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The Resistance is one of the best games I have played and I play a lot of them, what makes it so good is that most games require often clunky mechanics or rules to force something that should be natural. In the resistance there are not many mechanics and instead human nature kicks in and makes it very interesting for those who play games all the time and those who never play games.The game is fast paced and fun, it can have people rolling on the floor laughing, on your knees pleading with someone to make the right choice and in some games shouting at people calling them liars.....It is fun when you start and if you keep the same players over time you see tactics and more depth to the game thenyou would imagine but is also inviting to new players and easy to pick up.I think a real test for the game was when my partner had a birthday party and near the end of the evening when the numbers dwindled to about 9 she came in with Resistance. I tried to put it away as it was my geeky side that i did not want everyone at the party to see. I lost the fight and was forced to setup (which takes about 1 minute) and start to explain the rules, I was using words that are in the rules like "Go on missions" "pass or fail a mission" "Squad leader" the girls were just laughing and saying how geeky the game was. I quickly wrapped up and said it was Cluedo but in teams and started the game.Within a minute or two everyone started to realise the game was not about the mechanics or using the playing cards or little gun tokens but human interaction, working as a team and lots and lots of lying. Some of the girls were shouting at each other "you’re the bad guy" - "No you must be" Others instantly started talking to each other, "Who do you think is telling the truth?" and coming up with plans of who they would send on missions and trying to find out who was good or bad.That is the genius of the game, most people know how to speak one another, try and get their point across, read body language and emotion. That is the main part of the game and only once you have played a lot more you realise the little mechanics in the game will help you but not break you.I would and have played this game, with hard-core geeky nerds, normal members of society and my family and every time it has been fun and different.Buy this game!
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The Resistance is the perfect gateway game for introducing to non-gamers at parties and such. You know those people that pull a face when you suggest you play a game over some drinks? I tell them 'try this out, it takes fifteen minutes and if you don't like it I'll never ask you to play a game again'. I never brought it to a table and not had everyone ask for another round. People sidle up to you days later 'what was that game we played? The one with the spies and that? Aye, that was really good, I'd like to play that again....'The Resistance has a great hook. Before you start to explain the rules, you hand everyone a card. If it's a red card, they are a spy. If you are a spy,you have to keep it secret from the other players. You are here to sabotage the group without getting caught. Everyone's looking at each other. Who are the spies? The spies are sweating and looking about thinking 'omg they all know. THEY KNOW. Try to look innocent, casual. But don't look like you're trying to look innocent!'. The players don't even know how to play the game, but they are already emotionally invested. Genius.A game of deduction, keeping a poker face, reading body language. Paranoia. Distrust. Betrayal. I once played when I was a spy and I convinced my girlfriend I was innocent. She was so convinced that she was passionately arguing my innocence to the table of sceptics around me. When the spies won the game and it was revealed I was a spy all along, the look of betrayal on her face made me wonder if I had actually done some damage to my relationship. It was brilliant :)I've played a ten player game where everyone was drunk. Ten people yelling accusations at each other. Total chaos. 'OF COURSE HE'S A SPY! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT A SPY WOULD SAY!!!'. Great fun.I've played quiet, tense five player games. Everyone racking their brains. Just staring at each other, holding their breaths. Great fun.This is a total classic game. It's very cheap. If you have any interest at all, toss the dumb party games you bought in the supermarket into the bin and grab this.
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It can not be overstated this game is amazing, but be prepared to lose friends.The concept of the game is simple, there are a certain number of players and within that number of players there are some loyal resistance and some spies. You play up to 5 rounds, best of 3, and if 3 missions pass then the resistance win and if 3 missions fail then the spies win. I won't go into huge detail but the game play is simple in its premise but leads to very complicated lies being webbed.You can play with 5 players and until recently I would have advised against it, but actually it lead to some very interesting games, I would still say that 6 players or more is best. I have now played this game with virtually every number of possible players,the more there are the more difficult it becomes for the resistance.It is a game that works well for every type of player, if you have a good poker face and can lie through your teeth, then you will make an excellent spy, if you are logical and good at spotting when someone is lying or not playing their "usual" game then you will make a great resistance member.Be warned this game can get quite heated and has caused a number of arguments and a couple of screaming matches when mixed with sufficient alcohol!
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Just to frame this review in the right context - I play board games only occasionally and had never played a 'social deduction' game prior to this. I spent a week skiing as part of a group of 10 and a selection of games were present, including Exploding Kittens, CAH and Resistance. All are great games in their own different way and in their own right, but Resistance was nothing short of fantastic. We played in the region of a dozen games with anything from 6 to 10 people playing at any one time. I felt a depth of emotions playing which I never thought a simple game would bring about in me. It was intense and fantastic fun. The final game will live long in my memory...it was the only game in which the resistance actually won and we won it in the final round and the release of energy at the end was just awesome.Calling this a 'board' game doesn't really do it justice. It will appeal to a wide demographic of people including those who turn their nose up at games usually. Our group for the week was a mixture of people, and not everyone present knew everyone else prior to the trip. I would go as far as saying that this game played a significant role in helping new friendships build and develop as quickly as they did.
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Absolutely love this game. We're big on board games in our house but this is by far the best one we own. You'd think it had only a little replay value as it's the same thing over and over but we play this for hours on end and don't get bored. So there are usually 5 of us playing, sometimes 6, with 2 spies in our group, the aim of the game for the spies is to be picked to go on missions which will then ultimately fail (everyone has a succeed and fail card when going on missions, which are revealed at random so you don't know who puts the fail card down), and the aim of everyone else is to try to figure out who the spies are to avoid bringing them along as you want your missions to succeed!First group (spies or otherwise) with 3 successes wins!! It's such good fun trying to work out who the spy is, and even more fun when you're the spy trying not to get caught!! The more you play the better you get at hiding you being the spy, and you really put your trust in your family members only for them to let you down !!! It's such a good laugh, but you won't ever trust your family/friends again....!!!
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This game is a lot of fun among friends and family, especially if you're a competitive bunch. It's all about working out who's a spy, who's trying to cover their tracks and who's a team player. There's a lot of accusations and mistrust involved.It's not really a 'board game', in that there's not much of a board - the cards and counters keep track of the game perfectly, and most of the action is around the table, in the social interaction that the game encourages. The components are really good quality though - I hear the new round/score tracker is much simplified over the first edition. The box is small too, so it's easily transportable.The minimum amount of players is five - any less and it just isn't possible to have a band of resistance fighters and a spy,without it being obvious who's who. You can have up to ten players though, so it's ideal for parties and large family gatherings. And games usually last between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on how good the saboteurs are.
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Got this game after watching a youtube review from Will Wheaton and seeing the good reviews on here. Not disappointed at all! This is a brilliant little game. Fantastic for group gatherings. We got this a few days ago and have played several games every night with different groups of people each time and it has been a huge hit. Simple to learn, extremely fun to play, and the short game length means it can be played quickly as a filler or multiple times in the same session. I'm not sure if who you play with is important or not. Personally I've played with family and friends who are all up for a laugh and able to point the finger (literally) at people they think are spies. That is what the game is all about,the social interaction is fantastic. You will have to decide whether the groups you would play with would be able to be so confrontational with each other. But it is all friendly fun. This game is excellent and I highly recommend it.
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The Resistance is a highly entertaining game. Although playable with 5, in my experience it is best enjoyed with 7 or more participants.I found the game to be more enjoyable when using the optional plot cards, which increase the game's complexity and variability.This latest version introduces chip coins of various sizes in place of cards for voting, team selection and keeping score. I found this change to be an improvement as in earlier versions it was a little too easy to muddle together cards of different types. With larger number of players the table can get quite cluttered and it is easier to follow what is going on in this version.As with previous versions of the game,the cards are still a little susceptible to getting worn or damaged over time. If player or mission cards become visibly damaged this can ruin things, as it compromises the secrecy of the game.
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Absolutely brilliant game in the right group.....The group I played this with is full of people that love nothing more than to backstab each other and lie to each others faces. We're good at it too. Over the course of a weekend we must have played this over a dozen times. Best in a large group, especially if those people know each other very well.The base game is a little over balanced and makes it very hard for the resistance to win. The expansion (which comes in the box) tries to balance it out a bit and probably pushes it just a bit too much in the other direction. A great game, definitely one we will break out again and again.


I picked this up with the intention of playing it at the pub with my board game group, but it hasn't quite made it there yet. My family and visitors have been too busy playing it! It's a massive amount of fun, and can create lots of tense moments as the spies try to create enough trust in themselves to bring down the resistance.The components are very nice quality, on thick high quality card, and the seem like they will last a good amount of time. Highly recomended for fans of social board games or even thos who just want something to make for a lively evening!


Fantastic game for a larger group of people (5-10 players). It is based on your ability to deduce and deceive, to convince other people you're telling the truth and to determine who's lying. I love this game because it's based on talking and interaction, which is different to other games where you spend a lot of time sitting silently and thinking to yourself. Highly recommend it. The new scenario cards they've added in to this 2nd Edition add a new dimension to the game too, although it's possible to play the original version without them too.


I bought this for my husband as a Christmas gift because he and his colleagues had fun playing it, at his work Christmas party. Generally I try and avoid board games in general because they always lead to fights. We started playing this on Christmas day and again several times since. It's highly well thought out by the makers, so even though the same people in our family have been playing it again and again, it doesn't get boring. The suspicion that is created is very funny. I highly recommend this game.


You will question your close relationships. Everyone is lying all of the time, or are they? Takes a few games to really understand what is going on. The first time I played I had no idea what just happened, my world view was challenged. My wife was a spy but she conviced me we were both resistance. I saw her in a new light that day.Very easy to set up and play. Lots of fun but can get quite intense. Need a table really but can be played without. 5-7 players is about right but have played with 10.


I love this game - I LOVE IT! Wasy to get even non-gamers into, great at parties, a really good way to break the ice - the only problem is that you need 5 or more players, so there needs to be a fair crowd.I've found with a new group it's best for me to sit out for a round to guide everyone through, and also leave out the plot cards - this helps everyone understand the way that missions work and lets them ask me questions. It only takes a single round before they're fully into the game!


but a good tabletop session to be had with. I haven't played it with the max amount of players yet so I haven't been able to give the game a proper run through but from what I and my friends have played of it, it was a good laugh causing us all to question the affiliations of one another in a paranoid fashion. I'd recommend it to get out once in a while for a refreshing tabletop session of mistrusting your friends and secretly plotting to overthrow one another.

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