reviews on here for now and I wish you all fantastic benefits from your BOSILLICATE glass kettle! I'm off to make another addictive cup of smooth tasting and velvety textured coffee in my 'AMAZING BOSILLICATE AMAZON JEWEL!.
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This is a beautiful kettle made to a high standard, there is no debate on that front. I have given it 5 stars because we do love it. As I said, it is very pleasing to the eye. There is some white small print on the glass reminding of proper use. I would have preferred it without but do get why it's been put there.So, aside from that, our experience of this kettle over the past few weeks of purchase have been pretty good. We've noticed that drinks made with the water boiled in this kettle are the cleanest, most velvety tasting cups of whatever hot drink we've made, ever! And that's using filtered water (as we always do) and living in a very hard water area.No metallic aftertaste that we've had from previous glass electric kettles that all have a steel hotplate,no plastic poisons seeping in from the lid, so it's more than a 5 star on that front; be aware though, that your cupper will take longer before you can make it compared to what you would have experienced with an electric kettle. That's going by use on a ceramic hob.The kettle is lightweight too even when full though it's important to remember to hold the lid whilst pouring as it can suddenly come off when pouring the last bits of water.There are some questions that have come up about this kettle that we've not gottrn the answer to yet and as a result, have left us using some creative interventions until such a time that we are wiser. Referring to the white print on the kettle there is a bit which states "avoid rapid cooling". Although we understand this, it is a bit of a nuisance or maybe it's going to take some more time getting used to? If you're boiling the kettle for a family it soon becomes empty so there have been many times when more boiled water has been needed...so what do you do? We've been boiling the kettle when we don't need it and then pouring the boiled water into a glass flask and storing it in there. Yes, there is a plastic lid which is why we wanted a glass kettle to avoid plastic as well so we've been putting unbleached baking paper between the lid and the opening of the flask. I said it was creative. The question is, is it really going to weaken the glass and cause potential damage if we boil the kettle and then immediately refill with room temp water to boil again??? So far this is a process we aren't really enjoying. But, until we get an answer, we want to make sure we remain within the warranty.The other thing is that living in a hard water area and using filtered water, we are still getting limescale buildup on the inside of the kettle. It has been needing to be cleaned on a daily basis but this only happened after a few days of use before it became noticeable. Now it happens every day. We've used a non scratch scourer to get rid of it but will be looking into citric acid powder as we used that on our previous electric glass kettle and it worked a treat and it's natural!Despite the adaptions we've had to make, we still would never go back to an electric glass with metal, metal or plastic kettle ever! Once you taste a cupper like this, it just tastes horrible any other way!So, that's all I can report following a few weeks of use in a busy household. Hope it's been of some use. :)
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This is my second try. The first one cracked at the base. Not sure why but my theory is that the base exterior can’t be wet when heating and you can’t scrub the inside with the green part of the dish sponge. With the new one that customer service kindly sent me free of charge and expedited delivery, I’m now wiping the base each time before putting to boil, washing often like I would a normal glass dish with the soft sponge as the lime scale builds up. I leave soapy water inside it sometimes and then rinse before using. I have accidentally left it to burn out and it’s still fine. I just let it cool to room temp. But now there’s limescale on the inside that won’t come off with the soft sponge which is irritating to look at but it still does the job.Please can the team design a whistle to go with it. Other tips: hold the lid when poring, don’t let the temperature change quickly, don’t let it burn out. The kettle comes well Packaged. The main reason for purchase was because it’s glass so completely plastic free, all other stainless steel kettles I found had some form of plastic eg the water level or inner lid. Also I couldn’t be sure of the quality of stainless steel kettles and what was mixed with them ie nickel. Whereas glass doesn’t leech so it’s worth the risk taking extra care trying not the break this kettle and knowing no plastics or metal is heated with the water. I used a berkey water filter with mine and bought a separate hob but have used on my ceramic kitchen hob.UPDATEManaged to clean the kettle with Kilrock, looks new! See the video.
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I thought I'd have to spend loads on getting a healthy non-toxic kettle but this does the job and it pretty cheap.Works great - I've had it a few months and now issues with it cracking like other reviewers have claimed. I have a glass-top stove and it works great - I usually just put in a small amount of water (as i usually only need a mugs worth) and turned the hob to max. It boils in a couple of minutes. I have a silicon pan stand that I place it on to cool down - you shouldn't put it on anything cold/metal when it's hot and don't put it straight on a hot hob with cold water in it. Put it on a cold hob and let it heat up once it's on there.This will reduce the risk of cracking due to temperature changes.You do have to hold the lid on when pouring, a bit like a teapot.Yes - it will get scaled up just like any other kettle if you're in a hard water area but it's easy to clean with vinegar. I did have a particularly tough white patch appear on the bottom that wouldn't come off with vinegar (not sure why - i thnk maybe there was something on the hob that got baked into it?!) but i used 'the pink stuff' paste and gently rubbed with a soft cloth and it came off easily.Only thing I don't like is the white warning text on both sides - seems like overkill and they could have placed it somewhere a bit more inconspicuous like above the handle. But then I guess they want to cover themselves in case people use it incorrectly! If it wasn't for that I'd give it 5 stars.
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This is an excellent answer to the problem of plastic and metal chemicals leaching out of your kettle it to your tea. If you drink a lot of tea (like me : I am hardly ever without a cup in hand during the week!) then I dread to think what all those plastic chemicals have been doing to me over the last couple of years that I have been drip feeding them to myself from my plastic kettle. I wish I had thought about this earlier - You might think that we are exposed to so much plastic anyway, but boiling water in plastic is probably the worst thing to do and the idea is to reduce the load on myself rather than to try to eliminate plastic exposure altogether which is nigh impossible to do in today’s world.Of course not all is perfect - it takes a lot longer to heat up water,the lid can fall off quite easily when pouring (see photo for my solution to this: string!), and the biggest problem is getting used to knowing when it is safe to refill with cold water - you certainly don’t want to refill it when it has just finished boiling some water as even borosilicate glass will crack. But at least now I have peace of mind when drinking my tea - which seems to me worth the extra hassle!
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One of a very few kettles that do not bring metal into contact with the water, vital if wanting to avoid nickle intake (nickle comes from stainless steel and messes up the body - ie Hulda Clark).If you pour, the lid can fall off, which is a scare, so I keep a finger on the lid when pouring. The ball on lid is surprisingly cool, even though kettle has just boiled.No whistle so have to stay by the stove when boiling water. I messed up one time and left the kettle on the electric stove for about 2-3hrs (gulp). The water boiled dry and the glass was pretty hot... BUT not broken. I let it cool down and had to clear the limescale at bottom but it was bright as new afterwards. So, it was not the end of the world.A good kettle, therefore and I am glad I bought it.
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I could not resist this unusual Glass KettleA little dear for what it does, but I'm not complaining.It was recommended on Amazon you use a diffuser with this, so I bought a thick one, then I bought a thin oneThey both proved a waste of moneyThe actual makers say it should be used with a hotplate not smaller than the vesselI do not use mine to actually 'boil' waterIt is placed nearly full on a small gas flame where it stays until I have eaten, after which it is hot enough to wash my dishes, simple


I was given one of these for Christmas. At first I was a bit nervous of using something made wholly of glass on a stove top, but six weeks on all is well and there are no signs of the problems which have befallen some users.I do agree with the comment about the handle getting very hot, but that was true of many of the older style kettles used on hobs. Solution: a pot holder! That said, I would have preferred a heat-resistant handle, which is why I've taken one star off the rating.


An excellent product which arrived very well packaged and in good time. I use it everyday on a gas cooker and have found no problems with it. It is much stronger than it appears as I have accident dropped it more than once and it remained intact! I would not however recommend that anyone should drop it as it is glass and the results may not be the same. I'm very happy that I purchased it.


Great. But I think this works best for a ceramic hob. Brilliant. I even boiled it dry for about 40 minutes, I forgot about it. It would be perfect if it whistled. But I suppose I could make that happen if I added something.This is very strong, I haven't boiled it on flames only on ceramic hob, but I'm impressed it survived such mistreatment.


Love my little glass kettle, heats up in no time on my gas hob and as long as you stop the gas when its boils the handle and the lid are easily held without using a tea towel to pour. Love it and I'm confident that I'm not drinking any absorbed plastic in my lovely distilled water . Thank you for my gorgeous little glass kettle. X


Love this kettle! Bought it in November last year and haven't had any issues outside making sure to hold the lid down when pouring water from the kettle and unfortunately for me my brother forgot to hold the lid down and it fell and broke. It's stylish, easy to wash and light. I would buy again and recommend it.


Absolutely love this kettle! It's so nice to have something plastic, wire, aluminium etc free, so that you can have peace of mind that nothing is leaking into your water. Beautiful design, lightweight, can touch the handle after water is boiled with ease. Just be careful with lid, touch the round top part only.


Love this kettle, strong, clean and boils water quickly amd efficiently!Strong glass used, ive put tea bags inside which it says not to and its working fine for now! Nice to watch as its boiling!You have to hold the lid, which never gets hot, when pouring the last bit but thats no problem at all!


A great option for anyone trying to avoid metal in their cup of tea. We bought a heating element to go underneath as well. It's a bit thin but then it boils quickly, if it was thick glass it probably wouldn't. Deserves 5 stars.

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